
PayPal Ventures Leads Gynger's $20 Million Series A Funding Round

PayPal Ventures Leads Gynger's $20 Million Series A Funding Round

paypal風險投資領導Gynger 2000萬美元的A輪融資
PayPal ·  06/20 12:00

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Gynger, the first embedded financing platform for technology purchases, announced today that it has raised $20 million in Series A funding, led by PayPal Ventures, with participation from Gradient Ventures, Velvet Sea Ventures, BAG Ventures and Deciens Capital.

Gynger,首家爲科技採購提供嵌入式融資平台的公司,今天宣佈獲得了2000萬美元的A輪融資,由PayPal Ventures領投,Gradient Ventures、Velvet Sea Ventures、BAG Ventures和Deciens Capital參與。

Gynger will use the funding to scale its team and operations and accelerate its vision of transforming its embedded financing platform into a full-scale payments solution for buying and selling of technology.


In addition, Gynger secured a debt facility from CIM (Community Investment Management) with an agreement to fund up to $100MM. The new facility will enable Gynger to scale its financing of technology spend to meet increasing customer demand.


"Over the last year, we have experienced tremendous growth and demand," Mark Ghermezian, Gynger's CEO and Founder commented, "We are revolutionizing how companies buy and sell technology by providing a payments solution that addresses the needs of both vendors and their customers. We are building the future of flexible financing for all technology. We are thrilled to welcome PayPal Ventures as an investor to help push our growth to a whole new level."

Gynger的CEO和創始人Mark Ghermezian表示:"在過去的一年中,我們經歷了巨大的增長和需求。我們正在通過提供一個支付解決方案來徹底改變公司購買和銷售技術的方式,以滿足供應商和其客戶的需求。我們正在爲所有技術領域構建靈活融資的未來。我們很高興歡迎PayPal Ventures作爲投資者,幫助推動我們的增長到一個全新的水平。"

Technology is one of the top growing B2B categories, with over $900 billion in annual spend on SaaS alone. According to Forrester, global technology spend is estimated to grow to $4.7 trillion over the next year, fueled by the increase of generative AI. With technology spend expected to rise over the next decade, Gynger is already providing customers with a solution that makes it easier than ever before for businesses to finance their software and technology needs.


Gynger's vision is to simplify and optimize the end-to-end technology purchasing process. The company is building a fully automated, seamless, embedded financing platform built for both buyers and sellers of technology, that will truly revolutionize the way technology transactions are made today.


"Gynger is changing the way businesses buy software," said James Loftus, PayPal Ventures Managing Partner. "Companies from seed stage startups to enterprise can unlock flexible payment terms on any technology expense, regardless of the vendor's terms, making it possible to purchase tools needed for growth while also preserving cash. We couldn't be more thrilled to be supporting them on their journey."

“Gynger正在改變企業購買軟件的方式,”PayPal Ventures執行合夥人James Loftus說,“從種子階段的初創公司到企業,都可以在任何技術支出上解鎖靈活的付款條款,而不用考慮供應商的條款,這使購買工具以供增長成爲可能,同時保持現金。我們非常高興能夠支持他們的發展。”

Gynger provides a unique financing solution for businesses looking to acquire the technology they need – companies can purchase software and services through non-dilutive capital.


This allows businesses to optimize their cash flow by spreading payments out over flexible terms that fit their budget and growth trajectory. Gynger's financing platform has already facilitated payments for hundreds of leading technology vendors including Snowflake, Salesforce, AWS, Cisco, ZoomInfo, and Datadog. By making capital more accessible, Gynger enables technology users to purchase the software they need in order to scale, while still paying on their terms. Gynger's customer base spans a wide-range of organizations, from early-stage startups to pre-IPO companies across all industry verticals.

這使企業可以通過將付款分散到適合其預算和增長軌跡的靈活期限來優化其現金流。 Gynger的融資平台已經爲數百家領先的科技供應商提供了支付服務,包括Snowflake,Salesforce,AWS,思科,ZoomInfo和Datadog。通過使資本更易獲得,Gynger使技術用戶可以按照自己的條件購買所需的軟件,並以此來擴展規模。Gynger的客戶群涵蓋了各行業垂直領域的早期初創公司和上市前公司。

For software and broader technology vendors, Gynger extends alternative purchasing methods to their customers, which enables vendors to accelerate sales, improve cash flow, shorten Day Sales Outstanding (DSOs), and pull revenue forward - all while getting paid upfront through Gynger's embedded financing platform. By offering flexible payment terms to customers, vendors can simplify the sales process and lock in long-term commitments.

對於軟件和更廣泛的技術供應商,Gynger向他們的客戶提供了另一種購買方式,這使供應商能夠加速銷售,改善現金流,縮短DSO以及拉長收入- 有了Gynger的嵌入式融資平台,他們可以提前獲得款項。通過爲客戶提供靈活的付款條款,供應商可以簡化銷售流程並鎖定長期承諾。

Gynger utilizes advanced AI and data analytics to underwrite and approve credit for customers faster than any other financing solution available. It automatically detects technology spend to recommend financing opportunities to best fit the needs of both buyers and sellers. By seamlessly facilitating the transactions through its secured payment platform, Gynger completes the end-to-end purchasing process.


"Gynger offers a unique source of financing for businesses who are in need of flexible terms as they increase their capital outlays on software," said Jacob Haar, Managing Partner of Community Investment Management. "With software spend increasing more than any other spend category, Gynger is well positioned to provide valuable support to businesses nationwide. We are excited to partner with the company as they scale to meet the significant size of this market opportunity."

“Gynger爲需要靈活條款的企業提供了獨特的融資來源,因爲它們在軟件支出方面的增加超過了任何其他支出類別,”Community Investment Management的管理合夥人Jacob Haar表示,“Gynger定位良好,爲美國各地的企業提供了重要的支持。我們很高興能夠與該公司合作,因爲它們擴大以支持此市場機會的規模。”

