
Ericsson Ranked Second Among Top International Corporate Citizens in Canada by Corporate Knights

Ericsson Ranked Second Among Top International Corporate Citizens in Canada by Corporate Knights

愛立信被《Corporate Knights》評爲加拿大國際企業公民排名第二。
愛立信 ·  06/26 12:00

Ericsson, a leading R&D investor in Canada and a global leader in sustainability, is proud to announce it has been ranked second overall among Canada's Top International Corporate Citizens in 2024. This designation was awarded to Ericsson by Corporate Knights, a media and research company committed to advancing a sustainable economy. This year, Ericsson moved up from the eighth position in 2023 to second, reflecting the company's continued efforts to champion important issues like reducing the energy consumption of mobile networks and advocating for digital inclusion.

愛立信是加拿大領先的研發投資者,也是環保領域的全球領導者。很自豪地宣佈,其已名列2024年加拿大國際企業公民排行榜的第二名。這個稱號是由致力於推動可持續經濟的媒體和研究公司Corporate Knights授予的。今年,愛立信從2023年的第八名上升到了第二名,反映出該公司繼續努力支持重要問題,如減少移動網絡的能源消耗和倡導數字包容。

Jeanette Irekvist, President of Ericsson Canada, says: "We are honoured to be recognized as one of Canada's top international corporate citizens. Moving up to second place highlights our unwavering commitment to sustainability and our efforts to achieve Net Zero emissions across our value chain by 2040. Our focus on developing high performing, energy efficient and sustainable 5G networks, bolstered by our investments in Canadian R&D, is pivotal to our mission."

愛立信加拿大總裁Jeanette Irekvist表示:“我們很榮幸被認可爲加拿大跨國企業公民之一,從第八名到第二名是對我們對可持續發展的不懈承諾,以及到2040年實現全價值鏈淨零排放的努力的肯定。我們專注於開發高性能、能效高、可持續的5G網絡,加強對加拿大研發的投資,這是我們的使命至關重要。”

As mobile network usage continues to surge, communication service providers (CSPs) face increasing sustainability challenges in scaling up their capacity. Ericsson addresses this issue by optimizing network operations to further enhance sustainability with innovative solutions like its Radio Access Networks (RAN) energy-saving software, which significantly reduces power consumption while supporting the growing demand for 5G.


Bhushan Joshi, Head of Sustainability & Corporate Responsibility, Ericsson North America, says: "This recognition by Corporate Knights is a testament to Ericsson's deep-rooted commitment to sustainability and corporate responsibility. Our journey towards Net Zero emissions is integral to our operations and the solutions we provide. By enhancing the energy efficiency of our products and building robust, sustainable networks, we aim to enable significant decarbonization across industries. This accolade reflects the hard work and dedication of our teams in driving our Net Zero agenda."

Ericsson North America的可持續發展和企業責任負責人Bhushan Joshi表示:“Corporate Knights的這一榮譽證明了愛立信對可持續發展和企業責任的根深蒂固的承諾。我們追求淨零排放是我們運營和提供解決方案的重要組成部分。通過提高我們產品的能效和構建強大、可持續的網絡,我們旨在實現產業的重要減排。這一榮譽證明了我們團隊努力推動我們的淨零計劃的工作和奉獻精神。“

Ericsson ranked second among the 2024 Top 10 International Corporate Citizens, up six spots from last year.


Winners are selected from 115 companies that earn revenues over $1 billion in North America, and are not listed or headquartered in Canada, and have the highest scores based on the Corporate Knights Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World methodology.

獲獎者是從北美地區營業收入超過10億美元,不在加拿大列出或總部設在加拿大以外的115家公司中選擇的,根據Corporate Knights全球100家最可持續的公司的方法,在最高分數的基礎上進行排名。

The Corporate Knights Sustainability Rating methodology incorporates data collected from annual reports, sustainability reports, and company websites to score companies based on metrics such as share of "clean" revenue and investments, eco-efficiency, diversity on boards of directors and among executives.

Corporate Knights可持續性評級方法包括從年度報告、可持續性報告和公司網站收集數據,根據“清潔”收入和投資的份額、生態效率、董事會和高管之間和執行層面的多樣性等指標對公司進行評分。

Ericsson Canada has played a vital role in the country's innovation ecosystem for more than 70 years, including supporting communications service providers through every generation of mobile communication. By providing cutting-edge, sustainable technology solutions, Ericsson is helping Canadian CSPs meet their sustainability goals, reduce their environmental impact, and drive digital inclusion across the nation. Ericsson Canada is also a partner in the national ecosystem network aimed at fostering 5G adoption and collaboration in Canada. Earlier this year, the company also joined the Government of Canada's Net Zero Challenge.


For more details, please read Ericsson's latest Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility report.





Nathan Gibson
Mob: 647-554-1423

Nathan Gibson
Mob: 647-554-1423

關於Corporate Knights:

Corporate Knights Inc. includes the sustainable economy magazine Corporate Knights and a research division that produces global ratings and rankings on corporate and financial product sustainability.

Corporate Knights Inc.包括可持續經濟雜誌Corporate Knights和一個研究部門,該部門根據公司和金融產品可持續性評級和排名,製作全球評級和排名。


Ericsson enables communications service providers and enterprises to capture the full value of connectivity. The company's portfolio spans the following business areas: Networks, Cloud Software and Services, Enterprise Wireless Solutions, Global Communications Platform, and Technologies and New Businesses. It is designed to help our customers go digital, increase efficiency and find new revenue streams. Ericsson's innovation investments have delivered the benefits of mobility and mobile broadband to billions of people globally. Ericsson stock is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm and on Nasdaq New York.


