
"Mark Zuckerberg Is 'Almost Ready' To Reveal A Prototype That Left Early Testers 'Giddy'" - Business Insider

"Mark Zuckerberg Is 'Almost Ready' To Reveal A Prototype That Left Early Testers 'Giddy'" - Business Insider

"馬克·扎克伯格即將公佈一個讓早期測試者感到興奮的原型" - 商業內幕
Benzinga ·  06/28 23:26
  • Meta will soon showcase its "full holographic" glasses prototype, CEO Mark Zuckerberg said.
  • The prototype will feature advanced augmented reality tech, though it's not yet ready for sale.
  • Zuckerberg noted the glasses are distinct from headsets like the Quest, aiming for broader appeal.
  • Meta將很快展示其“全息圖”眼鏡原型,CEO馬克·扎克伯格表示。
  • 原型將配備先進的增強現實技術,但尚未準備好銷售。
  • 扎克伯格指出,這種眼鏡與Quest等頭戴式設備不同,旨在更廣泛地吸引顧客。

Mark Zuckerberg said Meta is "almost ready" to show off its latest augmented-reality prototype — and he sounds excited.


The CEO teased Meta's upcoming "full holographic" glasses during an interview with YouTuber Kane Sutter, also known as Kallaway.

Meta的首席執行官扎克伯格在接受YouTuber Kane Sutter(也稱爲Kallaway)的採訪中提到,該公司即將推出的“全息圖”眼鏡是企業的重點和亮點。

"Every person who I've shown it to so far, their reaction is giddy," he said. "I'm really looking forward to showing that to more people."


The company will likely demonstrate its first version of "true" AR glasses, a project internally referred to as Orion, in the fall during Meta's annual Connect conference, Business Insider's Kali Hays previously reported.

Meta很可能會在秋季的Meta Connect年度會議上演示其“真正”的AR眼鏡的首個版本。業界媒體Business Insider的Kali Hays早先報道過這個項目的內部代號是Orion。

The glasses aren't expected to be available to purchase for quite some time, but showing off the advanced technology could generate hype around Meta's ongoing investment in the space.


"We're focused on building the full consumer version of it rather than selling the prototype," Zuckerberg said.


He revealed that the prototype is "not the most stylish," with likely thicker frames to accommodate the AR technology. However, he assured consumers that it is "unmistakably glasses" and not a headset, like Meta's Quest or Apple's new Vision Pro.

他透露,這種原型“不是最時尚的”,很可能有較厚的鏡框來容納AR技術。然而,他向消費者保證這是“明顯的眼鏡”,而不是Meta的Quest或蘋果的新Vision Pro等耳機。

Meta's CTO Andrew Bosworth, and head of its Reality Labs division, said last year that the upcoming AR glasses might be "the most advanced piece of technology on the planet in its domain."


Zuckerberg said that since the demand for the Meta Ray-Bans — which include cameras and integrated AI but no displays — exceeded expectations, the company has been focusing on integrating as much AR technology while maintaining the best form factor for modern glasses.

扎克伯格說,由於Meta Ray-Ban的需求超出了預期(該產品包括相機和集成AI但沒有顯示器),該公司一直在着眼於在保持現代眼鏡最佳形態的同時整合儘可能多的AR技術。

"I would have thought previously that we needed the full holograms for presence," he said "But AI has made such big leaps that I think [...] even something that's a simpler product will have more appeal sooner."


Meta has poured billions into its Reality Labs division over the years, which is responsible for its efforts in building advanced products, including its VR and AR wearables and the metaverse software underlying them.


However, Zuckerberg has cautioned that it will take years to start showing meaningful returns.


