
First Phase of Exploration on Foothills Property Confirms Presence of High TiO2 Grades

First Phase of Exploration on Foothills Property Confirms Presence of High TiO2 Grades

GlobeNewswire ·  06/27 19:30

MONTRÉAL, June 27, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- NioBay Metals Inc. ("NioBay" or the "Company") (TSX-V: NBY) (OTCQB: NBYCF) is proud to announce that, following the start of exploration work on the Foothills project, assay results confirm the presence of high TiO2 grades in massive ilmenite boulders. The Foothills project is located north of Saint-Urbain, 100 km north of Quebec City and 90 km south of Saguenay (La Baie region), Quebec. The project covers an area of approximately 285 km2 and comprises five separate claim blocks. It covers most of the contact of the intrusive zone known as the Saint-Urbain anorthosite.

蒙特利爾,2024年6月27日(環球新聞社)——NioBay Metals Inc.(“NioBay”或“公司”)(TSX-V:NBY)(OTCQB:NBYCF)自Foothills項目開始勘探工作後,金相試驗證實了高TiO存在於塊狀鈦鐵礦中。Foothills項目位於魁北克市以北100公里的Saint-Urbain以北,以及距離薩圭內(La Baie地區)90公里以南。該項目覆蓋面積約285平方公里,由五個獨立的申請區塊組成,覆蓋了大部分被稱爲Saint-Urbain輝長岩的侵入性帶接觸區。2這些塊狀岩石是在1號區塊南部發現的地表大石中取樣的。公司僅提供了那些具有35%以上TiO的塊狀岩石樣品。這些樣品顯示在高分辨率磁力地圖上。2表1:截獲的礦化物 樣品編號 大石 大石 大石 大石 大石 大石 大石 大石 大石 2024年5月勘探區域和樣品位置 公司還在Lac aux Bleuets地區進行了詳細的磁力勘測。這一地區位於魁北克神學院領土上,由於對先前數據進行分析並與人工智能軟件(IRIS)交叉參考,這一地區被定爲具有高潛力。在6月進行的勘測中,該區的異常非常強烈。取得必要的授權後,將在此現場進行鑽探。

Results of the first samples from the Summer 2024 exploration campaign


The samples taken were surface boulders found in the southern part of sector 1. The Company has presented only those boulders with a TiO2 value greater than 35%. These samples are shown on the high-resolution magnetic map.

深度(米) 1.5 1.0 2.5 1.5 1.0 1.5 2.5 1.5 2.0 2024年5月28日L_4採樣地點 2高精度磁測地圖

Table 1: Intercepted mineralization


Sample number Type TiO2 (%)
162590015 boulder 39.4%
162590016 boulder 38.9%
162590018 boulder 36.6%
162590019 boulder 38.5%
162590022 boulder 38.9%
162590158 boulder 36.8%
162590165 boulder 37.2%
162590304 boulder 38.2%
162590312 boulder 37.7%
樣品編號 類型 TiO2 (%)
162590015 卵石攔截礦化物 39.4%
162590016 卵石攔截礦化物 38.9%
162590018 卵石攔截礦化物 36.6%
162590019 卵石攔截礦化物 38.5%
162590022 卵石攔截礦化物 38.9%
162590158 卵石攔截礦化物 36.8%
162590165 卵石攔截礦化物 37.2%
162590304 卵石攔截礦化物 38.2%
162590312 卵石攔截礦化物 37.7%

May 2024 prospecting area and sample location


The Company also carried out a detailed magnetic survey in the Lac aux Bleuets area. This area, located on Séminaire de Québec land, was prioritized for its high potential, as determined by analysis of previous data and cross-referencing with artificial intelligence software (IRIS). The survey, carried out in June, showed a very strong anomaly in this sector. Drilling will be carried out on this site, subject to receiving the necessary authorizations.

