
Cannabis Patents For Pancreatic And Breast Cancers To Get A Review, CBIH Works On Treatment For Other Serious Conditions

Cannabis Patents For Pancreatic And Breast Cancers To Get A Review, CBIH Works On Treatment For Other Serious Conditions

Benzinga ·  07/01 22:59

As rates of pancreatic and breast cancer increase among the population, Cannabis Bioscience International Holdings (OTC:CBIH) is addressing the situation with new treatment methodologies. The Houston-based company submitted its inaugural pair of patents, targeting those with breast and pancreatic cancers for legal review and subsequent registration.

隨着胰腺和乳腺癌的發病率在人口中的增加,Cannabis Bioscience International Holdings (OTC:CBIH)正在採用新的治療方法來解決這一情況。位於休斯敦的該公司提交了首批專利,針對乳腺癌和胰腺癌進行法律審查和隨後的註冊。

Why It Matters


These two cancers affect millions globally. Breast cancer impacts roughly one in eight women in the U.S. and pancreatic cancer is notorious for its late-stage diagnosis and grim prognosis, with a five-year survival rate below 10%.


"Given the stark statistics associated with these cancers, our team recognizes the critical need for aggressive yet targeted interventions," said Jennifer Salguero, PhD in Science with emphasis on Microbiology. "We aim to not only target the tumors but also safeguard surrounding tissues, leveraging the inherent anti-tumor properties of cannabinoids."

"鑑於這些癌症相關的驚人統計數據,我們的團隊意識到了積極而有針對性的干預的緊迫需求,"Jennifer Salguero 博士在科學中強調微生物學,"我們的目標不僅是針對腫瘤,而且是保護周圍組織,利用大麻固有的抗腫瘤特性。"

Read Also: Study Discovers Medical Cannabis Drives 6x Improvement In Killing Breast Cancer Cells

閱讀更多: 研究發現醫用大麻可導致消滅乳腺癌細胞的6倍改善

What's Next


CBIH said on Monday that it plans to "accelerate our pace of innovation... harnessing the antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and neuroprotective benefits of cannabinoids."


How? The company said it would submit an additional 3 to 4 patents per month throughout the remainder of the year, with a focus on patents that could help those with herpes zoster, knee osteoarthritis and Alzheimer's disease.


The company will also boost its research team given its focus on patent and formulation development. CBIH welcomed an expert in biology, pharmaceutical chemistry, public health, and dermatic cosmetics, Sheila Tarqui, to its ranks.

該公司還將加強其研究團隊,並着重於專利和配方的開發。CBIH歡迎了一位生物學,藥學化學,公共衛生和皮膚化妝品方面的專家Sheila Tarqui加入其團隊。

Additionally, the company is recruiting medical specialists in oncology and cardiology to develop other innovative treatments.


"These strategies contribute to securing and protecting our intellectual property which is paramount. By harnessing cutting-edge therapies, artificial intelligence, and advanced biotechnological techniques, we aim to safeguard and successfully market our groundbreaking medical advancements," said Rosangel Andrades, research and development department director.

“這些策略有助於確保和保護我們的知識產權,這是至關重要的。通過利用尖端的治療方法,人工智能和先進的生物技術手段,我們旨在保護併成功推廣我們的突破性醫療進展,”研發部負責人Rosangel Andrades說。

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To learn more about innovation in cannabis, come join us at the 19th Benzinga Cannabis Capital Conference, coming to Chicago this Oct. 8-9. Get your tickets now before prices surge by following this link.

了解更多有關大麻創新的信息,請於10月8日至9日前往芝加哥參加第19屆Benzinga Cannabis Capital Conference。立即通過以下鏈接獲取門票,以免價格飆升。

