
Ford's Jim Farley Embraces EVs, Exciting Rival Tesla CEO Elon Musk, But Report Says Nearly Half Of EV Owners In US Want To Switch Back To Gas

Ford's Jim Farley Embraces EVs, Exciting Rival Tesla CEO Elon Musk, But Report Says Nearly Half Of EV Owners In US Want To Switch Back To Gas

Benzinga ·  06/29 12:21
Ford Motor Co (NYSE:F) CEO Jim Farley on Friday wrote an article on X, detailing his long-standing love for gas vehicles and a newfound love for EVs, and rival CEO Elon Musk is excited. The sentiment, however, is not shared by EV owners across the U.S.
福特汽車(NYSE:F)首席執行官吉姆·法利(Jim Farley)星期五在X上撰寫了一篇文章,詳細介紹了他長期以來對燃料車的熱愛以及對新能源車的新愛好,競爭對手CEO埃隆·馬斯克很興奮。然而,縱觀美國各地的新能源車車主,這種情感並不被共享。
What Happened: " a lifelong petrol head, I was as surprised as anyone when I fell in love with electric vehicles," Farley wrote on Friday. The change was not spurred by government policies or political beliefs but purely from a customer perspective, he said. The CEO drives a Ford F-150 Lightning...