公司還運用人工智能軟件(IRIS)分析之前的數據並進行交叉驗證後,確定了Quebec地名學院領土上的Lac aux Bleuets地區具有很高的潛力。公司於6月進行了詳細的磁力勘測,該區域顯現出非常強的異常,排除掉干擾,將在此區域開展鑽探,需要獲取必要的授權。

High-precision magnetic survey map


Message from NioBay's President and CEO on Crevier


"We are pleased to announce the first results of our exploration campaign on the Foothills project from the Lac aux Bleuets area (Area 1). Excellent TiO2 concentrations were found in massive ilmenite boulders. In addition, the geophysical survey conducted in June showed the site to be highly promising. Further results from zones 2 and 3 will follow shortly," concludes Mr. David.

“我們很高興宣佈,我們在Lac aux Bleuets區(區域1)的Foothills項目的勘探活動取得了第一批出色的鈦濃度結果,其中龐大的鈦鐵礦石中發現了優良的TiO。此外,6月進行的地球物理勘測顯示該地點具有極高的前景。區域2和3的進一步結果將很快公佈,”David先生總結道。2NioBay旨在成爲低碳消耗、負責任的水資源和野生動物管理實踐的礦業開發領導者,同時優先考慮環境、社會責任、良好治理以及所有利益相關者的包容性。我們的首要任務是在我們所經營的土地和/或祖傳土地上獲得土著社群的同意和全面參與,這對我們的成功至關重要。

Qualified Person


This press release has been reviewed and approved by Jean-Sébastien David, P.Geo., a qualified person under National Instrument 43-101. Mr. David is President and CEO of NioBay.

本新聞稿已由加拿大國家43-101號法規下的合格人員和NioBay的總裁兼首席執行官Jean-Sébastien David先生(P.Geo.)審查和批准。

About NioBay Metals Inc.

NioBay Metals Inc.簡介

NioBay aims to become a leader in the development of mine(s) with low carbon consumption and responsible water and wildlife management practices while prioritizing the environment, social responsibility, good governance, and the inclusion of all stakeholders. Our top priority, which is critical to our success, is the consent and full participation of the Indigenous communities in whose territories and/or on ancestral lands we operate.

除了其他項目,NioBay還持有位於安大略省詹姆斯灣低地的Moosonee以南45公里處的詹姆斯灣鈮項目的100%權益。NioBay還持有位於魁北克省和Pekuakaminulnuatsh First Nation的Nitassinan領土上的Crevier鈮鉭項目的72.5%權益,並擁有在魁北克St-Urbain礦區附近的鈦磷礦項目Foothills項目的80%權益選擇權。

In addition to others properties, NioBay holds a 100% interest in the James Bay Niobium Project located 45 km south of Moosonee, in the Moose Cree Traditional Territory of the James Bay Lowlands in Ontario. NioBay also holds a 72.5% interest in the Crevier Niobium and Tantalum project located in Québec and on the Nitassinan territory of the Pekuakaminulnuatsh First Nation. The Company has also the option to acquire a 80% interest in the Foothills project, a titanium-phosphate project located near the former St-Urbain mine site in Québec.

關於鈦 鈦(Ti)與鋼鐵同樣強大,但密度要小得多。因此,它成爲一種與許多金屬包括鋁、鉬和鐵等進行合金化的重要元素。由於其低密度和耐受極端溫度的能力,這些合金主要用於飛機和航天器中。它們也被用於體育器材、筆記本電腦、自行車和醫療假肢。近年來,該金屬被用於一些電池結構件。

About Titanium


Titanium (Ti) is as strong as steel, but much less dense. It is therefore important as an alloying agent with many metals, including aluminum, molybdenum and iron. These alloys are mainly used in aircraft and spacecraft because of their low density and ability to withstand extreme temperatures. They are also used in sports equipment, laptops, bicycles and medical prostheses. Recently, this metal has been used in some battery components.


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TSX Venture Exchange及其監管服務提供商(如TSX Venture Exchange政策中所定義的那樣)對此新聞稿的充分性或準確性不承擔責任。



NioBay Metals Inc.
Jean-Sebastien David, geo.
President & Chief Executive Officer
Tel.: 514 866-6500
Kimberly Darlington
Investor Relations
Tel: 514-771-3398
NioBay Metals Inc.
Jean-Sebastien David,geo。
電話:514 866-6500
Kimberly Darlington
電話: 514-771-3398

Photos accompanying this announcement are available at


