
Why Sunrise New Energy (EPOW) Stock Is Skyrocketing

Why Sunrise New Energy (EPOW) Stock Is Skyrocketing

Benzinga ·  06/25 01:21

Sunrise New Energy Co Ltd (NASDAQ:EPOW) shares are trading higher by 39% to $0.83 during Monday's session after the company announced its subsidiary was selected for the "2024 Guizhou Provincial Key Projects for Promoting the Utilization of Intellectual Property" funding list. Also, the company announced it achieved a milestone with the delivery of 5,800 tons of energy storage material to Xiamen HiTHIUM Energy Storage Technology.

Sunrise New Energy股份有限公司(NASDAQ:EPOW)股票在週一交易中上漲39%,至0.83美元,因該公司宣佈其子公司入選“2024年貴州知識產權促進利用重點項目”資金清單。此外,公司宣佈已向廈門海滄能源儲存科技有限公司交付了5800噸儲能材料,實現了里程碑式的進展。

This recognition was given by the Guizhou Provincial Market Supervision Administration on June 17th. The project selected is the "Preparation Method of Lithium-Ion Battery Anode Material", which addresses the challenge of balancing power performance and initial efficiency in graphite composite materials. The company says this innovation supports the development of high-energy-density fast-charging batteries.


Sunrise New Energy says the company has been using this patent to produce and distribute products for the past two years, partnering with major battery manufacturers like CATL and BYD. The product has quickly gained market acceptance due to its stable performance and quality, achieving cumulative sales revenue of around $100 million since 2022.

Sunrise New Energy表示,公司已經使用這項專利生產和分銷產品兩年,與比亞迪等主要電池製造商合作。這種產品由於性能穩定和質量優良而迅速獲得市場認可,自2022年以來的累計銷售收入約爲1億美元。

Is EPOW A Good Stock To Buy?


An investor can make a few decisions when deciding whether a stock is a good buy. In addition to valuation metrics and price action which you can find on Benzinga's quote pages – like Sunrise New Energy's page for example – there are factors like whether or not a company pays a dividend or buys a large portion of its stock each quarter.

投資者判斷一隻股票是否值得購買時可以做出幾個決定。除了估值度量和價格行動(如可以在Benzinga的報價頁面上找到的Sunrise New Energy的頁面)之外,還有諸如公司是否支付股息或每個季度購買大量股票等因素。這些被稱爲資本配置方案。Sunrise New Energy不支付股息,但顯然有多種方式可以向股東返還價值。歡迎搜索Benzinga的股息日曆查找即將支付股息的公司,並確定您可以因持有該公司的股份而獲得的收益率。

These are known as capital allocation programs. Sunrise New Energy does not pay a dividend, but obviously has a few ways it can return value to shareholders. Feel free to search Benzinga's dividend calendar for the next company that is due to pay a dividend and determine what kind of yield you can earn for holding a share of the company.

例如,如果您想獲得19.77%的年化回報,您需要在2024年6月28日之前購買Dividend Gwth Split的一股。一旦完成,您可以預期在2024年7月15日獲得0.1美元的名義支付。

For example, if you're looking to earn an annualized return of 19.77%, you'll need to buy a share of Dividend Gwth Split by the Jun. 28, 2024. Once done, you can expect to receive a nominal payout of $0.1 on Jul. 15, 2024.

股票回購計劃顯然不同且高度可變。公司可以批准回購計劃,並在批准回購計劃的時間內根據需要購買股票。查看最新的Sunrise New Energy新聞通常可以得知該公司是否最近批准了回購計劃。回購計劃通常作爲支撐股價的手段,是需求的後盾。

Buyback programs are obviously different and highly variable. A company can approve a buyback program and purchase shares as it sees fit over the course of time in which the buyback was authorized. Looking through the latest news on Sunrise New Energy will often yield whether or not the company has approved a buyback program recently. Buyback programs usually serve as a support for share prices, serving as a backstop for demand.

根據Benzinga Pro的數據,EPOW的52周最高價爲2.70美元,52周最低價爲0.53美元。

According to data from Benzinga Pro, EPOW has a 52-week high of $2.70 and a 52-week low of $0.53.

根據Benzinga Pro的數據,EPOW的52周最高價爲2.70美元,52周最低價爲0.53美元。

