
Ostrom Climate Announces Nature-Based Solutions Cooperation Agreement With Klima 1.5 Corp. In The Philippines

Ostrom Climate Announces Nature-Based Solutions Cooperation Agreement With Klima 1.5 Corp. In The Philippines

Ostrom氣候宣佈與菲律賓Klima 1.5 corp.合作共同推進基於自然的解決方案協議。
Accesswire ·  06/24 20:23

Strategic Agreement Aims to Bolster Climate Action through Focus on Afforestation, Reforestation & Revegetation Carbon Projects in Mindanao


VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / June 24, 2024 / Ostrom Climate Solutions Inc. ("Ostrom Climate" or the "Company") (TSX-V:COO)(Frankfurt:9EAA), a global carbon project developer and climate solutions company, today announced a Cooperation Agreement with Klima 1.5 Corp ("Klima"), a carbon management company in the Philippines.

溫哥華BC/ ACCESSWIRE/2024年6月24日/Ostrom Climate Solutions Inc.("Ostrom Climate"或"公司")(TSX-V:COO)(Frankfurt:9EAA)全球碳項目開發商和氣候解決方案公司,今天宣佈與菲律賓碳管理公司Klima 1.5 Corp("Klima")簽署合作協議。

Ostrom Climate and Klima have committed to producing a conceptual plan and feasibility study for nature-based solutions (NBS) carbon projects in the Philippines, particularly in Mindanao, the southernmost major island in the country and the second largest, after Luzon. This strategic alignment aims to support project execution and maximize environmental and economic benefits.

Ostrom Climate和Klima已致力於生產菲律賓自然基礎方案(NBS)碳項目的概念計劃和可行性研究,特別是在Mindanao,菲律賓南部最大島嶼洛陽後的第二大島,這一戰略協同旨在支持項目執行並最大程度地獲得環境和經濟效益。

Strategic Focus on Afforestation, Reforestation & Revegetation (ARR) Projects


Both Ostrom Climate and Klima will focus on developing NBS carbon projects that utilize natural processes and ecosystems to capture and store carbon, thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions and supporting biodiversity. The key focus of the Cooperation Agreement centers around Afforestation, Reforestation & Revegetation (ARR) projects, which are essential for capturing and storing carbon, enhancing biodiversity, and supporting sustainable development.

Ostrom Climate和Klima都將重點發展利用自然過程和生態系統捕獲和儲存碳的NBS碳項目,從而減少溫室氣體排放並支持生物多樣性。合作協議的關鍵重點集中在造林、植樹和植被恢復(ARR)項目上,這些項目對於捕獲和儲存碳、增強生物多樣性和支持可持續發展至關重要。

The Philippines, with its rich biodiversity and vast natural resources, presents significant NBS opportunities. Mindanao, which spans over 9.75 million hectares, is particularly promising due to its extensive forest cover and diverse ecosystems. The target project areas are primarily active logging sites with licenses and management plans in place.


These initiatives will not only contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions but will also support local communities through enhanced livelihoods and resilience to climate change. Management believes that the development of NBS can serve as a model for similar projects across the Philippines, driving national and global climate goals.


Jane Boles, International Land Use Director at Ostrom Climate, said "Our deepening partnership with Klima is a testament to our shared commitment to sustainable development and climate action. The combined expertise and resources of both organizations will enable us to deliver high-quality carbon projects that benefit both the environment and local communities in the Philippines."

"Ostrom Climate的國際土地使用主任Jane Boles表示:"我們與Klima越深層合作,就體現了我們共同致力於可持續發展和氣候行動的承諾。兩個組織的合併專業知識和資源將使我們能夠交付環境和菲律賓當地社區雙受益的高質量碳項目."

Scope and Responsibilities


The agreement outlines the responsibilities of each party in identifying and developing potential project areas. Klima will continue to manage local stakeholder engagement, provide legal and regulatory support, and ensure the timely execution of project management duties. Ostrom Climate will bring its technical expertise, socio-environmental assessments, and economic modeling to the partnership, ensuring that all projects meet high standards of environmental performance and financial viability. Management believes that the agreement will also pave the way for potential joint ventures, subject to favorable feasibility study results and corporate approvals.

協議概述了各方在確定和開發潛在項目區域方面的責任。Klima將繼續管理本地利益相關者參與、提供法律和法規支持,並確保項目管理職責及時執行。Ostrom Climate將爲該夥伴關係帶來其技術專業知識、社會環境評估和經濟建模,確保所有項目符合高環境績效和財務可行性標準。管理層認爲,該協議也爲潛在的合資企業鋪平了道路,前提是良好的可行性研究結果和公司批准。

Expanding Ostrom Climate's Established Presence in the Philippines

擴大Ostrom Climate在菲律賓的既定存在感

On June 5, 2024, Ostrom Climate unveiled its evolved business strategy to focus on high-quality carbon project development, aiming to leverage the anticipated exponential growth of carbon markets by 2050. This strategic shift involved transitioning from a project development and carbon management consultancy to a lead equity partner in carbon projects. A significant initiative under this strategy was the launch of a flagship Climate-Smart Agriculture project in the Philippines. In collaboration with the National Irrigation Administration (NIA) in the Philippines, the Company announced the Upper Pampanga River Climate-Smart Agriculture Rice Project (UPRIIS).

2024年6月5日,Ostrom Climate公佈其進化後的業務戰略,重點關注高質量的碳項目開發,旨在通過2050年預計的碳市場指數增長實現槓桿作用。這一戰略轉變涉及從項目開發和碳管理諮詢轉變爲碳項目的主要股權合夥人。這一戰略的一個重要舉措是在菲律賓推出旗艦的氣候智能農業項目。該公司與菲律賓國家灌溉局(NIA)合作,宣佈了上平米河氣候智能農業稻米項目(UPRIIS).

