
Equity Metals Closes Previously Announced Non-Brokered Flow-Through Private Placement

Equity Metals Closes Previously Announced Non-Brokered Flow-Through Private Placement

newsfile ·  06/20 23:39

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - June 20, 2024) - Equity Metals Corporation (TSXV: EQTY) (FSE: EGSD) (OTCQB: EQMEF) (the "Company" or "Equity Metals") reported today that it has closed its previously announced Premium/Charity flow-through private placement (the "Offering") by issuing a total of 13,760,000 Charity/Premium flow-through units ("FT Units") at $0.295 per FT Unit, for gross proceeds of $4,059,200.

溫哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞省- (Newsfile標誌-2024年6月20日) -Equity Metals股份有限公司(TSXV: EQTY) (FSE: EGSD) (OTCQB: EQMEF)("公司"或"Equity Metals")今日報告稱,其之前宣佈的增發股份和慈善股份已經成功結束,發行了總計1376萬份慈善/增發股份("FT Units"), 價格爲0.295美元每份,總募集資金爲4059200美元。

Each FT Unit consists of one flow-through common share and one-half (1/2) of one share purchase warrant, with each whole warrant entitling the holder thereof to purchase one non-flow-through common share for a period of 3 years at a price of $0.295.

每個"FT Unit"包括一個流通普通股份和半個股票認購權證,每個完整認購權證有權以0.295美元的價格在3年的時間內購買一份非流通普通股份。

The Company paid finders' fees totalling $83,220 and issued an aggregate 414,600 non-transferable finder warrants in connection with the Offering. Each finder warrant is exercisable to purchase one common share for a period of 3 years at a price of $0.20. All securities issued and sold under the Offering are subject to a hold period expiring on October 20, 2024. The Offering and the payment of finders' fees is subject to TSX Venture Exchange acceptance.

公司向經紀人支付了83220美元的手續費,並在發行期間一共發行了414600個不可轉讓的發現人認購權證。每個認購權證在發行後3年內可以以0.20美元的價格購買一份普通股份。所有通過此次發行的證券均享有持股期限,該期限將於2024年10月20日到期。此次發行和向經紀人支付手續費均需獲得TSX Venture Exchange的批准。

The proceeds received from the sale of the FT Units will be focused on the initial delineation of two new target areas located to the northeast of, and not included in, the 2022 updated Mineral Resource estimate on the Silver Queen, gold/silver project in British Columbia. A +6,000metre drill program is currently underway and these additional funds will allow for drilling to continue well into summer on the Cole and George Lake veins systems (Figure 1), which have been partially tested by historical and Equity drilling. In the current program, eleven core holes have been completed on the George Lake Target, with assays pending and anticipated over the coming weeks. A portion of the funds will be used to further advance new targets that are being developed to the drill stage elsewhere in the property.

通過發售FT Units所得的款項將用於對位於不包括2022年更新的英屬哥倫比亞省銀皇女王黃金/白銀項目的東北新開發的兩個新目標區進行初步勘探。目前已開展了6000多米的鑽探計劃,這些額外的資金將允許鑽探繼續進行到夏季以上,並在Cole和George Lake Veins Systems(圖1)上進行試探性鑽探。在當前的計劃中,George Lake Target已完成11口鑽孔,檢測結果將在未來幾周內公佈。資金的一部分將用於推進在物業其他地方正在開發的新目標,以推進其發展至鑽探階段。

This news release does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any of the securities in the United States of America. The securities have not been and will not be registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933 (the "1933 Act") or any state securities laws and may not be offered or sold within the United States or to U.S. Persons (as defined in the 1933 Act) unless registered under the 1933 Act and applicable state securities laws, or an exemption from such registration is available.


About Silver Queen Project

關於Silver Queen項目

The Silver Queen Project is a premier gold-silver property with over 100 years of historic exploration and development and is located adjacent to power, roads and rail with significant mining infrastructure that was developed under previous operators Bradina JV (Bralorne Mines) and Houston Metals Corp. (a Hunt Brothers company). The property contains an historic decline into the No. 3 Vein, the George Lake Vein, camp infrastructure, and a maintained Tailings Facility.

Silver Queen項目是一項擁有100年曆史的高級黃金銀礦產,位於不列顛哥倫比亞省Skeena拱門地區,毗鄰電力、道路和鐵路,並擁有重要的採礦製造業基礎設施,這些設施是由以前的經營者Bradina JV(Bralorne Mines)和Houston Metals Corp.(Hunt Brothers公司)開發的。該物業包括No.3 Vein、George Lake Vein的歷史衰退、營地基礎設施和一個維護的尾礦庫。

The Silver Queen Property consists of 45 mineral claims, 17 crown grants, and two surface crown grants totalling 18,852ha with no underlying royalties. Mineralization is hosted by a series of epithermal veins distributed over a 6 sq km area. An updated NI43-101 Mineral Resource Estimate with effective date December 1st, 2022 was detailed in a News Release issued on Jan 16, 2023, which can be found by clicking here and the full Technical Report can be found on SEDAR+ and the Company's website.

