
Quebec Precious Metals Congratulates Ophir on Its Spodumene Discovery Near the Elmer East Project, James Bay, Quebec

Quebec Precious Metals Congratulates Ophir on Its Spodumene Discovery Near the Elmer East Project, James Bay, Quebec

Accesswire ·  06/27 23:20

MONTREAL, QC / ACCESSWIRE / June 27, 2024 / Quebec Precious Metals Corporation (TSX.V:QPM)(FSE:YXEP)(OTCQB:CJCFF) ("QPM" or the "Corporation") congratulates Ophir Metals Corp. ("Ophir") on their discovery announced on June 25, 2024, of spodumene pegmatites (lithium) in pegmatite dykes at Pilipas in the Eeyou Istchee James Bay territory in Quebec. Ophir's discovery is located approximately 3.7 km northwest of its Ninaaskuwumin spodumene pegmatite its 100%-owned Elmer East project on the trend of this discovery (see Figures 1 and 2 below).

魁北克貴金屬公司(TSX.V:QPM)(FSE:YXEP)(OTCQB:CJCFF)(“QPM”或“公司”)祝賀Ophir Metals Corp.(“Ophir”)在2024年6月25日宣佈的探索,即在魁北克EeyouIstchee James Bay領地的Pilipas的脈狀巖牆中發現閃長岩脈(鋰)。Ophir的發現位於其Ninaaskuwumin閃長岩脈的西北約3.7公里處,該項目是該公司100%擁有的Elmer East項目,與此發現的趨勢相同(請參見下面的“1”:“圖1”和“2”)。在Ninaaskuwumin,QPM報道了從發現露頭的九個樣品的化驗值,該發現露頭的區間範圍爲1.10%至3.92%LiO(請參見2024年1月18日的新聞稿)。根據鋰化驗結果以及從Muscovite和K-Feldspar的pXRF K-Rb比率衍生的捧晶礦物材料的分餾水平,表面礦化物具有沿NW-SE 3.8公里長趨勢延伸的潛力。OphirPilipas的發現結果不一定是關於QPM的Elmer East項目的礦化物的指示。).

At Ninaaskuwumin, QPM reported assay values from the nine samples from the discovery outcrop range from 1.10% to 3.92% Li2O (see press release of January 18, 2024). Based on the lithium assays and the fractionation level of the pegmatitic material, derived from the pXRF K-Rb ratios for muscovite and K-Feldspar, the surface mineralization has the potential to extend along a NW-SE 3.8 km-long trend. The results for the Ophir's Pilipas discovery are not necessarily indicative of the mineralization on QPM's Elmer East project.

“Ophir的發現表明,兩個發現周圍的區域有可能容納James Bay地區最大的鋰閃長巖礦牀之一。我們計劃在夏末和初秋對Ninaaskuwumin鋰閃長岩脈進行採樣和鑽探,並祝願Ophir在發現更多的鋰礦的同時取得最好的成功。”網站上提供了最新的企業介紹。2該公司的首席執行官Normand Champigny評論說:“更新了公告和公司的網絡站點,並且已在符合礦產項目披露標準的NI 43-101下,由該公司的首席執行官Normand Champigny領導,任職資格人員已準備並審核了本新聞稿的內容。

"Ophir's discovery shows that the areas around both discoveries have the potential to host one of the largest spodumene pegmatite resources in the James Bay region. We are planning to sample and drill our Ninaaskuwumin spodumene pegmatite in late summer and early fall and wish Ophir the best of success in making additional lithium discoveries" commented Normand Champigny, CEO.

QPM在高度潛在的Eeyou Istchee James Bay地區擁有大量土地,並且靠近紐曼礦業公司的Éléonore黃金礦。該公司專注於推進其Sakami黃金項目和其新發現的,已具備鑽探條件的Elmer East項目的Ninaaskuwin鋰展示。此外,該公司還持有位於魁北克Temiscaming附近的Kipawa稀土項目的68%股權。

An updated corporate presentation is available on the Corporation's web site


Qualified Person


Normand Champigny, Eng., Chief Executive Officer of the Company, and Qualified Person under NI 43-101 on standards of disclosure for mineral projects, has prepared and reviewed the content of this press release.

該公司的首席執行官Normand Champigny是符合礦物項目披露標準NI 43-101的合格人員,並且準備並審核了本新聞稿的內容。

About Quebec Precious Metals Corporation

QPM是一家在非常有前途的Eeyou Istchee James灣領地魁北克省的大地上擁有大塊土地的勘探公司,靠近紐曼礦業公司的Eleonore金礦。該公司專注於推進其Sakami金礦項目和在Elmer East項目上的新發現,並聞名於Kipawa / Zeus稀土項目,該項目位於魁北克省特米斯卡明附近,公司擁有該項目68%的權益。

QPM has a large land position in the highly prospective Eeyou Istchee James Bay territory, Quebec, near Newmont Corporation's Éléonore gold mine. The Corporation focuses on advancing its Sakami gold project and its newly discovered, drill-ready Ninaaskuwin lithium showing on the Elmer East project. In addition, the Corporation holds a 68% interest in the Kipawa rare earths project located near Temiscaming, Quebec.

QPM在高度潛在的魁北克EeyouIstchee James Bay領地擁有大量土地,靠近Newmont Corporation的Éléonore黃金礦。公司專注於推進Sakami黃金項目和其新發現的,已具備鑽探條件的Elmer East項目的Ninaaskuwin鋰展示。此外,該公司還持有位於魁北克Temiscaming附近的Kipawa稀土項目的68%股權。

For more information please contact:

欲了解更多信息,請聯繫:Andrea Dray,MIND C.T.I. Ltd.電話:+972-4-993-6666,電子郵件,MIND C.T.I. LTD.(除每股數據外)收入5765成本費2787營業費用1,548。

Normand Champigny
Chief Executive Officer
Tel.: 514 979-4746

Normand Champigny
電話:514 979-4746

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Figure 1


Figure 2


SOURCE: Quebec Precious Metals Corporation


