
One Year Later: Group's Childcare Subsidies Benefit Hundreds of Employees

One Year Later: Group's Childcare Subsidies Benefit Hundreds of Employees

PR Newswire ·  09:44
  • Over 540 employees worldwide have benefited from the childcare subsidy since its launch last year.
  • Other family-friendly policies include hybrid work options and assisted reproduction benefits.
  • 自去年啓動以來,全球超過540名員工受益於兒童福利補貼。
  • 其他家庭友好政策包括混合型工作選擇和輔助生殖福利。

SHANGHAI, July 1, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Group is pleased to announce the one-year anniversary of its successful childcare subsidy for its global employees. To support employees in family planning and promote working families, all employees who have been with the company for three years or more receive an annual cash bonus of RMB 10,000 for each newborn child every year. This applies from the child's first birthday until the age of five.


Since its launch in July 2023, the childcare subsidy has benefited 541 employees across Group's offices worldwide till date.


The childcare subsidies come in the form of a cash bonus, and employees are free to decide on what to spend it on. Some employees, such as Peter Song, a market manager in Korea, who expressed his joy at being a working father, shared that his family will be spending it on daily necessities such as milk powder and diapers.

這項福利補貼以現金獎勵的形式提供,員工可以自由決定用途。像市場經理Peter Song一樣的一些員工分享他成爲工作父親時的喜悅,他們將用這筆錢來購買日常必需品,如奶粉和尿布。彼得是韓國的市場經理。他分享到他的家庭會將這筆錢用於購買日常必需品,如奶粉和尿布。

Others such as lsla Fang, a senior financial analyst in China, who found out about her pregnancy in November 2023, shared that the funds would support her child's education: "I hope my children can receive education through collective activity as soon as possible, so they are in a happier and relaxed learning environment. The policies allow this and provide my family with two key things: money and time."

像以色列分析師Isla Fang這樣的其他員工表示,這筆資金將支持她孩子的教育:“我希望我的孩子能儘快通過集體活動接受教育,這樣他們就能在一個更加愉快和放鬆的學習環境中學習。這些政策允許這樣做,併爲我家庭提供兩個關鍵的東西:金錢和時間。”以色列分析師艾斯拉・方。她在2023年11月得知自己懷孕後,表示這筆資金將用於支持她孩子的教育。除了財務支持外,員工們還強調因爲公司文化的支持而感到幸福和放心,該公司鼓勵健康和工作與生活的平衡。

Beyond the financial support, employees also highlighted the sense of happiness and relief at being emotionally supported by a company culture that encourages wellness and a work-life balance.


Selviana Fortunella Santoso, a market executive in Indonesia, was five months pregnant when she found out that she would receive the childcare subsidy, and said it was like receiving a miracle. She was also particularly happy with the company's other family-friendly policies, such as insurance coverage and maternity leave.

"這是我第一次在公司直接體驗到這樣的支持性政策,"日本市場執行長杜信琪說道。"這是一個非常有家庭友好型的環境——甚至可以在放學後把孩子帶到工作場所。我還有支持性的主管和同事,他們充分理解作爲工作父母,在家辦公時,有時可能無法及時回覆信息。" 推銷市場執行長Selviana Fortunella Santoso。當她得知自己將獲得兒童福利補貼時,懷孕五個月的她感到像收到了一個奇蹟。她還特別高興公司的其他家庭友好政策,如保險和產假。

"This is the first time I have directly experienced such a supportive policy in the company," said Xinqi Du, a market executive in Japan. "It's a very family-friendly environment – you can even bring your children to the workplace after school. I also have supportive supervisors and colleagues, who fully understand as a working parent, sometimes I may not be able to reply to messages promptly when working from home."

"這是我第一次在公司直接體驗到這樣的支持性政策,"日本市場執行長杜信琪說道。"這是一個非常有家庭友好型的環境——甚至可以在放學後把孩子帶到工作場所。我還有支持性的主管和同事,他們充分理解作爲工作父母,在家辦公時,有時可能無法及時回覆信息。"Xinqi Du是日本市場執行長。"這是我第一次在公司直接體驗到這樣的支持性政策,"日本市場執行長杜信琪說道。"這是一個非常有家庭友好型的環境——甚至可以在放學後把孩子帶到工作場所。我還有支持性的主管和同事,他們充分理解作爲工作父母,在家辦公時,有時可能無法及時回覆信息。"

Promoting employee wellness through a hybrid work model


As a pro-family company, Group continues to support working parents and care for pregnant employees. In recent years, the Group has implemented family-friendly policies such as hybrid work, company insurance that covers spouses and children, and assisted reproduction benefits such as egg freezing.


This year, Group also celebrates its two-year-anniversary of successfully introducing hybrid working for employees, a work model which officially launched in March 2022. The global group was the first internet company in China to implement such a scheme, offering employees the choice to work remotely on certain days of the week.


The policy has now been expanded to all of Group's global offices across selected business lines. It aims to improve employee satisfaction, contribute to family care and the promotion of work-life balance, and even help to reduce traffic congestion in cities across the world.


Working from home has become standard for many employees around the world. Yet, some continue to argue over the effects of hybrid working on employees and firms, and that it detracts from productivity, innovation and career development. There is, however, published research that shows otherwise. In a six-month randomised control trial investigating the effects of hybrid working from home on 1,612 Group employees in 2021–2022, it found that hybrid working improved job satisfaction and quality of life.


Hybrid work was especially welcomed by female employees and those with long commutes. Moreover, there was no evidence to show that hybrid working affected performance grades over the next two years of reviews, and no evidence for a difference in promotions over the next two years overall, or any major employee subgroup.


Going forward, Group will continue to find new ways to support employee wellness, help employees in family planning, and promote working families with inclusive initiatives.


About Group

關於攜程網集團 Group is a leading global travel service provider comprising of, Ctrip, Skyscanner, and Qunar. Across its platforms, Group helps travellers around the world make informed and cost-effective bookings for travel products and services and enables partners to connect their offerings with users through the aggregation of comprehensive travel-related content and resources, and an advanced transaction platform consisting of apps, websites and 24/7 customer service centres. Founded in 1999 and listed on NASDAQ in 2003 and HKEX in 2021, Group has become one of the best-known travel groups in the world, with the mission "to pursue the perfect trip for a better world". Find out more about Group here:

攜程網集團是一家領先的全球旅遊服務提供商,包括、攜程、Skyscanner和去哪兒。在其平台上,攜程網集團幫助全球旅行者進行信息查詢並進行高性價比預訂,並通過綜合旅遊相關內容和資源的聚合以及由應用、網站和24/7客服中心組成的先進交易平台,使合作伙伴能將其產品與用戶相連接。成立於1999年,2003年在納斯達克上市,2021年在香港交易所上市,攜程網集團已成爲世界知名的旅遊集團之一,其使命是“追求佳途,構築美好世界”。 在這裏了解更多攜程網集團。

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