
RapDev Wins Third Consecutive Datadog Partner of the Year, Marketplace Partner of the Year

RapDev Wins Third Consecutive Datadog Partner of the Year, Marketplace Partner of the Year

PR Newswire ·  06/26 22:29

BOSTON, June 26, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- RapDev, the leading Datadog implementation provider, has been awarded the 2024 Datadog Partner Network (DPN) Partner of the Year for the third consecutive year, as well as the 2024 DPN Marketplace Partner of the Year. Datadog, the monitoring and security platform for cloud applications, unveiled the award winners at its DASH conference.

2024年6月26日,波士頓/美通社——RapDev作爲 Datadog 實施服務的領先者,已經連續第三年被授予2024年 Datadog 合作伙伴網絡 (DPN) 年度合作伙伴獎,以及2024年 DPN 市場合作夥伴年度獎。第三年獲得 DPN 合作伙伴年度獎以及2024年 DPN 市場合作夥伴年度獎。雲應用程序監控和安全平台 Datadog 在其會議上公佈了獲獎者。 DatadogRapDev 第三年獲得 Datadog 合作伙伴年度獎達世幣DPN 獎項評選基於合作伙伴的營業收入貢獻和增長、產品和服務擴展,以及他們向客戶提供建立和擴大業務所需的創新、服務和支持的事實證明。

RapDev wins Datadog Partner of the Year for the third consecutive year
RapDev 被評爲 DPN 北美年度合作伙伴,因爲它致力於在 Datadog 的市場推廣活動中創新。在過去的一年中,RapDev 擴大了 Datadog 特定的團隊,在國際上擴大了存在,並擴大了其覆蓋範圍,包括美國公共部門客戶。

The DPN award winners were chosen based on the partners' revenue contribution and growth, product and service expansion, and their proven commitment to providing their customers with the innovation, services, and support needed to build and scale their businesses.

RapDev 獲得 DPN 市場合作夥伴年度獎,是因爲其致力於爲客戶推出新的產品和集成資產。在過去的一年中,RapDev 推出了 16 種新的 Datadog 解決方案,13 種市場集成以及3種專業服務產品。

RapDev was selected as the DPN Partner of the Year– North America because of its commitment to innovation in go-to-market activities with Datadog. Over the past year, RapDev expanded its Datadog-specific teams, extended its presence internationally, and expanded its reach to include US Public Sector customers.

“我們的團隊非常自豪我們在加速客戶的 Datadog 可觀察性旅程方面所做的工作。我們在過去一年中在我們的 Datadog 服務方面取得了巨大進展,很高興與可觀察性前沿的客戶一起工作,”RapDev 創始人 Tameem Hourani 表示。“我們與 Datadog 建立了很好的合作伙伴關係,並致力於在這個領域繼續創新,擴大生態系統。我們最近推出的“達世幣託管服務”是我們與 Datadog 一起持續承諾的最好例證。”

RapDev was awarded the DPN Marketplace Partner of the Year due to its commitment to launching new offerings and integration assets for customers. Over the past year, RapDev launched 16 new Datadog solutions, 13 marketplace integrations, and 3 professional services offerings.

“DASH 將開發、安全和運營專業人員聚集在一起,討論他們如何最好地確保事件和問題的安全、觀察和處理。被評爲 DPN 年度合作伙伴的公司正在幫助最終用戶擁抱這些最佳實踐,並改善他們的可觀察性和安全性,”Datadog 的首席運營官 Adam Blitzer 說。“祝賀所有獲此殊榮的組織,並感謝您與 Datadog 的持續合作伙伴關係。”RapDev 推出了 16 種新的 Datadog 解決方案,13 種市場集成以及 3 種專業服務產品。.

