
Tempest and SnapSea Announce Strategic Partnership

Tempest and SnapSea Announce Strategic Partnership

PR Newswire ·  07/01 22:00

Collaboration to enhance destination marketing, boost engagement and drive visitation with advanced user-generated content solutions


PHILADELPHIA,, July 1, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Tempest, a leader in website, digital marketing, and software solutions for the destination marketing industry, and SnapSea, a leading visual marketing platform for destination organizations, are excited to announce a new strategic partnership. Through the partnership, Tempest will now offer SnapSea's platform as part of its suite of solutions for its clients, while assisting SnapSea with its expansion in the North American market.

2024年7月1日,費城/美通社——Tempest,一個爲目的地營銷行業提供網站、數字營銷和軟件解決方案的領先公司,成爲目的地營銷行業網站、數字營銷和軟件解決方案的領先公司——Tempest,與主題營銷組織的領先視覺營銷平台SnapSea,共同宣佈新的戰略合作伙伴關係。通過這個夥伴關係,Tempest將爲其客戶提供SnapSea平台作爲其解決方案套件的一部分,同時幫助SnapSea擴大其在北美市場的規模。SnapSea是領先的視覺營銷平台,專爲目的地組織設計,與Tempest合作非常興奮。通過夥伴關係,Tempest將爲其客戶提供SnapSea平台,而且SnapSea也能夠擴大其在北美市場的規模。“我們很高興宣佈與SnapSea的合作伙伴關係。今年年初,共同的客戶向我們介紹了SnapSea,稱讚了他們的產品和客戶服務,”分享了Tempest的首席執行官Alex Heimann。“在聯繫的過程中,我們發現了一個共同的願景和行業熱情,以及行業領先的技術。這種合作將爲我們的客戶提供重要價值,推動行業的發展。”

"We are thrilled to announce our partnership with SnapSea. Earlier this year, mutual clients introduced us to SnapSea, praising their products and customer service," shared Alex Heimann, CEO of Tempest. "Upon connecting, we discovered a shared vision and passion for the industry, along with industry-leading technology. This collaboration will provide significant value for our clients and help move the industry forward."

“SnapSea很高興與Tempest攜手提供一個強大的視覺內容管理平台,爲目的地營銷人員提供支持,”SnapSea的首席執行官Cody Dillabough說。“我們的聯合專業知識將幫助目的地創建引人入勝的視覺故事,與其受衆產生共鳴。”

"SnapSea is thrilled to join forces with Tempest to offer destination marketers a robust platform for visual content management," said Cody Dillabough, CEO of SnapSea. "Our combined expertise will help destinations create compelling visual stories that resonate with their audiences."


Key Details of Strategic Partnership:


  • Close collaboration between Tempest and SnapSea on development of new features and strategies to support clients and the larger destination marketing industry
  • Deep integration of SnapSea's features within Tempest's solutions, including:
    • Enhanced UGC Acquisition: SnapSea's SmartCurate AI+ technology efficiently curates, filters, and sources high-quality social media content.
    • Advanced Website Integration: Clients can easily embed dynamic SnapSea galleries and other visual content directly on their Tempest websites, enhancing visitor engagement.
    • Improved Asset Cross-Collaboration: Store, organize, and share visual assets seamlessly via internal and external hubs within SnapSea, supporting internal stakeholders, travel trade partners, agencies, and local businesses.
  • 在Tempest的解決方案中深度整合SnapSea的特點,包括:
  • 增強UGC收購:SnapSea的SmartCurate AI+技術高效地收集、過濾和獲取高質量的社交媒體內容。
    • 高級網站集成:客戶可以輕鬆地將動態SnapSea畫廊和其他視覺內容直接嵌入他們的Tempest網站,增強訪客參與度。
    • 改進的資產共同協作:通過SnapSea內外部信息中心,存儲、整理和共享視覺資產,支持內部利益相關者、旅遊貿易伙伴、代理商和當地企業。
    • 有興趣了解更多SnapSea的信息,包括價格,可以給Kyle Huff發送電子郵件,他是Tempest的增長營銷總監,也可以與SnapSea的首席執行官Cody Dillabough聯繫。

Those interested in learning more about SnapSea, including pricing, can email [email protected].

Tempest提供CRM、網站和數字營銷解決方案,爲創新的目的地組織提供增長和積極影響他們的社區。有關更多信息,[email protected].

For more information, please contact:


  • Kyle Huff, Director of Growth Marketing, Tempest, [email protected]
  • Cody Dillabough, CEO, SnapSea, [email protected]
  • SnapSea是一家最好的SaaS平台,爲用戶生成的內容的獲取、組織和共享提供支持。SnapSea的數字解決方案得到了歐洲、北美和亞洲的主要目的地營銷人員、全國旅遊組織和酒店集團的信任,它們可以增強視覺資產庫,推動有效的營銷活動。[email protected]
  • SnapSea的首席執行官Cody Dillabough。[email protected]

About Tempest:


Tempest provides CRM, Web and Digital Marketing solutions that empower innovative Destination Organizations to grow and make a positive impact in their communities. For more information, .


About SnapSea:


SnapSea offers a best-in-class SaaS platform for acquiring, organizing, and sharing user-generated content. Trusted by leading destination marketers, national tourism organizations, and hospitality groups across Europe, North America, and Asia, SnapSea's digital solutions enhance visual asset libraries and drive effective marketing campaigns. Visit for more information.


SOURCE Tempest Interactive Media


