
Lucinity's AI Copilot Wins Innovation in Financial Crime Prevention at ICA Compliance Awards 2024

Lucinity's AI Copilot Wins Innovation in Financial Crime Prevention at ICA Compliance Awards 2024

PR Newswire ·  01:24

REYKJAVIK, Iceland , July 1, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Lucinity has received the 2024 ICA Award for Innovation in Financial Crime Prevention, recognizing its exceptional AI innovations, including the Luci copilot. The ICA Compliance Awards celebrate excellence in compliance and financial crime prevention, and Lucinity's Generative AI copilot, Luci, stood out for its significant impact on operational efficiency.

冰島雷克雅未克,2024 年 7 月 1 日 /PRNewswire/ — Lucinity 獲得了 2024 年 ICA 金融犯罪預防創新獎,以表彰其卓越的人工智能創新,包括 露西副駕駛。ICA合規獎旨在表彰在合規和金融犯罪預防方面的卓越表現,Lucinity的生成式人工智能副駕駛Luci因其對運營效率的重大影響而脫穎而出。

Luci, launched in 2023, transforms complex financial data into actionable insights using generative AI. It reduces case investigation times from an average of three hours to just 30 minutes, resulting in substantial cost savings. A Tier 1 bank can potentially save up to $36 million annually in training and recruitment costs and boost productivity by $100 million yearly.

Luci 於 2023 年推出,使用生成式 AI 將複雜的財務數據轉換爲切實可行的見解。它將案例調查時間從平均三小時縮短到僅 30 分鐘,從而節省了大量成本。一家一級銀行每年可以節省高達3,600萬美元的培訓和招聘成本,並每年將生產力提高1億美元。

Luci includes out-of-the-box skills such as case summarization, business validation, adverse media and negative news searches, money flow visualizations, transaction summaries, writing and sending requests for information (RFI), generating Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs), and address checks. These features allow compliance teams to shift their focus from manual tasks to higher-level decision-making.

Luci 包括開箱即用的技能,例如案例總結、業務驗證、負面媒體和負面新聞搜索、資金流可視化、交易摘要、撰寫和發送信息請求 (RFI)、生成可疑活動報告 (SAR) 以及地址檢查。這些功能允許合規團隊將工作重點從手動任務轉移到更高層次的決策上。

To further enhance its offerings, Lucinity recently launched the Luci plugin, enabling seamless integration with any web-based application. The plugin is platform agnostic, allowing it to be incorporated into various tech stacks, including case management systems and CRMs. Financial institutions can immediately benefit from AI and automation, leading to a more efficient and consistent workforce and productivity boosts of up to 90%.

爲了進一步增強其產品和服務,Lucinity 最近推出了 Luci 插件,可與任何基於 Web 的應用程序無縫集成。該插件與平台無關,可以將其整合到各種技術堆棧中,包括案例管理系統和CRM。金融機構可以立即受益於人工智能和自動化,從而提高員工隊伍的效率和穩定性,生產力提高多達90%。

Lucinity continues to ensure maximum security and responsible AI development through its integration with Microsoft's OpenAI on Azure. Lucinity also recently launched the Luci Studio where users can customize their AI copilots in a no-code, drag-and-drop user interface, providing full explainability for the actions that AI takes.

Lucinity通過在Azure上與微軟的OpenAI集成,繼續確保最大的安全性和負責任的人工智能開發。Lucinity 最近還推出了 Luci Studio,用戶可以在無代碼、拖放式的用戶界面中自定義 AI 副駕駛,從而爲人工智能採取的操作提供全面的可解釋性。

Founder and CEO of Lucinity, Guðmundur Kristjánsson, expressed his gratitude, stating, "2023 and 2024 have been transformative years for Lucinity. With seven large banks now requesting to trial Luci and widespread interest in our AI copilot, we've received numerous accolades and media attention. Luci is proving to be an essential tool in financial crime operations."

Lucinity的創始人兼首席執行官古茲蒙杜爾·克里斯蒂安森表示感謝,他說:“對於Lucinity來說,2023年和2024年是變革的年份。現在有七家大型銀行要求試用 Luci,而且我們的人工智能副駕駛也引起了廣泛興趣,我們獲得了無數讚譽和媒體關注。事實證明,Luci是金融犯罪活動的必備工具。”

This award follows several other achievements by Lucinity in 2024, such as the inclusion in the Fintech100 list, winning the Microsoft Partner of the Year Awards, and acknowledgment in Chartis Research's FinCrime and Compliance 50 Ranking for 2024.

該獎項是繼Lucinity在2024年取得的其他幾項成就之後獲得的,例如 被列入 Fintech100 名單,贏了 微軟年度合作伙伴獎,並致謝 Chartis Research 的《金融犯罪與合規性 50》排名 適用於 2024 年。

The full list of winners for the ICA Compliance Awards 2024 can be found here.

可以找到 2024 年 ICA 合規獎的完整獲獎者名單 這裏

Celina Pablo
[email protected]
+354 792 4321

+354 792 4321



SOURCE Lucinity

來源 Lucinity

