
The Ad Council Announces Google's Tara Walpert Levy as Board Chair

The Ad Council Announces Google's Tara Walpert Levy as Board Chair

廣告委員會宣佈Google的Tara Walpert Levy爲董事會主席。
PR Newswire ·  12:01

NEW YORK, July 1, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Tara Walpert Levy, VP of YouTube across the Americas, has been named Chair of the Ad Council's Board of Directors. She succeeds Diego Scotti, EVP & General Manager of Consumer Group and Global Marketing & Communications at PayPal. Rita Ferro, President Global Advertising of The Walt Disney Company and Kirk McDonald, CEO of Sundial Media Group currently serve as Vice Chairs of the Ad Council's Board of Directors.

2024年7月1日,VP of YouTube across the Americas的Tara Walpert Levy被任命爲廣告理事會董事會主席。她取代了paypal的消費集團和全球營銷和通信的EVP及總經理Diego Scotti。The Walt Disney Company的全球廣告總裁Rita Ferro和Sundial Media Group的CEO Kirk McDonald目前擔任廣告理事會董事會的副主席。

For over 80 years, the Ad Council has led the communications industry's efforts to drive meaningful positive change. Its Board of Directors consists of distinguished marketing, media and business executives who offer their expertise, insights, and financial contributions to ensure the effectiveness of the Ad Council's social impact initiatives. The Ad Council's Board of Directors partners closely with the organization's leadership to lead fully integrated national initiatives on gun violence, mental health, the drug overdose crisis, hate and bias and more.


As Chair, Levy will collaborate with the Executive Committee, the governing body of the Ad Council's Board, and Ad Council leadership to advance the organization's mission of leveraging communications to tackle the nation's pressing social issues. Additionally, Levy will preside over the Ad Council's 2024 Annual Public Service Award Dinner, the organization's largest annual fundraising event, which will be held on December 5, 2024.


"Tara's unwavering dedication to social progress has been exemplary, enhancing and amplifying our work since she first joined our Board," said Lisa Sherman, President and CEO of the Ad Council. "With Tara at the helm, our ability to drive measurable impact at scale through innovative campaigns will undoubtedly grow, enabling us to create lasting change on the nation's most pressing issues."

廣告理事會的總裁兼首席執行官Lisa Sherman說:“Tara對社會進步的不懈奉獻是值得稱道的,自從她首次加入我們的董事會以來,她增強和放大了我們的工作。有了Tara的領導,我們通過創新的廣告運營方式在大範圍內實現可衡量的影響,無疑會增加,使我們能夠在國家最緊迫的問題上產生持久的變化。”

Levy has been a respected leader in the marketing and media industries for almost 30 years. She re-joined YouTube in 2021 (having led YouTube Ads Marketing globally in 2013-14) to oversee YouTube's business and operations across the Americas. Previously, she led Google's Agency and Brand Solutions teams. Levy is committed to giving back to the industry, writing and speaking frequently on the shifting marketing, media, and technology landscape, the evolving responsibility and impact of private and public boards, and the value of diversity and inclusion in the workplace. She is a seasoned public, private, and non-profit company board member focused in similar areas. Tara's leadership and contributions have been consistently recognized with honors including being inducted into the AAF Advertising Hall of Achievement, named as a dMexco Global Trailblazer, identified as one of Fast Company's "Most Creative People in Business", and most recently the UJA Content Leadership Award for her work at YouTube. Levy first joined the Ad Council's Board of Directors in 2017.

Levy在市場營銷和傳媒行業擁有近30年的領導經驗。她於2021年重新加入YouTube(在2013-14年領導全球YouTube廣告營銷),負責管理YouTube在整個美洲地區的業務和運營。此前,她領導了谷歌的代理商和品牌解決方案團隊。Levy致力於回饋業界,經常撰寫和演講有關市場、媒體和技術領域的變化、私人和公共董事會責任和影響、工作場所中多樣性和包容性的價值。她是一位主要關注類似領域的上市公司、私人公司和非營利公司的經驗豐富的公共人物。Tara的領導和貢獻一直受到讚譽,包括被引入AAF廣告成就名人堂、被譽爲dMexco全球開拓者、被確定爲Fast Company“最具創意的商業人物”、最近在YouTube工作獲得UJA內容領導獎。Levy於2017年首次加入廣告理事會的董事會。

With the election of Levy, the Ad Council will continue its ongoing tradition of rotating Board Chairs between the organizations' four sectors: media companies, technology platforms, agencies and advertisers.


For a complete list of the Ad Council Board of Directors, see here.


The Ad Council convenes creative storytellers to educate, unite and uplift audiences by opening hearts, inspiring action and accelerating change around the most pressing issues in America. Since the non-profit's founding, the organization and its partners in advertising, media, marketing and tech have been behind some of the country's most iconic social impact campaigns – Smokey Bear, A Mind Is a Terrible Thing to Waste, Love Has No Labels, Tear the Paper Ceiling and many more. With a current focus on mental health, gun safety, the overdose crisis, hate and bias and other critical issues, the Ad Council's national campaigns encompass advertising and media content, ground game and community efforts, trusted messenger and influencer engagement, and employer programs, among other innovative strategies to move the needle on the most important issues of the day.

廣告理事會召集有創意的講故事的人們,通過開啓人們的心靈、激勵行動和加速美國的變革,來教育、團結和提升觀衆。自從成立以來,該非營利組織及其在廣告、媒體、營銷和技術方面的夥伴一直是美國一些最具標誌性的社會影響倡議活動——像是Smokey Bear, A Mind Is a Terrible Thing to Waste, Love Has No Labels, Tear the Paper Ceiling等——的推手。目前,廣告理事會的國家性運動重點關注心理健康、槍支安全、藥物過量危機、仇恨和偏見以及其他重要問題。廣告理事會的國家性運動涵蓋廣告和媒體內容、實地遊戲和社區工作、信任的信使和影響者參與以及僱主計劃等創新策略,以引導最重要的當今問題的發展趨勢。

To learn more or get involved, visit, join the Ad Council's communities on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and X, and view campaign creative on YouTube.


SOURCE The Ad Council


