
Mako Announces Goldsource Securityholder Approval of the Arrangement Transaction and Provides Corporate Update

Mako Announces Goldsource Securityholder Approval of the Arrangement Transaction and Provides Corporate Update

Accesswire ·  06/26 19:00

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / June 26, 2024 / Mako Mining Corp. (TSXV:MKO);(OTCQX:MAKOF) ("Mako" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that securityholders of Goldsource Mine Inc. ("Goldsource") have approved the plan of arrangement transaction with Mako at the special meeting of securityholders of Goldsource held on June 21st, 2024, with over 97% approval on all votes held.

溫哥華,BC / ACCESSWIRE /2024年6月26日/ Mako Mining Corp. (TSXV:MKO);(OTCQX:MAKOF) (下稱"Mako"或"公司") 很高興地宣佈,Goldsource Mine Inc. ("Goldsource") 的證券持有人在Goldsource的證券持有人特別會議上於2024年6月21日對Mako的安排計劃交易表示贊同21世紀醫療改革法案,所有投票中超過97%的贊成票。

It is expected that Goldsource will receive the final order of the Supreme Court of British Columbia at a hearing scheduled for June 26th, 2024, and closing of the transaction will occur on or about July 3rd, 2024, subject to the satisfaction or waiver of all remaining closing conditions.

預計Goldsource將在2024年6月26日的聽證會上獲得英屬哥倫比亞省最高法院的最終裁決,並且交易的完成將在2024年7月3日或其前後進行,視情況而定條件履行或豁免。th交易預計完成於2024年7月3日左右。rd在安排方案完成後,Rael Lipson將從Mako的董事會上辭職,並由現任Goldsource董事Laurie Gaborit填補該空缺。未來Ms. Gaborit將成爲公司的一份子。Gaborit女士在礦產勘探、投資者關係和企業傳播方面擁有超過30年的工作經驗。她目前是Dore Copper Mining Corporation的副總裁投資者關係並擔任Monarch Gold Corporation和Gold Terra Resource Corporation董事。 Gaborit女士曾擔任Detour Gold Corp的副總裁投資者關係,在2007年公司首次公開發行至成功轉型爲中級黃金生產商的整個過程中一直是管理團隊的重要成員。在此之前,Gaborit女士爲許多初創採礦公司提供了戰略投資者關係和企業傳播服務。2019年,她獲得了CIRI Belle Mulligan領導力獎的榮譽。 Gaborit女士在Aur Resources、Cambior和Romarco Minerals擔任地質學家,擁有地質學科學榮譽學位。

Corporate Update
Upon closing of the plan of arrangement, Rael Lipson will step down as a director of Mako, and current Goldsource director Laurie Gaborit will fill such vacancy. Ms. Gaborit has over 30 years of combined work experience in mineral exploration, investor relations and corporate communications. She is currently Vice-President Investor Relations for Dore Copper Mining Corporation and serves on the board of directors for Monarch Gold Corporation and Gold Terra Resource Corporation. Ms. Gaborit was Vice-President Investor Relations for Detour Gold Corp, where she was a key member of the management team from the company's initial public offering in 2007 to its successful transformation to intermediate gold producer. Prior to this, Ms. Gaborit provided strategic investor relations and corporate communications services to a number of junior mining companies. In 2019, she was the recipient of the CIRI Belle Mulligan Award for leadership in investor relations. Ms. Gaborit started her career as a geologist for Aur Resources, Cambior, and Romarco Minerals. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Geology (Honours).

在計劃安排結束後,Rael Lipson將不再擔任Mako的董事,現任Goldsource董事Laurie Gaborit將填補此空缺。Gaborit女士在礦產勘探、投資者關係和企業通信領域擁有30多年的豐富經驗。她目前擔任Dore Copper Mining Corporation的投資者關係副總裁,並擔任Monarch Gold Corporation和Gold Terra Resource Corporation的董事。Gaborit女士曾是Detour Gold Corp的投資者關係副總裁,在該公司的首次公開募股至成功轉型爲中型黃金生產商的過程中,是管理團隊的重要成員。在此之前,Gaborit女士爲多家初創礦業公司提供戰略投資者關係和企業通信服務。2019年,她獲得了由CIRI Belle Mulligan頒發的投資者關係領袖獎。Gaborit女士在Aur Resources、Cambior和Romarco Minerals擔任地質學家的職業生涯開始。她擁有地質學學士學位(榮譽)。

Mr. Lipson will assume a technical advisory role for the board of directors of Mako based on his extensive history and experience with the San Albino project. The board proposes to extend the expiry of Mr. Lipson's 20,000 stock options having a strike price of C$5.10 beyond the standard 90 days following his resignationfor a period of one year.

