
Ericsson Unveils New Solution for Intelligent Use of Energy in Network Sites

Ericsson Unveils New Solution for Intelligent Use of Energy in Network Sites

愛立信 ·  06/25 12:00

Recent energy crises including those caused by extreme weather have shone the spotlight on the need to be smarter and more intentional about energy grids and how telecom networks are powered. This involves continuous effort to minimize energy consumption and the use of stored energy at network sites including renewables, which requires a transition toward an intelligent energy setup and an integrated approach to energy management.
An increase in the use of electric-powered vehicles, scooters and more is also stepping up demand on the power grid. The ongoing transition to renewable energy sources, which vary in output, makes it more important to match power generation with consumption.


Resilience aside, it takes a lot of energy to power networks, and powering them is costly. The 2024 GSMA report shows that passive infrastructure alone accounts for 29 percent of the global telecom total energy consumed. The same study shows communications service providers (CSPs) still spend around 10–25 percent of operational expenditure (OPEX) on energy, with about 80 percent consumed by the RAN.


Martin Högberg, Head of Product Line Site, Business Area Networks, at Ericsson, says: "A resilient energy structure keeps us safe and connected to both power and each other. But we're going beyond this goal – we are taking the next step in 'breaking the energy curve' by not only empowering service providers to lower their power bills and reduce carbon emissions but also open new revenue streams by participating in the energy trading market. The steep growth we see in mobile networks using lithium batteries builds the foundation."

愛立信網絡事業部站點產品線負責人馬丁·赫格伯格(Martin Högberg)表示:“彈性能源結構使我們能夠安全和互相連接,無論是在電力還是互聯方面。但是,我們將超越這個目標--我們正在採取下一步‘打破能源曲線”的行動,不僅賦予服務提供商降低電費和減少碳排放的能力,還要通過參與能源交易市場開闢新的收入渠道。我們看到使用鋰電池的移動網絡的快速增長爲之奠定了基礎。”

"Ericsson's Site Energy Orchestration is designed to support our customers in addressing the new challenges that come with the transformation in energy generation and consumption," adds Högberg. "This latest software feature is another significant step alongside our customers to help them power their networks in a smarter way without having to worry about any impact on service level agreements or performance."

愛立信協調站點能量(Site Energy Orchestration)旨在支持客戶應對能源生成和消費轉型帶來的新挑戰。”赫格伯格補充道:“這款最新軟件功能是我們與客戶一起向更智能地爲網絡供電邁進的又一重要步驟,而無需擔心服務級別協議或性能方面的任何影響。”

What makes this new solution unique


The Site Energy Orchestration solution uses machine learning and AI-powered RAN applications (rApps), RAN Data and external data interfacing. The solution enables service providers to cluster and orchestrate the network sites as a virtual power plant among other applications, allowing CSPs to participate in various utility plans in different markets.


This solution intelligently optimizes cell sites' daily energy consumption patterns to avoid peak charges in bills, channeling energy only when and where needed. This optimizes operations, which lowers costs including energy bills, and potentially gaining future revenue from new avenues such as energy trading exchange markets.


Ericsson OPEX features in commercial operation show significant reductions in energy bills through deploying methods like peak shaving, load-shifting features and using hybrid energy with onsite renewables and lithium batteries.


Søren Elsborg, Vice President, Mobile Innovation, at TDC NET, says: "At TDC NET we see great value in using our state-of-the-art mobile network for power balancing to support the green transition. We welcome Ericsson's efforts on this front and look forward to their new Site Energy Orchestration solution to support us in reducing energy costs and carbon footprint."

TDC NET移動創新副總裁Søren Elsborg​​表示:“在TDC NET,我們看到利用最先進的移動網絡進行電力平衡以支持綠色轉型的巨大價值。我們歡迎愛立信在這方面的努力,並期待他們的新站點能量協調解決方案來支持我們降低能源成本和碳足跡。”

Robert Kaptein, Principal Network Deployment, Odido, says: "Odido and Ericsson are working closely together in the area of site solutions and site energy management to make our network smarter and more sustainable. We are looking forward to the introduction of the Ericsson Site Energy Orchestration solution that enables network level orchestration to reduce energy costs as well as support the energy transition and opening use cases leveraging the energy stored in our network sites."

Odido公司網絡部署首席Robert Kaptein表示:“Odido和愛立信在站點解決方案和站點能量管理領域密切合作,使我們的網絡更加智能和可持續。我們期待愛立信站點能量協調解決方案的推出,它可以實現網絡級別的協調來降低能源成本,以及支持能源轉型和開放利用存儲在我們的網絡站點中的用例。”

To top it off, the use of Ericsson Site Energy Orchestration can help industry players inch towards their Net Zero goals by minimizing carbon footprint. This is an indirect impact that stems from energy balancing in the power grids for network operations, avoiding the need to use reserve generation plants that are fuel-based.


Ericsson has a full portfolio of site power and energy storage solutions that includes RAN Ericsson Network Manager (ENM) integration to the sites, as well as an extensive field presence. To date, it has close to 150,000 smart enclosures located in different markets across the world.

愛立信擁有包括RAN Ericsson Network Manager(ENM)集成到站點以及廣泛的現場存在的站點功率和能量存儲解決方案全系列產品組合。迄今,它在全球不同市場擁有近15萬個智能設施。



Ericsson Site Energy Orchestration solution features:


On the revenue stream side: Frequency Balancing – the frequency containment reserve feature involves the clustering of many cell sites and their energy storage to disconnect or connect to power grids intermittently to participate in utility plans or bidding processes.


On the OPEX (energy cost) reduction side: Demand Response – the load shift and peak shaving features cluster many cell sites and their energy storage to disconnect or connect to power grids in response to differential energy tariffs or time-of-use (ToU) prices.


