
Modelit Becomes Salesforce Crest Partner

Modelit Becomes Salesforce Crest Partner

Accesswire ·  06/20 22:00

The Team at Modelit is Thrilled to Announce That It Has Reached Salesforce Crest Partner Status, Marking a Major Milestone for the Company

Modelit的團隊很高興地宣佈其已成爲Salesforce Crest合作伙伴身份,這標誌着該公司的重大里程碑

SEATTLE, WA / ACCESSWIRE / June 20, 2024 / Today, the Modelit team is proud to join the top 15% of Salesforce consulting and implementation companies worldwide by ascending to Crest partner status. This achievement marks a major milestone on the company's continued journey toward Salesforce excellence.

華盛頓州西雅圖/ACCESSWIRE/2024 年 6 月 20 日/今天,Modelit 團隊很榮幸晉升爲 Crest 合作伙伴,加入全球前 15% 的 Salesforce 諮詢和實施公司。這一成就標誌着公司持續邁向 Salesforce 卓越發展道路上的一個重要里程碑。



Modelit would like to thank:

Modelit 想感謝:

  • Our dedicated Modelit professionals for the hard work they've put in each day to make this achievement possible.
  • Our exceptional leadership team for their guidance and expertise that have driven our team to aim higher, always.
  • Our Modelit client community for placing their trust in our team and helping us to grow.
  • 我們敬業的 Modelit 專業人員每天爲實現這一成就所付出的辛勤工作。
  • 我們卓越的領導團隊的指導和專業知識推動了我們的團隊始終追求更高的目標。
  • 我們的Modelit客戶社區信任我們的團隊並幫助我們成長。

What does it mean to be a Salesforce Crest partner?

成爲 Salesforce Crest 合作伙伴意味着什麼?

Salesforce Partners are trusted to deliver innovative solutions and handle 70% of customer implementations globally. Crest partners, like Modelit, excel in building and delivering cutting-edge solutions on the Salesforce platform.

值得信賴的是,Salesforce 合作伙伴能夠提供創新的解決方案,並處理全球 70% 的客戶實施。像Modelit這樣的Crest合作伙伴在Salesforce平台上構建和提供尖端解決方案方面表現出色。

Achieving Crest partner status means Modelit has met rigorous standards for quality, expertise, customer success, security, and performance.

獲得 Crest 合作伙伴地位意味着 Modelit 在質量、專業知識、客戶成功、安全性和績效方面已達到嚴格的標準。

As a key player in the Salesforce ecosystem, Modelit is now in one of the top four tiers: Base, Ridge, Crest, and Summit. This classification reflects the company's commitment to high-quality service, client success, and continuous improvement.


How did Modelit reach Crest level?

Modelit 是如何達到紋章等級的?

To help Modelit reach this next level on its Salesforce journey, the company's experts have worked tirelessly to raise the bar across a handful of areas.


  • Customer Success: We have maintained our Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) score at a perfect 5.0, demonstrating our strong commitment to bringing success and happiness to each of our clients.
  • Innovation: Our team continues to expand its expertise by increasing the total number of projects completed and Salesforce certifications held by our experts. Additionally, we actively participate in Salesforce's Pledge 1% initiative - meaning that we dedicate 1% of our time, product, and profit to philanthropy.
  • Equality: Aside from being led by a diverse team of professionals, we also engage in events like "Techy for the Day." This event introduces women and girls to the many opportunities available in the field of technology, promoting gender diversity in the industry.
  • Sustainability: We have taken the pledge to plant over 50,000 trees over the next five years. With this initiative, we intend to make a significant contribution to reducing greenhouse gases and supporting environmental sustainability.
  • 客戶成功:我們將客戶滿意度(CSAT)分數保持在完美的5.0分,這表明了我們對爲每位客戶帶來成功和幸福的堅定承諾。
  • 創新:我們的團隊通過增加已完成的項目總數和我們的專家持有的Salesforce認證,繼續擴展其專業知識。此外,我們積極參與Salesforce的承諾1%計劃——這意味着我們將1%的時間、產品和利潤用於慈善事業。
  • 平等:除了由多元化的專業團隊領導外,我們還參與 “Techy for the Day” 等活動。該活動向婦女和女孩介紹了技術領域的許多機會,促進了該行業的性別多樣性。
  • 可持續發展:我們已經兌現了1t.org的承諾,即在未來五年內種植超過50,000棵樹。通過這一舉措,我們打算爲減少溫室氣體和支持環境可持續性做出重大貢獻。

About Modelit

關於 Modelit

Modelit is a highly rated Salesforce partner built by certified and experienced experts offering services in custom development, CRM configurations, and AppExchange app development. The company has offices in the U.S. and Latin America, operating within similar time zones as its customers and collaborating in real time. Modelit is dedicated to helping clients maximize their Salesforce investments by providing an aligned customer experience, faster time-to-market, and lower total cost of engagement.


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Contact Information


Danny Teng
CEO, Modelit

Modelit 首席執行官

SOURCE: Modelit


