
Legend Power Systems Reports First Orders For the City of New York

Legend Power Systems Reports First Orders For the City of New York

Legend Power Systems報告了紐約市的首筆訂單。
newsfile ·  06/27 21:14

Legend Receives First 4000 amp Gen3 System Order


Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - June 27, 2024) - Legend Power Systems (TSXV: LPS), a global leader in commercial electrical system solutions, reports several key milestones in company sales growth and public sector adoption. The Company has received an order on June 25, 2024 and a deposit from contractors serving the City of New York School Construction Authority in support of a new school being built in the City of New York. This SmartGATE purchase is through a switchgear manufacturer for incorporation into the core switchgear, which represents another large market opportunity beyond the public sector. Additionally, this is the first 4000 amp SmartGATE Gen 3 that has been ordered. In addition, the US Federal Government has begun installation of the first SmartGATE for the Department of Homeland Security at a border facility. Furthermore the GSA has selected a large federal office within the Washington DC Federal Triangle for the next SmartGATE installation. These orders and installations are in addition to delivering 4 SmartGATE systems to a school system in New Mexico through a significant ESCO performance contracting firm this month as well.

溫哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞州 - (新聞稿 Corp。- 2024年6月27日) - Legend Power Systems(TSXV:LPS)是商業電氣系統解決方案的全球領導者,報告了公司銷售增長和公共部門採納方面的幾個關鍵里程碑。該公司已於2024年6月25日收到了來自承包紐約市學校建築管理局的承包商的訂單和存款,以支持紐約市建造的新學校。此SmartGATE購買是通過配電開關製造商進行的,以納入核心配電開關之外,還代表了另一個大型市場機會。此外,這是訂購的第一臺4000安培SmartGATE Gen 3。此外,美國聯邦政府已開始在邊境設施爲國土安全部安裝第一臺SmartGATE。此外,GSA已選擇華盛頓特區聯邦三角區的一個大型聯邦辦公室進行下一個SmartGATE安裝。除此之外,本月還通過重要ESCO績效承包公司向新墨西哥州的一個學校系統交付了4個SmartGATE系統。

"The system orders and installations in these critical public sectors are the culmination of years of work," said Mike Cioce, Vice President of Sales and Marketing for Legend Power Systems. "Our multi-year relationship with the City of New York is now starting to payoff as orders begin to flow in. The size of this opportunity along with the Federal Government and ESCO sectors is large for Legend Power Systems and are significant drivers of our growth."

"這些關鍵公共部門的系統訂單和安裝是多年工作的結果," Legend Power Systems銷售和市場副總裁Mike Cioce說。 "我們與紐約市的多年合作關係現在開始付出回報,訂單開始流入。由於這一機會的規模以及聯邦政府和ESCO部門,Legend Power Systems的增長是顯著的驅動力。"

"The US public sector is a significant opportunity for Legend," said Randy Buchamer, CEO of Legend Power Systems. "When we combine these specific results this quarter with our record order bookings from last quarter (Press Release "Legend Power Systems Reports Record Purchase Orders Received of Over $2.5 Million" dated April 4, 2024), driven by private commercial real estate orders as well as the recent increase in recurring revenue for the Company, we are demonstrating results in multiple markets and geographies, which is required to drive our ambitious growth goals."

"美國公共部門是Legend的重大機會," Legend Power Systems首席執行官Randy Buchamer說。"當我們將本季度的這些具體結果與上個季度的記錄性訂單一起考慮時(新聞稿“Legend Power Systems報告收到超過250萬美元的訂貨”日期2024年4月4日),由私人商業房地產訂單驅動的以及公司最近增加的循環收入,我們正在證明多個市場和地理位置的結果,這是推動我們雄心勃勃的增長目標所必需的。"

About SmartGATE

關於 SmartGATE

SmartGATE is an industry-leading, turnkey solution that identifies and fixes underperformance and waste in the electrical system of a commercial building. These performance issues often impact key areas of commercial real estate metrics including occupant safety and satisfaction as well as financial performance. This waste can also lead to higher operating costs, lower net operating income and other potential financial risks to the building owner, including adverse tenant experiences.

SmartGATE 是一種領先行業的交鑰匙式解決方案,用於識別和解決商業建築電氣系統的表現不佳和浪費問題。這些性能問題通常會對商業房地產指標的關鍵領域產生影響,包括入住者的安全和滿意度,以及財務表現。此類浪費也可能導致更高的運營成本、更低的淨營業收入和其他潛在的財務風險,包括對租戶的不利體驗。

About Legend Power Systems Inc.

關於 Legend Power Systems 公司Legend Power Systems 公司提供一款智能能源管理平台,分析和改善建築能源問題,顯着影響資產管理和企業績效。Legend 的成熟解決方案支持在複雜和不穩定的商業和能源環境下進行積極的高管決策。

Legend Power Systems Inc. () provides an intelligent energy management platform that analyzes and improves building energy challenges, significantly impacting asset management and corporate performance. Legend's proven solutions support proactive executive decision-making in a complex and volatile business and energy environment.


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+1 416 417 7664

+1 416 417 7664
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