
Why Complete Solaria Stock Is Rising

Why Complete Solaria Stock Is Rising

爲什麼Complete Solaria的股票正在上漲
Benzinga ·  07/01 23:51

Complete Solaria, Inc. (NASDAQ:CSLR) shares are trading higher Monday after the company announced it has eliminated $67.6 million of its private equity debt.

Complete Solaria, Inc. (NASDAQ: CSLR)股票週一盤中漲勢強勁,因公司宣佈已經清償了6760萬美元的股權投資債務。

The Details:


Complete Solaria announced it had canceled $67.6 million in debt from its balance sheet and been released from its obligations under that debt by its two private equity providers, Carlyle and Kline Hill Partners.

Complete Solaria宣佈已經取消了賬面上的6760萬美元的負債,並通過其兩個股權投資提供商Carlyle和Kline Hill Partners獲得了從債務中解放出來的權力。

On May 15, 2024, the company announced that it had signed an agreement with Carlyle to set aside all of its financial claims in return for $10 million in cash. Complete Solaria announced an equivalent deal with Kline Hill Partners for $8 million Monday.

2024年5月15日,該公司宣佈已經與Carlyle簽署協議,放棄了其所有的財務債權,以換取1000萬美元的現金。週一,Complete Solaria還與Kline Hill Partners達成了價值800萬美元的相同協議。

The company also announced the investment by T.J. Rodgers has been increased from $10 million to $18 million to fund both private equity settlement deals.

該公司還宣佈,T.J. Rodgers的投資已經從1000萬美元增加到了1800萬美元,用來支持這兩個股權投資的解決方案。

"The reason for this press release is to announce that Complete Solaria is free of all of its prior private equity debt obligations, and that we have eliminated $67.6 million of long-term debt from our balance sheet," commented T.J. Rodgers, CEO of Complete Solaria.

"本次新聞發佈的原因是宣佈Complete Solaria已擺脫了所有先前的股權投資債務義務,並且我們已經從資產負債表中清除了6760萬美元的長期債務," Complete Solaria的首席執行官T.J. Rodgers如是說。

How To Buy CSLR Stock:


By now you're likely curious about how to participate in the market for Complete Solaria – be it to purchase shares, or even attempt to bet against the company.

現在你很可能會好奇怎樣參與Complete Solaria的市場,不管是購買股票,還是試圖押注該公司。

Buying shares is typically done through a brokerage account. You can find a list of possible trading platforms here. Many will allow you to buy 'fractional shares,' which allows you to own portions of stock without buying an entire share. For example, some stock, like Berkshire Hathaway, or, can cost thousands of dollars to own just one share. However, if you only want to invest a fraction of that, brokerages will allow you to do so.


In the the case of Complete Solaria, which is trading at $1.58 as of publishing time, $100 would buy you 63.29 shares of stock.

在發佈時(指文章發佈的時候),Complete Solaria的股票交易價格爲1.58美元,一百美元可以買到63.29股的股票。

If you're looking to bet against a company, the process is more complex. You'll need access to an options trading platform, or a broker who will allow you to 'go short' a share of stock by lending you the shares to sell. The process of shorting a stock can be found at this resource. Otherwise, if your broker allows you to trade options, you can either buy a put option, or sell a call option at a strike price above where shares are currently trading – either way it allows you to profit off of the share price decline.

如果您想押注股票下跌,流程就更爲複雜了。您需要訪問期權交易平台,或者找一家券商讓您通過借出股票進行“開空”操作(借股出售)。您可以在該資源中了解到賣空股票的過程。否則,如果您的券商允許您交易期權,您可以在當前股票交易價以上的執行價上購買看跌期權或者賣出看漲期權 - 無論哪種情況都可以讓您從股票價格下跌中獲利。

CSLR Price Action: According to Benzinga Pro, Complete Solaria shares are up 47.3% at $1.65 at the time of publication Monday.

CSLR股票走勢:據Benzinga Pro數據,到週一發佈時爲止,Complete Solaria的股票價格上漲了47.3%,報1.65美元。

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Image: mariana-proenca from Unsplash


