
Boeing Dismisses Claims Of 'Stranded' NASA Astronauts On Starliner: 'The Mission Is Still Going And It Is Going Well'

Boeing Dismisses Claims Of 'Stranded' NASA Astronauts On Starliner: 'The Mission Is Still Going And It Is Going Well'

Benzinga ·  06/27 11:47

Boeing Co. (NYSE:BA) has refuted claims that two NASA astronauts are "stranded" on its Starliner spacecraft, asserting that the craft is functioning well despite its delayed return from the International Space Station.


What Happened: Boeing's Starliner, which docked with the ISS on Jun. 6, has had its return flight postponed for the second time until an unspecified date in July. This has led to speculation that the astronauts, Suni Williams and Butch Wilmore, are stranded, reported the Financial Times.

事件概述:波音的“星際飛船”於6月6日與國際空間站對接後,已將返回航班推遲了第二次,至7月未定的某一日期。這導致有人猜測宇航員Suni Williams和Butch Wilmore被困在太空,據英國《金融時報》報道。

Boeing, however, has dismissed these claims, stating that the spacecraft is "performing well" and the astronauts can return to Earth if necessary. The delay comes at a challenging time for Boeing, which is already embroiled in controversy over the safety culture in its commercial aerospace division.


This is not the first time Boeing has faced criticism. Earlier this month, Dave Calhoun, the outgoing CEO, was questioned by the U.S. Senate about the company's safety failures following a mid-air blowout of a door panel on one of its 737 Max aircraft in January. The company has been in a state of crisis since two fatal crashes in 2018 and 2019.

這不是波音第一次面臨批評。本月早些時候,即2021年1月,時任CEO Dave Calhoun在美國參議院接受問詢,就其737 Max飛機一架門板在空中炸裂的安全事故問題接受質詢。自2018年和2019年發生兩起致命墜機事件後,該公司一直處於危機之中。

Despite these challenges, Boeing maintains that the delayed return of the Starliner is not a failure. The company stated, "It is a test flight. The mission is still going and it is going well."


Why It Matters: The delayed return of the Starliner is the latest in a series of setbacks for Boeing. The company has been criticized for its safety failures and is facing potential criminal charges from the U.S. Department of Justice. Its CEO, Calhoun, has been publicly criticized by Elon Musk for the lack of engineers in Boeing's leadership.

影響重大原因:星際飛船的延遲返回只是波音一系列挫折中的最新事件。該公司一直受到安全事故方面的批評,並面臨美國司法部潛在的刑事指控。其CEO Calhoun因波音領導層缺乏工程師而受到埃隆·馬斯克的公開批評。

Boeing's struggles have also had an impact on the aerospace industry as a whole. Despite the challenges, analysts expect a recovery in the industry, with Boeing's proposed acquisition of Spirit Aerosystems Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:SPR) seen as a positive move.

波音的困境也對整個航空航天行業產生了影響。儘管面臨諸多挑戰,分析師們仍預計該行業有望復甦,而波音計劃收購Spirit Aerosystems Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:SPR)也被視爲一項積極舉措。

Meanwhile, SpaceX continues to secure major contracts, such as the recent $843 million contract to construct the vehicle that will bring the ISS out of its orbit when its operational lifespan ends.


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This story was generated using Benzinga Neuro and edited by Kaustubh Bagalkote

本報道使用Benzinga Neuro生成,並由Kaustubh Bagalkote

