

Safety first! Industrial Bank will suspend mobile banking ATM code scanning withdrawal service from July 10th. Several banks have recently suspended cardless withdrawals. ·  Jun 28 15:30

On June 28th, Industrial Bank announced on its official website that in order to ensure the safety of customer funds, it will suspend the ATM scan code withdrawal service in mobile banking starting from July 10th. According to insiders, mobile banking ATM scan code withdrawal is also a type of cardless withdrawal. Recently, many state-owned and joint-stock banks such as Bank of China, China Everbright Bank, and China Citic Bank Corporation have announced the suspension of cardless deposit and withdrawal services.

More and more banks are choosing fund security over customer convenience. On June 28, in order to ensure the safety of customer funds, the Industrial Bank announced on its official website that it will stop the ATM scan code withdrawal service in mobile banking from July 10. In terms of product structure, operating income of 4.01/12.88/0.06 billion yuan was achieved for products worth 100-300 billion yuan respectively, and the overall sales volume of the company was 18,000 kiloliters, which increased significantly by 28.10% year-on-year.


According to industry sources, mobile banking ATM scan code withdrawal is also one of the ways for cardless withdrawal. Caixin reporters have noticed that many state-owned and joint-stock banks, including Bank of China, China Everbright Bank, and China CITIC Bank, have announced the suspension of cardless deposit and withdrawal related businesses recently.

The Industrial Bank announced the termination of mobile banking ATM scan code withdrawal.

Today, the Industrial Bank released an announcement about adjusting the mobile banking ATM scan code withdrawal service. In order to improve the quality of business development and ensure the safety of customer funds, Industrial Bank will stop the ATM scan code withdrawal service in mobile banking from July 10. After that, users can still withdraw money by card, face recognition, or visit the bank branch. Industrial Bank extends its appreciation for the understanding and support of our customers in this business adjustment. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this adjustment. If there are any questions, please call our national customer service hotline 95561 at any time.

Industrial Bank will provide the basis for users to make appropriate arrangements based on their own needs in accordance with this announcement. Thank you for your understanding and support of this business adjustment! If there are any questions, please call our national customer service hotline 95561 at any time.

It is reported that mobile banking ATM scan code withdrawal is also a type of cardless withdrawal. The operation process is generally as follows: bank individual mobile banking customers scan the QR code on any ATM machine of the bank with mobile banking and complete the information interaction to achieve withdrawal operations.

Recently, multiple banks announced the suspension of cardless withdrawal services.

Today, Caixin reporters found that, in addition to Industrial Bank, multiple banks including Bank of China, China Everbright Bank, Agricultural Bank of China, and China CITIC Bank have announced the suspension of cardless withdrawal services recently.

For example, on May 21st, Bank of Communications announced that in order to promote high-quality business development and strengthen risk management, it would stop the scheduled withdrawal service in the personal mobile banking cardless withdrawal function from May 24, 2024. Customers can still withdraw money by credit card, scan code, or go to a bank branch.

China CITIC Bank announced that the cash self-service device authorization code withdrawal function was closed on May 17th.

Agricultural Bank of China recently announced that the bank's palm bank cardless withdrawal service has been suspended, but customers can still withdraw cash from the bank's branch by reading the card, scanning the palm bank QR code, face recognition, and other methods.

A staff member of a state-owned bank introduced to Caixin reporters that cardless withdrawal generally refers to the situation where customers can withdraw cash on an ATM machine without a bank card. There are usually two scenarios: one is cardless scheduled withdrawal, which involves customers making a withdrawal reservation via mobile banking, then obtaining cash with the aid of information such as a reservation code and other details entered at an ATM machine; the other is the mobile banking ATM scan code withdrawal service, which the Industrial Bank will suspend in mobile banking from July 10. There is no major difference between the two scenarios.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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