
Merck Manuals Answers Common Questions About Temporomandibular Disorders

Merck Manuals Answers Common Questions About Temporomandibular Disorders

PR Newswire ·  06/21 02:45

RAHWAY, N.J., June 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- People experiencing headaches, soreness when they chew, or a clicking jaw may be suffering from a temporomandibular disorder (TMD). There are many kinds of TMDs, each with their own causes and symptoms.


In a new editorial from, Gary D. Klasser, DMD, Louisiana State University School of Dentistry, answers some of the most common questions patients have about TMDs and how they can best find relief from the conditions.

在MerckManuals.com的一篇新社論中,路易斯安那州立大學牙科學院的Gary D. Klasser, DMD回答了患者對TMD的最常見問題以及如何最好地緩解這些疾病。

1. What's the difference between TMD and TMJ?

1. TMD和TMJ有什麼區別? “TMJ”通常被用作代表下顎疼痛和其它問題的簡寫,Klasser解釋道。但TMJ代表的是顳下頜關節,它只是身體的一部分,而不是狀況。具體來說,TMJ是連接顱骨和下顎骨(下頜骨)之間的連接點。 另一方面,TMD是連接您頭骨(顳骨)和下顎骨的關節、韌帶、肌腱或肌肉的狀況。以前被稱爲TMJ疾病的TMD在20多歲的女性和40到50歲之間的人中最爲常見。

"TMJ" is often used as shorthand for jaw pain and other issues, Klasser explains. But TMJ stands for temporomandibular joint. That's just a body part, not a condition. Specifically, TMJs are the connections between the temporal bones of the skull and the lower jawbone (mandible).


TMDs, on the other hand, are the conditions of the joints, ligaments, tendons, or muscles connecting part of your skull (the temporal bone) to your lower jawbone. TMDs, previously called TMJ disorders, are most common among women in their early 20s and those between the ages of 40 and 50.


2. What causes TMDs?

2. TMD是什麼原因導致的? 對於大多數人來說,TMD有多種可能導致的因素,其中一些因素患者可能甚至不自知。大多數TMD都有兩個原因之一,Klasser說。第一個是巨型創傷,例如直接打擊或頭部受傷導致疼痛。第二個原因,更爲常見,是微型創傷,一種隨着時間累積的重複勞損傷害。如果您在緊張時咬緊牙關,在睡覺時齒頜緊接,或者每天嚼口香糖,這些低強度的行爲可以累計爲TMD。

For most people, TMDs have multiple contributing factors, some of which patients may not even be aware of. Most TMDs have one of two causes, says Klasser. The first is macro trauma, something like a direct blow or injury to your jaw leading to pain. The second, more common cause is micro trauma, a repetitive strain injury that builds up over time. If you clench your jaw when you're stressed, grind your teeth in your sleep, or chew gum daily, those low-intensity behaviors can add up to a TMD, says Klasser.


3. Who should I see about my jaw pain or headaches?

3. 誰可以檢查我顎部的疼痛或頭痛? 患者可能會有不同與TMD相關的症狀。一些共同的TMD症狀包括頭痛,在咀嚼時下顎肌肉痠痛,下顎出現咔噠聲或卡住,靠近關節的疼痛,頸部疼痛或僵硬向手臂傳播,頭暈,耳痛或耳塞,睡眠問題,或者張嘴容易受限。通常,一個人正在經歷的症狀會影響到他們首先與何種醫療專業人士交談。 即使您的家庭牙醫不是口腔面疼痛的專家,與他們談論您正在經歷的疼痛是一個好的開始,Klasser說。當您的牙醫詢問您口腔或健康方面的變化時,不要只考慮您的牙齒。提出頭痛、下顎疼痛和任何其他可能與TMD有關的症狀。在某些情況下,您的牙醫或家庭醫生可能會建議您看一位專家以處理TMD。

Patients may have different symptoms associated with a TMD. Some common TMD symptoms include headaches, soreness in the jaw muscles while chewing, clicking or locking of the jaw, pain near the joint, pain or stiffness in your neck spreading to your arms, dizziness, earaches or stuffiness in your ears, problems sleeping, or difficulty opening your mouth wide. Often, the symptoms a person is experiencing influences what type of healthcare professional they talk to first.


Even if your family dentist isn't a specialist in orofacial pain, a conversation with them about the pain you're experiencing is a good place to start, says Klasser. When your dentist asks about changes in your mouth or health, don't just think about your teeth. Bring up headaches, jaw pain, and any other symptoms that could be connected to a TMD. In some cases, your dentist or family doctor may recommend you see a specialist to address the TMD.


4. What can patients do about TMD?

4. 關於TMD,患者可以做什麼? 通常,醫生的重點是確定疼痛的來源並對其進行治療,Klasser說。在幫助患者應對與TMD相關的疼痛時,醫生通常會建議口腔保護器和止痛藥。在其他情況下,醫生可能會建議理療和下顎鍛鍊、其他藥物或手術。另一個建議是去看治療師或行爲健康專家,以幫助管理壓力。

Typically, doctors focus on identifying the source of the pain and treating it, Klasser says. When helping patients navigate pain associated with TMDs, doctors will often recommend a mouth guard and pain medicine. In other cases, doctors may suggest physical therapy and jaw exercises, other medications, or surgery. Another recommendation may be to see a therapist or behavioral health expert to help manage stress.


5. Which mouthguard is best for most patients?

5. 對於大多數患者來說,哪種口腔保護器是最好的? 口腔保護器的選擇幾乎像衣服選擇一樣,Klasser說。可以量身定製適合您的規格和規格的衣服。或者您可以購買現成的衣服,它可能不會完全適合。在某些情況下,不適合的衣服實際上會使TMD的疼痛更加嚴重。這就是爲什麼許多牙醫推薦量身定製的口腔保護器。但是您不必從一開始就開始購買價值不菲的產品——僅適合並且舒適的簡單塑料器具就足以解決問題。

Mouthguard options are almost like clothing options, says Klasser. You can get a suit tailored to your exact sizing and specifications. Or you can buy one off the rack, which probably won't fit quite as well. In some cases, the poor fit can actually make TMD pain worse. That's why many dentists recommend a custom mouthguard. But you don't have to start with anything fancy – a simple plastic device that fits well and is comfortable will do the trick.


You can read more of Klasser's insights on TMDs in this editorial on


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