
Warren Buffett Sets Up New Trust As He Turns Away From Gates Foundation

Warren Buffett Sets Up New Trust As He Turns Away From Gates Foundation

Benzinga ·  06/28 22:30

Warren Buffett has come up with a new plan for where his billions of dollars will go after his death.


Since 2006, the chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (NYSE:BRK)(NYSE:BRK) has made annual gifts to the Gates Foundation (formerly known as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation) and four other foundations connected to the Buffett name, and he will continue doing that while he is still alive.


But that will change upon his death, the Wall Street Journal reported.


Buffett, 93, has decided that no more money will be given to the Gates Foundation after he passes away and nearly all of his remaining fortune will instead get funneled into a new charitable trust run by his daughter and two sons.


"The Gates Foundation has no money coming after my death," Buffett told the Journal.


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Buffett, who has given away more than half of his Berkshire shares since taking control of the firm in 1965 but still holds almost $130 billion in company shares, is leaving it to his children to decide unanimously what philanthropies will receive his remaining fortune after his death.


"It should be used to help the people that haven't been as lucky as we have been," he told the Journal. "There's eight billion people in the world, and me and my kids, we've been in the luckiest 100th of 1% or something. There's lots of ways to help people."


Susie Buffett, 71, lives in Omaha and chairs the Sherwood Foundation, which promotes early childhood education and social justice. She also chairs the Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation, named for her late mother, Buffett's first wife, who died in 2004.

Susie Buffett今年71歲,住在奧馬哈,是Sherwood基金會的主席,該基金會致力於推廣兒童早期教育和社會正義。她還主持以其已故母親、巴菲特的第一任妻子Susan Thompson Buffett命名的Susan Thompson Buffett基金會,後者於2004年去世。

Howie Buffett, 69 and lives in Decatur, Ill., farms and heads the Howard G. Buffett Foundation, which works for food security, conflict mitigation and combating human trafficking. Both Susie and Howie Buffett serve on the Berkshire board.

Howie Buffett今年69歲,住在伊利諾伊州的迪凱特市,是農民,負責Howard G. Buffett基金會,這個基金會致力於糧食安全、衝突緩解和打擊人口販賣。Susie和Howie Buffett兩人都在伯克希爾的董事會任職。

Peter Buffett, 66, a music composer living near Kingston, N.Y., and his wife, Jennifer Buffett, lead the NoVo Foundation, whose projects include working with indigenous communities.


Berkshire said Friday that Buffett would convert 8,674 of his Class A shares into Class B shares to make another round of donations.


The Gates Foundation Trust is receiving Class B shares worth about $4 billion as of Thursday's closing price, while the Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation is receiving about $400 million, the Wall Street Journal reported.

據《華爾街日報》報道,蓋茨基金會信託基金已獲得大約40億美元的B類股票,而Susan Thompson Buffett基金會獲得約4億美元,巴菲特女兒和兒子的基金會各獲得逾2.8億美元的股票。一個A類股份相當於1,500個B類股份的所有權,而A類股份在投票權上具有更大的優勢。

The foundations of Buffett's daughter and sons are each receiving more than $280 million in shares. One Class A share carries the ownership stake of 1,500 Class B shares, and A shares have an even greater advantage in voting power.


Price action: Berkshire Hathaway's shares were up 0.30% at $616,165 at publication Friday.


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