
Amazon Sidesteps Jeff Bezos-Backed Carbon Offset Standard, Throws Hands Behind New Framework

Amazon Sidesteps Jeff Bezos-Backed Carbon Offset Standard, Throws Hands Behind New Framework

Benzinga ·  07/01 23:02

In a bold move, Inc. (NASDAQ:AMZN) has chosen to bypass the global standard for verifying carbon offsets, instead supporting the development of a new standard. This strategy is seen as a significant step towards achieving its goal of zero net greenhouse gas emissions by 2040.

在一項大膽行動中, Inc. (NASDAQ:AMZN) 選擇跳過全球認證碳抵消標準,轉而支持新標準的制訂。這被視爲實現其2040年零淨溫室氣體排放目標的重要一步。

What Happened: Amazon is backing the creation of a new standard called Abacus, developed in collaboration with carbon registry Verra. This new standard is being viewed as an alternative to the Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market (ICVCM) standard, the world's largest private sector and environmental group consortium for validating carbon offsets.

發生了什麼:亞馬遜正在支持與碳登記機構Verra合作開發的新標準Abacus的制訂。這一新標準被視爲驗證碳抵消的全球最大的私營部門和環境集團聯盟 - 志願碳抵消市場誠信委員會(ICVCM)標準的替代方案。

Amazon founder and executive chair, Jeff Bezos, is one of ICVCM's biggest donors through his $10-billion Earth Fund. However, it remains unclear whether Bezos played a role in Amazon's decision to sidestep the ICVCM standard.

亞馬遜創始人兼執行主席Jeff Bezos是ICVCM最大的捐贈者之一,通過他的100億美元的地球基金進行捐贈。然而,目前尚不清楚貝索斯是否在亞馬遜決定繞開ICVCM標準的決定中發揮了作用。

While this move by Amazon has sparked concerns about potential market confusion and a compromise in the standards of carbon offsets, the company's head of carbon neutralization, Jamey Mulligan, defended the decision, stating that Amazon is seeking a more ambitious standard.

雖然亞馬遜此舉引發了有關潛在市場混亂和碳抵消標準妥協的擔憂,但公司的碳中和負責人Jamey Mulligan卻辯稱,這一決定是爲了尋求更雄心勃勃的標準。

"We want to ensure that every credit investment has a real, conservatively quantified and verified impact on emissions," Mulligan said.


Several tech giants including Alphabet Inc., Meta Platforms Inc., Microsoft Corporation, and Inc. have announced plans to purchase up to 20 million metric tons of Abacus-certified credits.

包括Alphabet Inc.、meta platforms Inc.、Microsoft Corporation和 Inc.在內的幾家科技巨頭已宣佈計劃購買高達2000萬噸的Abacus認證信用額。

Why It Matters: This move by Amazon comes in the wake of various initiatives by the company and its founder, Jeff Bezos, to combat climate change. In 2020, Bezos announced the creation of the Bezos Earth Fund, a $10 billion initiative aimed at addressing climate change. The fund has since committed $60 million to establish the Bezos Centers for Sustainable Protein in 2024, aiming to revolutionize the food industry.

爲何重要:亞馬遜此舉是在該公司及其創始人Jeff Bezos採取各種行動應對氣候變化之後。2020年,貝索斯宣佈成立100億美元的貝索斯地球基金,旨在應對氣候變化。該基金已承諾斥資6千萬美元在2024年建立可持續蛋白質貝索斯中心,旨在革新食品行業。

Amazon has also been making strides towards zero emissions, as evidenced by its deployment of electric trucks in 2024. The company revealed the first of twelve Volvo electric big rigs it intends to operate, marking its first venture into electric big rigs and a significant step towards its goal of net-zero carbon emissions by 2040.


The Abacus label will be available within weeks, according to Verra. The voluntary carbon offsets market, currently valued at $2 billion, has remained small due to concerns about the veracity of underlying projects' claims to curb emissions.


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This story was generated using Benzinga Neuro and edited by Pooja Rajkumari

本報道使用Benzinga Neuro生成,並由Pooja Rajkumari編輯

