
IOI Properties Receives Proposal From CEO to Jointly Develop Shenton House in Singapore

IOI Properties Receives Proposal From CEO to Jointly Develop Shenton House in Singapore

IOI 集團 ·  06/25 12:00

KUALA LUMPUR (June 25): IOI Properties Group Bhd (KL:IOIPG) has received a proposal from its chief executive officer cum major shareholder Lee Yeow Seng to acquire his private vehicle Shenton 101 Pte Ltd for the redevelopment of Shenton House.

吉隆坡(6月25日):IOI Properties Group Bhd(KL: IOIPG)已收到其首席執行官兼主要股東李耀生的提議,要求收購其私家車申頓101 Pte Ltd,用於重建申頓大廈。

Yeow Seng has proposed that IOIPG acquire all or part of Shenton 101, his private vehicle that secured the commercial property in Singapore for S$538 million (RM1.9 billion) in a tender, according to a bourse filing. Works are scheduled to start at the end of 2025, the filing showed.

證券交易所文件顯示,Yeow Seng提議IOIPG收購申頓101的全部或部分股份。申頓101是他的私家車,在招標中以5.38億新元(19億令吉)的價格擔保了新加坡的商業地產。文件顯示,工程計劃於2025年底開始。

This is to address and mitigate the potential conflict of interest that will arise due to his role in the redevelopment of Shenton House through Shenton 101, in which he is the sole shareholder. The intention of the proposal is to align the interests of IOIPG with that of Shenton 101, which will hold the redeveloped property as investment upon its successful redevelopment.


"Yeow Seng has emphasised to IOIPG that Shenton 101 is ready and able to proceed with the development planning of Shenton House under the terms of the tender and that Shenton 101 is well on the way to put in place funding to enable it to proceed with the redevelopment and that the reason that Yeow Seng is extending the proposal to IOIPG is to help resolve or address the potential conflict of interest situation," IOIPG's filing read.

IOIPG的文件說:“Yeow Seng向IOIPG強調,申頓101已經準備就緒,能夠根據招標條款進行申頓大廈的開發規劃,申頓101正在籌集資金,使其能夠繼續進行重建,而耀成將提案擴大到IOIPG的原因是爲了幫助解決或解決潛在的利益衝突局勢。” 讀。

Yeow Seng and his brother Datuk Lee Yeow Chor are major shareholders of IOIPG through their substantial shareholdings in Vertical Capacity Sdn Bhd, which holds 65.67% in IOIPG.

Yeow Seng和他的兄弟拿督Lee Yeow Chor是IOIPG的主要股東,他們持有Vertical Capacity Sdn Bhd的大量股份,該公司持有IOIPG的65.67%的股份。

Shenton 101 was the sole bidder of Shenton House, which is located in Singapore's central business district. Yeow Seng previously said he felt it was more appropriate to bid for Shenton House via his private vehicle due to the size of the subject and the tight timing set by the sales committee on the collective sale.

申頓101是位於新加坡中央商務區的申頓大廈的唯一競標者。Yeow Seng此前曾表示,由於標的規模和銷售委員會對集體出售的時間安排很緊,他認爲通過私家車競標申頓大廈更爲合適。

Shenton House covers 3,377 square metres and is designated for commercial use with a gross plot ratio (GPR) of 11.2. The property has a 44-year land lease, with the potential to be extended to a fresh 99-year lease.


"Further, according to the Singapore's central business district incentive scheme, Shenton House is eligible for a 25% bonus gross floor area which can be redeveloped into a mixed-use commercial with residential development or a hotel at the GPR of 14. As such, Shenton House is earmarked for redevelopment into a fresh 99-year leasehold commercial development," IOIPG said.

“此外,根據新加坡中央商務區激勵計劃,Shenton House有資格獲得25%的總建築面積獎勵,該建築面積可以重新開發爲帶有住宅開發的混合用途商業或位於GPR爲14的酒店。因此,申頓大廈被指定重建爲一個新的99年租賃商業開發項目,” IOIPG說。

The current additional existing capital commitment — excluding the development cost, which is to be finalised — is S$476 million, which includes land betterment premium, lease top-up premium, and transaction expenses, it said.


According to IOIPG, Yeow Seng has proposed the purchase consideration be determined based on the actual cost of investment incurred by himself and Shenton 101, multiplied by the equity interest in Shenton 101 to be acquired by IOIPG, or an equivalent subscription value for the subscription of new shares in Shenton 101.

根據IOIPG的說法,Yeow Seng提議收購對價根據他本人和申頓101產生的實際投資成本乘以IOIPG收購的申頓101的股權或申頓101新股認購的等值認購價值來確定。

"The good faith intention of Yeow Seng is not to make a personal gain arising from the proposal. As such, the consideration is to include the initial cost of investment of equity in Shenton 101 and the cost incurred by Shenton 101 for the acquisition of Shenton House and any upfront costs incurred by Shenton 101 such as consultants' fees and expenses and tender, application and approval costs as well as cost of finance," IOIPG added.

“Yeow Seng的真誠意圖不是從提案中謀取個人利益。因此,考慮因素包括申頓101股權投資的初始成本和申頓101收購申頓大廈所產生的成本,以及申頓101產生的任何前期成本,例如顧問費和開支以及招標、申請和批准成本以及融資成本,” IOIPG補充說。

IOIPG said the proposal is valid for four months, which may be extended by another two months if a written request is received from IOIPG.


At market close on Tuesday, IOI Properties' shares dropped four sen or 1.75% to RM2.25, bringing the company a valuation of RM12.39 billion.

週二收盤時,IOI Properties的股價下跌四仙至2.25令吉,跌幅1.75%,使該公司的估值達到123.9億令吉。

