
Boeing Whistleblower Alleges Unsafe Manufacturing Of 787 Dreamliner, Plane Maker Says It 'Did Not Present A Safety Concern'

Boeing Whistleblower Alleges Unsafe Manufacturing Of 787 Dreamliner, Plane Maker Says It 'Did Not Present A Safety Concern'

Benzinga ·  06/27 17:51

A whistleblower has come forward with alarming allegations about the safety of Boeing's (NYSE:BA) 787 Dreamliner planes, claiming that the company ignored his warnings.

有知情者對波音(紐交所:BA)787 Dreamliner飛機的安全性提出了令人震驚的指控,聲稱該公司忽略了他的警告。

What Happened: Richard Cuevas, a mechanic at Strom, a contractor for Boeing's manufacturing partner Spirit Aerosystems, has accused the company of unsafe manufacturing practices that could have "devastating consequences," CNN reported on Wednesday.

據CNN週三報道,斯特羅姆(Strom)承包商,波音製造合作伙伴Spirit Aerosystems公司的機械師Richard Cuevas指控該公司存在不安全的製造行爲,可能會產生“災難性後果”。

He claims to have witnessed improperly drilled holes in the forward pressure bulkheads of 787 planes at Spirit's Wichita, Kansas, facility in 2023.


Cuevas reported these issues to Boeing and Spirit in October, but according to the complaints, he was fired from the company a few months later.


He further claims that these issues could affect at least 10 to 12 planes in production or already delivered to Boeing. This is not the first time such issues have been raised, with a previous whistleblower, Sam Salehpour, also reporting similar gaps in 787 and 777 aircraft.

他進一步聲稱,這些問題可能會影響到正在生產或已交付給波音的至少10到12架飛機。此前,另一位告密者Sam Salehpour也報告了787和777飛機中類似的問題。

"A subcontractor's employee previously reported concerns to us that we thoroughly investigated as we take seriously any safety-related matter," Boeing said in a statement. "Engineering analysis determined that the issues raised did not present a safety concern and were addressed."


Why It Matters: This latest whistleblower allegation comes at a time when Boeing is already under intense scrutiny. Recently, Boeing CEO David Calhoun was questioned by U.S. senators about the company's safety measures amid ongoing investigations.

最近,波音受到了嚴密的審查,這一最新的告密者指控出現在了這個時候。最近,波音首席執行官David Calhoun在美國參議員的質詢中就公司的安全措施進行了回答,引起人們的關注。

Furthermore, Elon Musk recently criticized Boeing's leadership, suggesting that the lack of engineers in top positions is a significant factor in the company's ongoing crises.


Musk's comments came amid reports that U.S. prosecutors are urging the Department of Justice to bring criminal charges against Boeing for allegedly failing to adhere to a 2021 settlement related to two fatal plane crashes involving its 737 Max jets.

馬斯克的評論出現在美國檢方正在敦促司法部對波音提起刑事指控的報道之際,原因是波音涉嫌未遵守與其737 Max噴氣式飛機有關的2021年和解協議。

Adding to the company's woes, Boeing has also faced issues with its Starliner spacecraft. The return flight of the Starliner, which docked with the ISS on Jun. 6, has been postponed twice, leading to speculation about the astronauts' safety. Boeing has dismissed these claims, asserting that the spacecraft is "performing well" and the astronauts can return to Earth if necessary.


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