
A股异动 | 成功摘帽 交大昂立盘中涨停

A share unusual movements | Successful take off the hat, Jiaotong University Angli shares hit limit up during trading.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jun 21 14:59
On June 21st, GeLonghui reported that Jiangan Angli (600530.SH) had once hit the daily limit and is now reported at 2.76 yuan with a narrower increase of 5.75%, with a total market value of 2.14 billion yuan. As for the news, the company resumed trading today and lifted any other risk warnings. It is worth noting that despite three consecutive years of losses in performance and last year's revenue not reaching 300 million yuan, the company's performance in the first quarter of this year did not improve, with both revenue and net income showing a decline.

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