
Trading Halt for GMI Stock

Trading Halt for GMI Stock

GlobeNewswire ·  06/27 19:00


(tsx-v: GMI) (GDMIF。 : OTCM)

QUEBEC CITY, June 27, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Listed on the TSX Venture Exchange, Green Mining Innovation Inc. (TSX-V : GMI) announces that trading of its securities has been halted by the British Columbia Securities Commission due to the delay in filing its annual financial statements for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023, within the prescribed time period.

2024年6月27日魁北克市(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)—— 在TSX-V上市的創業公司Green Mining Innovation Inc.綠色採礦創新公司(TSX-V: GMI)宣佈,由於未能按規定時間提交截至2023年12月31日的財務年度報表,其證券的交易已被英屬哥倫比亞警戒會暫停交易。

Consequently, all transactions involving GMI securities are prohibited until further notice, in accordance with the terms of the cease trade order. With the resources and expertise at its disposal, GMI will be able to implement the necessary corrective measures very soon to properly address this issue.


This situation results from a cyber attack that the organization fell victim to, which led to the loss and deletion of several documents, including important financial records. Since then, our technical team, with the assistance of IT experts, has been working tirelessly to recover this essential data and reconstruct the company's entire data set affected by this cyber attack.


GMI announces Changes in Organizational Structure

GMI的願景和價值觀貫穿於其所有活動中,具有生態、創新和可持續性的思路。今天,我們可以確認與Goldstar Minerals Inc.過渡的完成。GMI董事會主席路易斯·馬爾庫斯先生於2024年5月20日結束其代任期。

  • End of Mr. Louis Marcoux's interim mandate as Chairman of GMI's Board of Directors on May 20, 2024;
  • Appointment of Mr. André Gagné as Chairman of GMI's Board of Directors on May 20, 2024;
  • Termination of Mr. Pierro Chicoine, IT and Productivity Manager, on January 24, 2024;
  • On May 8, Mr. Luc Dubé, as Chief Financial Officer, informed us of his resignation offer. The members of the Board of Directors accepted his resignation on May 20 during the Board of Directors meeting. Mr. Jacques Tremblay was named Chief Financial Officer and Corporate Secretary by the same Board of Directors;
  • Appointment of Mrs Stéphanie Lehoux as Director of Governance and Organizational Development (DGDO) on May 20, 2024;
  • Mrs Elisa Denise Turcot joined GMI's Board of Directors as a member on May 20, 2024.
  • Louis Marcoux先生的臨時主席職務結束GMI的願景和價值觀爲所有業務帶來生態、創新和可持續的方法。今天,我們確認與Goldstar Minerals Inc.過渡的完成。'2024年5月20日, 董事會解除IT和生產力經理Pierro Chicoine先生的職務;
  • 任命安德烈.甘古先生爲董事長於2024年5月20日;GMI的願景和價值觀爲所有業務帶來生態、創新和可持續的方法。今天,我們確認與Goldstar Minerals Inc.過渡的完成。'2024年5月20日, 董事會解除IT和生產力經理Pierro Chicoine先生的職務;
  • 2024年5月8日, Luc Dube先生作爲首席財務官通知我們他要辭職。董事會成員在5月20日董事會上接受了他的辭職。同一董事會將Jacques Tremblay先生任命爲首席財務官和公司秘書;
  • 任命Stéphanie Lehoux女士爲管治與組織發展總監(DGDO)於2024年5月20日;
  • Elisa Denise Turcot女士於2024年5月20日成爲GMI的董事會成員;
  • 關於GMI公司股票期權的更新分配, 根據生效的期權計劃分配: Daniel Bélisle先生:向Daniel Bélisle先生授予的50萬股票期權於2023年9月25日被取消。這個決議是在2023年12月5日通過的;GMI的願景和價值觀爲所有業務帶來生態、創新和可持續的方法。今天,我們確認與Goldstar Minerals Inc.過渡的完成。'向Pierro Chicoine先生授予的20萬股票期權自2024年2月底失效;

