
Fifth Annual HBCU Week Awards Gala Presented by Bank of America Celebrates Mission to Increase Pathways to HBCUs for Students Nationwide

Fifth Annual HBCU Week Awards Gala Presented by Bank of America Celebrates Mission to Increase Pathways to HBCUs for Students Nationwide

PR Newswire ·  06/21 01:13

Annual Event Raises Millions in Scholarship Dollars, Strengthens HBCU Talent Pipeline


WILMINGTON, Del., June 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The HBCU Week Foundation, Inc. is hosting its fifth annual HBCU Week Awards Gala presented by Bank of America on June 28 at the HOTEL DUPONT in Wilmington, Delaware. The sold-out fundraiser supports the organization's important mission of providing scholarship dollars for students enrolling in Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), diversifying the talent pipeline from college to corporate America, and minimizing student debt.

2024年6月28日,美國銀行主辦第五屆HBCU周頒獎典禮,地點位於特拉華州威明頓的杜邦酒店。這場促銷活動已售罄,支持提供獎學金給在歷史悠久的黑人學院及大學 (HBCUs) 入讀的學生,促進人才從大學到企業的多樣化,同時最小化學生債務的組織重要使命。

"I am always amazed and energized by the support for our annual HBCU Week Gala, and this year is no exception," said Ashley Christopher, Esq., Founder and CEO of the HBCU Week Foundation. "As a double HBCU alumna, I know firsthand the power of an HBCU education to change lives and create access to opportunities for the next generation of students. Our impact and reach would not be possible without the commitment of our sponsors and partners who stand with us in celebrating the progress we've made together, while acknowledging that our work is never done."

“我總是對我們每年的HBCU周Gala的支持感到驚訝和滿懷活力,今年也不例外,” 馬上要裁HBCU周基金會的創始人和CEO Ashley Christopher律師談到,“作爲一名雙HBCU校友,我第一手了解HBCU教育的力量,它可以改變人們的生活,爲下一代學生創造機會和通道。我們的影響和覆蓋面沒有我們的贊助商和合作夥伴的承諾就不可能實現,他們和我們一起慶祝我們共同取得的進展,同時認識到我們的工作永遠沒有完成。”HBCU周基金會的創始人和CEO Ashley Christopher律師“作爲一名雙HBCU校友,我第一手了解HBCU教育的力量,它可以改變人們的生活,爲下一代學生創造機會和通道。我們的影響和覆蓋面沒有我們的贊助商和合作夥伴的承諾就不可能實現,他們和我們一起慶祝我們共同取得的進展,同時認識到我們的工作永遠沒有完成。”

The black-tie gala will be an evening of glamor, inspiration and impact as supporters from the worlds of corporate America, non-profits, academia, sports, entertainment and more gather to honor individuals who have demonstrated a significant commitment to the HBCU Week Foundation's mission. Honorees for the 2024 gala include Tiffany Cross (Social Impact Award) and Bryan-Michael Cox (Trailblazer Award).

黑色領帶盛會將是一個充滿魅力、靈感和影響力的晚上,支持者們來自企業界、非營利組織、學術界、體育、娛樂等各個世界,這次聚會是爲了表彰那些已經表現出對HBCU周基金會使命的重要承諾的個人。2024年的頒獎典禮的獲獎者包括Tiffany Cross(社會影響獎)和Bryan-Michael Cox(開拓者獎)。

Bank of America has been a longstanding partner of the HBCU Week Foundation for the last five years, having served as the presenting sponsor of the annual gala since 2020.


"With more than half of HBCU undergraduates being first-generation college students, Bank of America appreciates the far-reaching impact of Historically Black Colleges and Universities," said Chip Rossi, Delaware President, Bank of America, the presenting sponsor for this year's HBCU Week Awards Gala. "An HBCU education is such an important driver of social and economic mobility, and we are proud to support these institutions and the HBCU Week Foundation's important role in creating these pathways to higher education."

“由於HBCU本科生中超過一半都是第一代大學生,美國銀行欣賞歷史悠久的黑人學院和大學的廣泛影響,”美國銀行特拉華州總裁,也是今年HBCU周頒獎典禮的主辦方贊助商的Chip Rossi說到,“HBCU教育是社會和經濟流動的重要推動者,我們很自豪支持這些機構,支持HBCU周基金會在創造高等教育通道方面所扮演的重要角色。”美國銀行特拉華州總裁美國銀行是今年HBCU周頒獎典禮的主辦方贊助商。

2024 gala partner, AstraZeneca, is a long-time supporter of HBCU Week Foundation, with a focus on the STEM and supply chain fields.


