
A股汽车零部件板块反复活跃 金麒麟5连板

The A-share auto parts sector has been active recently, and Shandong Gold Phoenix has had five consecutive trading limit ups.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jun 26 09:45
On June 26th, Golonhui reported that Gold Phoenix rose for five consecutive days, Suzhou Cheersson Precision Metal Forming and Tianjin Motor Dies rose by the daily limit, and Hengbo shares, Jinzhong shares, Guangdong Hongtu and others surged. In terms of news, recently, the National Development and Reform Commission and other five departments jointly issued the Measures for Creating New Consumption Scenes and Cultivating New Consumption Growth Points, proposing to steadily promote the commercialization and operation of autonomous driving and create new high-level intelligent driving scenes.

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