基於Rael Lipson在San Albino項目上的豐富歷史和經驗,Lipson先生將擔任Mako董事會的技術顧問。董事會擬建議將Lipson先生的20,000股期權行權價格逾5.10加元的期限延長1年,超出其辭職後的標準90天。

Mako also announces that Millie Paredes will step down as Chief Financial Officer and Corporate Secretary of the Company effective June 25th, 2024, and has agreed to continue on a consultancy basis with the Company for a transitionary period ending December 31st, 2024. Ms. Paredes will be succeeded by Mr. Ezequiel Sirotinsky, a Chartered Professional Accountant with over 25 years of senior level experience in the mining industry, working in Argentina, Colombia, Nicaragua and Panama. Mr. Sirotinsky has held several senior positions with gold producers such as Calibre Mining, AngloGold Ashanti and other mid-tier and junior mining companies, and is experienced with regulatory financial reporting, treasury management, budgeting and forecasting, tax planning, compliance and auditing.

Mako還宣佈,Millie Paredes將於2024年6月25日辭去公司的首席財務官和公司秘書職務,並同意在過渡期內繼續向公司提供諮詢服務,期限爲2024年12月31日。接替Paredes女士的是Ezequiel Sirotinsky先生,他是一名執業會計師,在採礦業擁有超過25年的高級管理經驗,曾在阿根廷、哥倫比亞、尼加拉瓜和巴拿馬工作。Sirotinsky先生在金礦生產商(如Calibre Mining、AngloGold Ashanti和其他中型和初創採礦公司)擔任多個高級職務,並具有監管金融報告、財務管理、預算和預測、稅務規劃、合規和審計經驗。th諮詢顧問合同期到2024年12月31日結束。21世紀醫療改革法案2024年2月1日生效,將由擁有在阿根廷、哥倫比亞、尼加拉瓜和巴拿馬工作經驗的礦業高級管理人員、特許專業會計師Ezequiel Sirotinsky先生接任。Sirotinsky先生曾擔任Calibre Mining、AngloGold Ashanti和其他中型和初創礦業公司的高級職務,並具有法規財務報告、庫存管理、預算和預測、稅務規劃、合規和審計方面的經驗。

In connection with Mr. Sirotinsky's appointment as Chief Financial Officer and Corporate Secretary, the board of Mako has agreed to grant him 200,000 stock options, effective June 25th, 2024, pursuant to the terms of the Company's Omnibus Incentive Plan. The stock options will carry a term of five years, expiring on June 25th, 2029, have an exercise price of C$3.31, and will vest as to 1/3 on each of the June 25th, 2024, June 25th, 2025, and June 25th, 2026.


Additionally, the Company announces that it is promoting Frank Powell, current Senior Exploration Manager, to Vice President of Exploration effective June 25th, 2024. Frank has over 39 years of exploration experience globally, including 23 years in senior management with both major and junior gold exploration/mining companies (Placer Dome, Oro Gold Ltd, Mako Mining Corp). Frank's successful exploration career spans the sector from grass-roots to feasibility studies where he has lead teams in the acquisition, discovery, quantification and optimization of gold and platinum resources including: Las Cristinas, Venezuela; South Deeps, South Africa; Getchell Gold Mine, Nevada USA; La Trinidad, Mexico; Sedibelo Platinum, South Africa and San Albino, Nicaragua.