The UPRIIS project is set to transform rice cultivation across approximately 100,000 hectares in Central Luzon, Philippines. By utilizing Alternate Wetting and Drying (AWD) practices, the project aims to reduce methane emissions by up to 48% per hectare, aligning with sustainable water management practices and global climate goals. According to the European Commission, methane is estimated to be between 28 to 84 times more effective at trapping heat in the atmosphere versus carbon dioxide (CO2).


Building on the foundation laid by the UPRIIS project, the expanded cooperation agreement with Klima will enable Ostrom Climate to leverage its established resources and presence in the Philippines. This larger footprint will provide Ostrom Climate with operating leverage to execute more high-quality carbon projects across the country. Management believes that the collaboration with local partners and recognition by government authorities and the country's largest industrial players will solidify Ostrom Climate's capacity to drive substantial environmental impact through innovative and sustainable solutions.

在UPRIIS項目打下基礎的基礎上,與Klima擴大的合作協議將使Ostrom Climate能夠利用其在菲律賓的已建立的資源和存在感。這個更大的足印將爲Ostrom Climate提供運營槓桿,以執行更多高質量的碳項目在整個國家。管理層認爲,與當地合作伙伴的合作以及獲得政府機構和該國最大工業玩家的認可將通過創新和可持續的解決方案鞏固Ostrom Climate推動重大環境影響的能力。

"The collaboration with Klima represents a significant step forward in our mission to drive impactful climate action, adding to our established Climate-Smart Agriculture presence in the country," said Phil Cull, CEO of Ostrom Climate. "By widening our presence in the Philippines, we will be better positioned to develop and implement more comprehensive solutions that will address both environmental and socio-economic challenges."

"與Klima的合作代表了我們推動有意義的氣候行動的一個重要步驟,爲我們在該國已建立的氣候智能農業的存在提供了支持," Ostrom Climate首席執行官Phil Cull表示:"通過擴大我們在菲律賓的存在,我們將更好地定位開發和實施更全面的解決方案,以應對環境和社會經濟挑戰."

About Klima 1.5 Corp.

關於Klima 1.5 Corp.

Klima is the Ayala Group's platform for its carbon management business through nature-based solutions. Publicly-traded Ayala Corporation ("Ayala"; PSE: AC) is one of the largest conglomerates in the Philippines. It has a presence in real estate, banking, digital solutions, and renewable energy. It likewise has a growing presence in healthcare, logistics, and mobility as well as investments in industrial technologies, water, education, and technology ventures. Klima advises that its association with Ayala enables it to execute large-scale projects by leveraging Ayala's extensive network, resources, and industry expertise. This partnership positions Klima to effectively address environmental challenges while promoting economic growth and social equity in the Philippines, with Ostrom Climate as a key partner.

Klima是Ayala集團通過基於自然基礎方案的碳管理業務的平台。在菲律賓,公開交易的Ayala Corporation("Ayala";PSE:AC)是最大的企業集團之一,擁有房地產、銀行、數字解決方案、可再生能源等。它也有在醫療保健、物流和流動性以及在工業技術、水域、教育和技術創業方面的投資。Klima指出,其與Ayala的關係使其能夠通過利用Ayala的廣泛網絡、資源和行業專業知識執行大型項目。這種合作關係使Klima能夠在促進菲律賓的經濟增長和社會公正的同時有效地應對環境挑戰,而Ostrom Climate是其中的一個關鍵合夥人。

About Ostrom Climate Solutions Inc.

關於Ostrom Climate Solutions Inc.

Ostrom Climate is one of North America's leading providers of carbon project development and management services, climate solutions, and carbon credit marketing. Over the past 12 years, Ostrom Climate has validated and verified forest carbon projects globally for voluntary and regulated markets, having developed 16 million acres of forest land for conservation and monetized over 10 million carbon credits. Based out of Vancouver, B.C., Canada, the Ostrom Climate team has a global reach, has worked with over 200 organizations globally, including Fortune 500 companies, managed projects in partnership with indigenous stakeholders and has extensive on-ground experience in emerging markets.

Ostrom Climate是北美領先的碳項目開發和管理服務、氣候解決方案和碳信用市場提供商之一。在過去的12年中,Ostrom Climate已爲自願和管制市場全球驗證和驗證了森林碳項目,爲保護地球上1600萬英畝的森林地和獲得超過1000萬枚碳信用證提供了貢獻。Ostrom Climate總部位於加拿大卑詩省溫哥華市,團隊全球化,與全球200多家組織合作,包括財富500強企業,與土著利益攸關方合作管理項目,在新興市場擁有廣泛的現場實踐經驗。

Ostrom Climate is focused on developing high-quality carbon projects that have a positive impact on the environment, local communities and biodiversity. Ostrom Climate is publicly listed on the TSX Venture Exchange (COO) and the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (9EAA).

Ostrom Climate專注於開發對環境、當地社區和生物多樣性有積極影響的高質量碳項目。Ostrom Climate在TSX Venture Exchange(COO)和Frankfurt Stock Exchange(9EAA)上公開上市。

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Tej Virk

Tej Virk

Chief Strategy Officer
Ostrom Climate Solutions Inc.

Ostrom Climate Solutions Inc.

322 Water St #400, Vancouver, BC V6B 1B6, Canada

加拿大卑詩省溫哥華市Water St #400,郵編V6B 1B6



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SOURCE: Ostrom Climate Solutions Inc

來源:Ostrom Climate Solutions Inc