"HBCUs are invaluable sources of talent across our organization, including our STEM and supply chain professionals," said Lorna Smith, Head of External Operations API and Drug Substance at AstraZeneca, the premier sponsor of this year's HBCU Week Awards Gala. "As an HBCU alum, I'm proud of our continued partnership with the HBCU Week Foundation as we work together to open new doors from the classroom to corporate and clinical settings, building a workforce that reflects the patients and communities we serve, to make meaningful impact in the fields of health and medicine."

“ HBCU是我們組織的無價人才資源,包括我們的STEM和供應鏈專業人才,”阿斯利康的api和製藥物質外部操作主管Lorna Smith說,“作爲HBCU校友,我爲我們與HBCU周基金會的持續夥伴關係感到自豪,我們一起致力於開啓從課堂到企業和臨床環境的新通道,建立反映患者和社區的工作人員,以在健康和醫學領域產生有意義的影響。”阿斯利康的api和製藥物質外部操作主管阿斯利康是今年HBCU周頒獎典禮的首席贊助商。

The fifth annual HBCU Week Awards Gala is set to be a star-studded affair with esteemed media outlets Essence, Black Enterprise, DETV, and Gen Z outlet MefEater confirmed to be in attendance. These influential media platforms will join corporate leaders, non-profit organizations and renowned individuals from various industries in celebrating the HBCU Week Foundation's mission.

黑人精華、黑人企業家、DETV和青年時尚網站MefEater將出席這場星光熠熠的盛會。這些具有影響力的媒體平台與企業領袖、非營利組織以及各個行業的卓越個人一起慶祝HBCU周基金會的使命。黑人精華、Black Enterprise、DETV和MefEater2024年HBCU周頒獎典禮的其他贊助商包括Buccini/Pollin Group (BPG), Capital One, Chemours, ChristianaCare, City of Wilmington (DE), Wilmington (DE) City Council, City Treasurer of Wilmington (DE), Delaware State University, Future of STEM Scholars Initiative (FOSSI), HBCU Week Board of Directors, New Castle County, Sallie Mae, The Warehouse, Vanguard, 和 WSFS Bank。

Additional sponsors for the 2024 HBCU Week Awards Gala include The Buccini/Pollin Group (BPG), Capital One, Chemours, ChristianaCare, City of Wilmington (DE), Wilmington (DE) City Council, City Treasurer of Wilmington (DE), Delaware State University, Future of STEM Scholars Initiative (FOSSI), HBCU Week Board of Directors, New Castle County, Sallie Mae, The Warehouse, Vanguard, and WSFS Bank.

HBCU Week Awards Gala源於HBCU Week活動的成功,自2017年起已經發展成爲包括中學大學之旅、HBCU迎新體驗、座談會、R&B音樂會、5K比賽、ESPN直播以及其標誌性的HBCU大學招聘會等多個要素的活動。美國共有101所經認證的HBCUs,截至目前,HBCU周基金會已經向超過8,000人次學生提供了即時錄取和價值超過9300萬美元的HBCUs和企業夥伴提供的獎學金。

The HBCU Week Awards Gala was born out the success of the HBCU Week initiative that has grown since 2017 to feature a range of elements, such as a middle school college tour, HBCU homecoming experience, panel discussions, R&B concert, a 5K race, an ESPN live broadcast featuring HBCU Week ambassador Stephen A. Smith, Battle of the Bands, and its signature HBCU college fair. There are 101 accredited HBCUs nationwide, and to date, the HBCU Week Foundation has awarded more than 8,000 on-the-spot college acceptances and more than $93 million in scholarships directly from HBCUs and corporate partners.


To support the HBCU Week Foundation, Inc. and its ongoing initiatives, secure donations can be made online at


About the HBCU Week Foundation

關於HBCU Week基金會

The mission of the HBCU Week Foundation is to encourage high-school aged youth to enroll into HBCUs, provide scholarship dollars for matriculation and sustain a pipeline for employment from undergraduate school to corporate America. The most impactful event during HBCU Week is the HBCU College Fair. HBCU Week Foundation, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.

HBCU Week基金會的使命是鼓勵高中學生入讀HBCUs,爲畢業生提供獎學金,併爲從本科到美國企業界的就業管道提供可持續支持。 HBCU Week期間最具影響力的活動是HBCU大學招生會。 HBCU Week Foundation, Inc是一家501(c)(3)慈善組織。

SOURCE HBCU Week Foundation

來源:HBCU Week基金會

