

Intertex - Revision of full-year financial estimates and end-of-term dividend estimates.

Fisco Japan ·  Jul 2 10:26

On the 28th, Intellix <8940> announced the revision of its consolidated performance forecast and year-end dividend forecast for the fiscal year ending in May 2024, which was disclosed on July 14, 2023.

For the full year consolidated performance forecast for the fiscal year ending in May 2024 (June 2023-May 2024), revenue is expected to decrease by 12.0% compared to the previous forecast to 42.702 billion yen, operating profit is expected to increase by 21.0% to 0.931 billion yen, ordinary profit is expected to increase by 66.7% to 0.607 billion yen, net income attributable to parent company shareholders is expected to increase by 67.4% to 0.414 billion yen, and net income per share is revised to 50.04 yen.

During the period, the decrease in purchases due to the selection of carefully chosen items to strengthen the financial structure affected the sales volume, while efforts were made to sell off inventory carried over from the previous period for the sale of properties in the renovation business sector. As a result, the consolidated revenue is expected to be below initial forecasts. On the other hand, in terms of profit, profitability is expected to improve towards the end of the period due to progress in the property replacement, and sales expenses are expected to be below initial forecasts due to a decrease in sales brokerage fees. In addition, both personnel expenses and other costs for general administration expenses are expected to be below initial forecasts. These are the main reasons why the expected operating profit, ordinary profit, and net income attributable to parent company shareholders for the period are all expected to exceed initial forecasts.

Regarding the year-end dividend for the fiscal year ending in May 2024, the per-share amount is revised from the initial forecast of 9 yen to 10 yen, taking into account the upward revision of profits. As a result, the annual dividend forecast for the period is 19 yen per share, with a dividend payout ratio of 38.0% expected.

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