Update concerning the stock options of GMI allocated in accordance with the option plan in force

向Alexandru Arhire先生授予的25萬股票期權自2024年2月底失效;GMI的願景和價值觀貫穿於其所有活動中,具有生態、創新和可持續性的思路。今天,我們可以確認與Goldstar Minerals Inc.過渡的完成。按照有效的期權計劃進行分配

  • Mr. Daniel Bélisle: The 500,000 stock options granted to Mr. Daniel Bélisle on September 25, 2023, were canceled by the resolution of December 5, 2023;
  • BF Capital Croissance Inc.: Management intends to retain the services of BF Capital Croissance Inc., represented by Mr. Daniel Bélisle. As stipulated in the agreement signed on February 26, GMI plans to grant 500,000 stock options to BF Capital Croissance Inc. These stock options will be granted to them on Wednesday, June 5, 2024. The holder, BF Capital Croissance Inc., may exercise its acquisition right upon the granting of the stock options at a price of $0.10 per unit for a period of 5 years, in accordance with the terms of the stock option plan in effect. Dated as of today, the contract proposal has been submitted to the Board of Directors and approved without delay;
  • The 200,000 stock options granted to Mr. Pierro Chicoine are no longer valid since the end of February 2024;
  • The 250,000 stock options granted to Mr. Alexandru Arhire are no longer valid since the end of February 2024.
  • 丹尼爾·貝利斯爾先生:於2023年9月25日授予的50萬股期權已被2023年12月5日的決議取消;
  • BF Capital Croissance公司:管理層希望繼續與代表人丹尼爾·貝利斯爾先生的BF Capital Croissance公司合作。根據2020年2月26日簽署的協議,服務將保留下來。GMI計劃向BF Capital Croissance Inc.授予50萬股期權,於2024年6月5日向其授予。持有人BF Capital Croissance Inc.可以按照有效的期權計劃條款在5年期內以每單位0.10美元的價格行使其認購權。將合同建議提交給董事會,並獲得批准,立即生效;
  • 於2024年2月底,授予給Pierro Chicoine先生的20萬股期權已不再有效;
  • 於2024年2月底,授予予Alexandru Arhire先生的25萬股期權已不再有效。

GMI's vision and values bring an ecological, innovative, and sustainable approach to all its activities. Today, we can confirm the completion of the transition with Goldstar Minerals Inc.

GMI的願景和價值觀爲所有業務帶來生態、創新和可持續的方法。今天,我們確認與Goldstar Minerals Inc.過渡的完成。'GMI的願景和價值觀爲所有業務帶來生態、創新和可持續的方法。今天,我們確認與Goldstar Minerals Inc.過渡的完成。

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Disclaimer" Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release." This press release contains "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable securities laws. This information is based on the current expectations, estimates, forecasts, and projections of the management of Green Mining Innovation Inc. Statements about future projects, including their environmental impact, profitability and production expectations, are forward-looking information. Although the Company believes that the expectations expressed in this forward-looking information are based on reasonable assumptions, this information is not a guarantee of future performance, and current results or realities may materially differ from those anticipated in the forward-looking information. Any investment in the company carries risks that should be independently assessed by each investor. Green Mining Innovation Inc. assumes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise, except as required by applicable securities laws.

免責聲明"TSX Venture Exchange及其監管服務提供商不對本發佈的充分性或準確性負責。"本新聞發佈包含"前瞻性信息",根據適用證券法的涵義。該信息基於Green Mining Innovation Inc.的管理層目前的期望、估計、預測和投影。關於未來項目的陳述,包括其環境影響、盈利能力和生產預期,是前瞻性的信息。雖然公司認爲這些前瞻性信息表達的期望是基於合理的假設,但這些信息並不是對未來績效的保證,當前的結果或實際情況可能與前瞻性信息中的預期大不相同。每位投資者都應獨立評估對公司的投資所帶來的風險。Green Mining Innovation Inc.不承擔任何更新或修訂任何前瞻性信息的義務,無論是因爲有新信息、未來事件或其他原因,除非適用的證券法律要求。

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