
Revolutionize InsurTech: InsurTech Express Launches InsurTech Navigator AI

Revolutionize InsurTech: InsurTech Express Launches InsurTech Navigator AI

革新保險科技:InsurTech Express推出InsurTech Navigator人工智能
Accesswire ·  06/20 23:00

Dive into the future of life insurance with our cutting-edge AI platform.


RALEIGH, NC / ACCESSWIRE / June 20, 2024 / InsurTech Express is thrilled to announce the launch of InsurTech Navigator AI, a revolutionary platform set to transform the Life Insurance Technology landscape

RALEIGH,NC / ACCESSWIRE /2024年6月20日——InsurTech Express非常高興宣佈InsurTech Navigator AI的推出,這是一款革命性的平台,將徹底改變人壽保險技術領域的格局。

InsurTech Navigator AI
Access to the latest resources, solutions and information on insurance technology using AI.
InsurTech Navigator AI

Groundbreaking Launch: InsurTech Navigator AI is poised to be a game-changer, providing industry professionals with unprecedented access to resources and insights in the life insurance technology sector.

開創性推出: InsurTech Navigator AI定位成改變行業格局的突破,爲行業專業人士在人壽保險技術領域提供了前所未有的資源和洞見。

Unparalleled Content Aggregation: As the world's largest content hub for Life Insurance Technology, InsurTech Navigator AI offers an unmatched collection of insights and resources. Industry professionals can now access the most comprehensive and up-to-date information on insurance software solutions, ensuring they stay ahead in this fast-evolving field.

無與倫比的內容聚合:作爲全球最大的人壽保險技術內容中心,InsurTech Navigator AI提供了無與倫比的資源和見識。行業專業人士現在可以獲取最全面、最新的保險軟件解決方案信息,確保他們在這個快速發展的領域中始終處於領先地位。

Comprehensive Navigation Tools: InsurTech Navigator AI is designed with user convenience in mind. Key features include:

全面的導航工具:InsurTech Navigator AI是爲用戶方便而設計的。主要功能包括:

  • Industry Events: Stay informed about crucial industry events.
  • Job Opportunities: Discover popular job openings in the sector.
  • Carrier Agent Portals: Gain seamless access to essential portals.
  • AI Tools: Enjoy one-click entry into advanced AI tools like Proforce Ledger and Midnight Underwriter.
  • 行業活動:了解重要的行業活動。
  • 職位機會:發現行業中受歡迎的職位空缺。
  • 承運人代理門戶:無縫訪問關鍵門戶。
  • AI工具:享受進階的人工智能工具,如Proforce Ledger和Midnight Underwriter。

Extended Features: InsurTech Navigator AI goes beyond basic functionalities. The platform includes capabilities to generate images and summarize PDF documents, making it the ultimate guide to the insurance technology sector.

擴展功能:InsurTech Navigator AI超越了基本的功能。該平台包括生成圖像和總結PDF文檔的功能,是保險技術領域的終極指南。

Industry Endorsements:
"We are excited to be a part of Navigator AI, the industry's first innovation hub. Our strategy has always been to work with industry leaders like InsurTech Express and leverage AI to enhance these already powerful tools and improve the overall advisor experience," said Robert Strauss, Co-Founder of Proforce.

"我們很高興成爲Navigator AI的一部分,這是行業第一個創新中心。我們的策略一直是與InsurTech Express等行業領導者合作,並利用人工智能增強這些已經強大的工具,以改善整體的顧問體驗。"Proforce的聯合創始人Robert Strauss如此說道。

"InsurTech Express is a central resource for the latest innovation in Insurance Technology. InsurTech Navigator AI takes it to the next level with information and one-click access to AI solutions," said Ken Leibow, CEO of InsurTech Express.

"InsurTech Express是保險技術最新創新的中心。InsurTech Navigator AI通過信息和一鍵訪問人工智能解決方案將其提升到了一個新的高度。"InsurTech Express的CEO Ken Leibow說道。

Discover the forefront of innovation with InsurTech Navigator AI.

發現保險技術領域的最前沿,盡在InsurTech Navigator AI。

Contact Information
Ken Leibow

Ken Leibow

SOURCE: InsurTech Express

SOURCE: InsurTech Express