"Our team is extremely proud of the work we've done to accelerate our customers' observability journeys with Datadog. We've made big strides in our Datadog offerings throughout the past year and are excited to be working with clients at the forefront of observability," said RapDev founder Tameem Hourani. "We have a great partnership with Datadog and are leaning into expanding the ecosystem for our customers by continuing to innovate in the space. Our recently launched Managed Datadog Service is a great example of our ongoing commitment alongside Datadog."

“我們的團隊非常自豪我們在加速客戶的可觀察性旅程方面所做的工作。我們在過去一年中在我們的 Datadog 服務方面取得了巨大進展,”RapDev 表示。在過去的一年中,RapDev 所提供的 Datadog 服務不斷提高。“我們的團隊非常自豪我們在加速客戶的可觀察性旅程方面所做的工作。我們在過去一年中在我們的 Datadog 服務方面取得了巨大進展,很高興與可觀察性前沿的客戶一起工作,”RapDev 創始人方正證券表示。Tameem Hourani“我們與 Datadog 建立了很好的合作伙伴關係,並致力於在這個領域繼續創新,擴大生態系統。我們最近推出的“達世幣託管服務”是我們與 Datadog 一起持續承諾的最好例證。”託管的達世幣服務Datadog 的首席運營官 Adam Blitzer 表示:“DASH 將開發、安全和運營專業人員聚集在一起,討論他們如何最好地確保事件和問題的安全、觀察和處理。被評爲 DPN 年度合作伙伴的公司正在幫助最終用戶擁抱這些最佳實踐,並改善他們的可觀察性和安全性,祝賀所有獲此殊榮的組織,並感謝您與 Datadog 的持續合作伙伴關係。”

"DASH brings development, security, and operations professionals together to discuss how they can best secure, observe, and act on incidents and issues. The companies recognized as DPN Partners of the Year are helping end users embrace these best practices and improve their observability and security postures," said Adam Blitzer, Chief Operating Officer at Datadog. "Congratulations to all the organizations recognized for this achievement, and thank you for your continued partnership with Datadog."

“DASH 將開發、安全和運營專業人員聚集在一起,討論他們如何最好地確保事件和問題的安全、觀察和處理。被評爲 DPN 年度合作伙伴的公司正在幫助最終用戶擁抱這些最佳實踐,並改善他們的可觀察性和安全性,”Datadog 的首席運營官 Adam Blitzer 說。

In addition to the recently launched integrations for Azure Virtual Desktop, Cisco, Ansible Automation Platform, and GitHub Hosted Agent, RapDev is excited to announce that SAP and Atlassian Bamboo will also be among its new offerings in the Datadog Marketplace later this month.

除了最近推出的集成外,Azure虛擬桌面, Cisco, Ansible自動化平台GitHub託管代理,RapDev很高興地宣佈,SAP和 Atlassian Bamboo也將成爲其Datadog Marketplace新產品之一,即將在本月晚些時候發佈。關於RapDevRapDev成立於2019年,是Fortune1000組織加速和優化其黃金和servicenow實施的首選合作伙伴。作爲Datadog黃金合作伙伴和ServiceNow Elite合作伙伴,RapDev在大規模實施方面擁有無與倫比的專業知識。RapDev從頭到尾專業指導組織完成其工程和DevOps轉型。有關更多信息,請訪問

About RapDev
Founded in 2019, RapDev is the go-to partner for Fortune 1000 organizations looking to accelerate and optimize their Datadog and ServiceNow implementations. As a trusted Datadog Gold Partner and ServiceNow Elite Partner, RapDev offers unparalleled expertise in implementation at scale. RapDev expertly guides organizations through their Engineering and DevOps transformations from beginning to end. For more information, visit .

創立於2019年,RapDev是Fortune1000組織加速和優化其黃金和servicenow實施的首選合作伙伴。Datadog和頁面。servicenow作爲Datadog黃金合作伙伴和ServiceNow Elite合作伙伴,RapDev在大規模實施方面擁有無與倫比的專業知識。RapDev從頭到尾專業指導組織完成其工程和DevOps轉型。.