Silver Queen物業由45個礦權、17個王權割地和兩個表面王權割地組成,總面積達到18,852公頃,無任何基礎擔保費。礦化帶由分佈在6平方公里區域內的一系列脈型石英脈組成。技術報告的有效日期爲2022年12月1日,最新的NI43-101礦產資源估計結果於2023年1月16日發佈的新聞稿中詳細說明,其可通過以下鏈接找到:21世紀醫療改革法案單擊此處點擊 這裏完整的技術報告可以在SEDAR+和公司的網站上找到。

More than 20 different veins have been identified on the property, forming an extensive network of zoned Cretaceous- to Tertiary-age epithermal veins. The property remains largely under explored.


About Equity Metals Corporation

關於Equity Metals Corporation

Equity Metals Corporation is a Malaspina-Manex Group Company. The Company owns 100% interest, with no underlying royalty, in the Silver Queen project, located along the Skeena Arch in the Omineca Mining Division, British Columbia. The property hosts high-grade, precious- and base-metal veins related to a buried porphyry system, which has been only partially delineated. The Company also has a controlling JV interest (57.49%) in the Monument Diamond project, NWT, strategically located in the Lac De Gras district within 40 km of both the Ekati and Diavik diamond mines. The Company also has royalty and working interests in other Canadian properties, which are being evaluated further to determine their value to the Company.

Equity Metals Corporation是Malaspina-Manex Group公司的一家子公司。公司在不列顛哥倫比亞省的Omineca礦業區擁有Silver Queen項目的100%股權,沒有基礎擔保費。該物業擁有與被埋在斑岩體系中的高品位貴重金屬和有色金屬脈有關的優質礦化脈石,該斑岩系統僅部分被勘測。公司還在NWT擁有對Monument Diamond項目具有控股JV權益(57.49%),該項目位於Lac De Gras地區,距離Ekati和Diavik鑽石礦山均不到40公里。該公司還擁有其他加拿大物業的權利和工作利益,目前正在評估這些物業的價值。銀後女皇項目,位於不列顛哥倫比亞省Omineca礦業區的Skeena拱門沿線。該物業擁有高品位的貴重和基礎金屬脈,與一個未完全描繪的埋藏斑岩體系相關。該公司還擁有一個控制性合資權益(佔比57.49%)在Monument Diamond項目, ,位於NWT。,該項目位於Lac De Gras地區,距離Ekati和Diavik鑽石礦山均不到40公里。 該公司還擁有其他加拿大物業的擁有權和工作利益,目前正在評估這些物業的價值。

Robert Macdonald, MSc. P.Geo, is VP Exploration of Equity Metals Corporation and a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101. He is responsible for the supervision of the exploration on the Silver Queen project and for the preparation of the technical information in this disclosure.

Equity Metals Corporation的VP Exploration,MSc. P.Geo,是根據43-101國家儀器定義的合格人員。他負責本文中關於Silver Queen項目的勘探監督和技術信息的準備。

On behalf of the Board of Directors
"Joseph Anthony Kizis, Jr."


Joseph Anthony Kizis, Jr., P.Geo
President, Director, Equity Metals Corporation

總裁,董事,Equity Metals Corporation

For further information, visit the website at ; or contact us at 604.641.2759 or by email at


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This news release may contain forward-looking statements including, but not limited to comments regarding the timing and content of upcoming work programs, geological interpretations, receipt of property titles, potential mineral recovery processes, etc. Forward-looking statements address future events and conditions and therefore involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ materially from those currently anticipated in such statements. These statements are based on a number of assumptions, including, but not limited to, assumptions regarding TSX Venture Exchange approval of the Offering, general economic conditions, interest rates, commodity markets, regulatory and governmental approvals for the company's projects, and the availability of financing for the company's development projects on reasonable terms. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements include market prices, exploitation and exploration successes, the timing and receipt of government and regulatory approvals, and continued availability of capital and financing and general economic, market or business conditions. Equity Metals Corporation does not assume any obligation to update or revise its forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except to the extent required by applicable law.

此新聞稿可能包含前瞻性聲明,包括但不限於有關即將進行的工作計劃的時間安排和內容、地質解釋、取得財產所有權、潛在的礦物恢復過程等的評論。前瞻性聲明涉及未來事件和條件,因此涉及固有的風險和不確定性。實際結果可能與這些聲明中目前預期的結果有所不同。這些聲明基於一些假設,包括但不限於TSX Venture Exchange對發行的批准以及一般經濟條件、利率、商品市場、公司項目的監管和政府批准以及公司發展項目合理融資的可用性方面的假設。導致實際結果與前瞻性聲明中不同的因素包括市場價格、開採和勘探成功、政府和監管批准的時間和收到、資本和融資的持續可用性,以及一般經濟、市場或業務條件。Equity Metals Corporation不承擔更新或修訂其前瞻性聲明的任何義務,除非適用法律另有要求。

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