
德莱建业(01546.HK):年度纯利830万港元 同比减少34.6%

TheLloy Dev (01546.HK): Annual net profit of HKD 8.3 million, a decrease of 34.6% year-on-year.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jun 27, 2024 08:22

On June 27th, Gleannloch Holdings (01546.HK) announced that for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2024, the group recorded a total revenue of approximately HKD 258 million, a slight decrease of about 0.4% from the previous year. In this fiscal year, earnings attributable to equity owners of the company were approximately HKD 8.3 million, a decrease of about 34.6% from the previous year, with basic earnings per share of 1.03 HK cents.

In this fiscal year, the group's revenue decreased by about 0.4% from the previous year. This decrease was mainly due to (i) an increase in revenue from building and construction services to approximately HKD 189 million in this fiscal year, an increase of about 96.4%; (ii) a decrease in revenue from design and construction services to approximately HKD 25.2 million in this fiscal year, a decrease of about 59.0%; and (iii) a decrease in revenue from RMAA services to approximately HKD 43.9 million in this fiscal year, a decrease of about 56.7%, resulting from the combined impact. The significant increase in revenue from building and construction services was mainly due to nearly completed work on a project in this fiscal year, while the decrease in revenue from design and construction services and RMAA services was due to the completion of several projects in this fiscal year.

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