此外,該公司宣佈,當前的資深勘探經理Frank Powell將於2024年6月25日晉升爲勘探副總裁。Frank在全球擁有超過39年的勘探經驗,包括在主要和初級黃金勘探/採礦公司(Placer Dome、Oro Gold Ltd、Mako Mining Corp)擔任23年的高級管理人員。Frank在獲得、發現、量化和優化金和鉑等資源以及從草根到可行性研究的探礦行業方面具有成功的開發歷程,涵蓋了拉斯克里斯蒂納斯(委內瑞拉)、南深(南非)、葛切爾金礦(美國內華達州)、特立尼達(墨西哥)、塞迪貝洛鉑礦(南非)和San Albino(尼加拉瓜)等項目。thFrank擁有39年的全球勘探經驗,包括在大型和初創黃金勘探/採礦公司(Placer Dome、Oro Gold Ltd、Mako Mining Corp)擔任高級管理職位達23年之久。Frank成功的勘探職業涵蓋了從草根到可行性研究的板塊,他領導團隊完成了金和鉑金礦產資源的獲取、發現、量化和優化,包括:委內瑞拉的Las Cristinas;南非的South Deeps;內華達州的Getchell Gold Mine;墨西哥的La Trinidad;南非的Sedibelo Platinum和尼加拉瓜的San Albino。

Akiba Leisman, CEO of Mako states: "upon closing of the Goldsource plan of arrangement, Mako will enter a new phase of growth. I want to welcome Ezequiel and Laurie to the Mako team, congratulate Frank on his promotion, and thank Millie and Rael for their efforts over their years of service at Mako, and making themselves available to us during this transition."

Mako首席執行官Akiba Leisman表示:"完成Goldsource安排計劃後,Mako將進入一個新的增長階段。我要歡迎Ezequiel和Laurie加入Mako團隊,並祝賀Frank的晉升,感謝Millie和Rael在Mako的服務年限以及在這個過渡期爲我們提供幫助。"

On behalf of the Board,


Akiba Leisman

Akiba Leisman

Chief Executive Officer


About Mako
Mako Mining Corp. is a publicly listed gold mining, development and exploration company. The Company operates the high-grade San Albino gold mine in Nueva Segovia, Nicaragua, which ranks as one of the highest-grade open pit gold mines globally. Mako's primary objective is to operate San Albino profitably and fund exploration of prospective targets on its district-scale land package.


For further information: Mako Mining Corp., Akiba Leisman, Chief Executive Officer, Telephone: 917-558-5289, E-mail: or visit our website at and SEDAR .

如需了解更多信息: Mako Mining Corp.,總裁兼首席執行官Akiba Leisman,電話: 917-558-5289,電子郵件: 或登錄官網和SEDAR。

Forward-Looking Information: Some of the statements contained herein may be considered "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable securities laws. Forward-looking information can be identified by words such as, without limitation, "estimate", "project", "believe", "anticipate", "intend", "expect", "plan", "predict", "may" or "should" or variations thereon or comparable terminology. The forward-looking information contained herein reflects the Company's current beliefs and expectations, based on management's reasonable assumptions, and includes, without limitation, Mako's expectation with respect to Goldsource obtaining the final court order for the plan of arrangement transaction on June 26th, 2024; that the transaction will close on or about July 3rd, 2024 following satisfaction or waiver of all remaining closing conditions; the expected new management and board appointments on the closing of the transaction; the change of Chief Financial Officer and Corporate Secretary of the Company, and promotion of the Senior Exploration Manager to Vice President of Exploration effective June 25th, 2024; and Mako's primary objective to operate San Albino profitably and fund exploration of prospective targets in Nicaragua. Such forward-looking information is subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties which could cause actual events or results to differ materially from those reflected in the forward-looking information, including, without limitation, changes in court hearing scheduling impacting the timing for obtaining the final court order for the transaction which in turn could impact the closing date of the transaction; unforeseen circumstances in which any remaining closing conditions are not able to be satisfied and are not waived by the parties; changes to the Company's exploration and development plans; the current U.S. Treasury Department sanctions measures imposed in Nicaragua on October 24th, 2022 having impacts on business operations not currently expected, or new sanctions being imposed by the U.S. Treasury Department or other government entity in Nicaragua in the future; and other risks and uncertainties as disclosed in the Company's public disclosure filings on SEDAR+ at . Such information contained herein represents management's best judgment as of the date hereof, based on information currently available. Mako does not undertake to update any forward-looking information, except in accordance with applicable securities laws.


Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


SOURCE: Mako Mining Corp.

消息來源:Mako Mining Corp。

