
These 3D-Printed Homes Could Be the Future of Affordable Housing - for $99,000 or Less

These 3D-Printed Homes Could Be the Future of Affordable Housing - for $99,000 or Less

Accesswire ·  06/20 21:15

Homebuilding innovator ICON is laying the groundwork for affordable, 3D-printed homes in Community First! Village with support from Wells Fargo.

Homebuilding創新者ICON正在社區第一村爲價格實惠的3D打印房屋奠定基礎,得到了Wells Fargo的壓力位支持。

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / June 20, 2024 / Around the world, communities are asking the same question: How do we make housing more accessible to everyone? One solution is to build differently, from the ground up.

馬薩諸塞州諾瑟安普頓/ ACCESSWIRE / 2024年6月20日/在世界各地,社區都在問同一個問題:我們如何使住房更加普及?一種解決方案是從地基開始不同的建築方式。

Inside the Community First! Village outside of Austin, Texas, one such homebuilding tool has taken shape: one of the country's first occupied 3D-printed homes. But they're far from the last.

德克薩斯州奧斯汀市區外的Community First!村裏,這樣一種建房工具已經成形:該國第一批3D打印房屋之一。但這遠遠不是最後的。

With some help from Wells Fargo, rapidly developing robotic 3D-printing technology is being combined with cutting-edge design and community-building to help address the housing gap. The result will be 3D-printed homes that are more resilient and imaginative in the face of climbing homebuilding costs and global crises like climate change.

在Wells Fargo的幫助下,快速發展的機器人3D打印技術正在與尖端設計和社區建設相結合,以幫助解決住房缺口問題。其結果將是更具彈性和想象力的3D打印房屋,以應對不斷攀升的建造成本和全球氣候變化等危機。

"Housing alone will never solve homelessness, but community will. I think what you see in Community First! Village is the manifestation of community. We need community, that human to human, heart to heart," said Alan Graham, founder and CEO of Mobile Loaves & Fishes, whose supportive neighborhood outside of Austin houses more than 370 people coming out of chronic homelessness.

“房屋將永遠無法解決無家可歸問題,但社區可以。我認爲在社區第一村所看到的是社區的體現。我們需要人與人之間的、心與心之間的社區,”移動麪包和魚的創始人和首席執行官Alan Graham說道,他的支持型社區在奧斯汀市外住着370多名從慢性無家可歸中走出來的人。

In 2020, the nonprofit partnered with Austin-based ICON, a construction technology company, to build 3D-printed homes for some of its residents. Now that partnership is growing with Initiative 99. The international design competition tasks architects to create a new kind of affordable home that's only possible through 3D printing for a construction price tag of $99,000 or less, and are also resilient, dignified, and environmentally friendly. The first phase culminated at SXSW in Austin, where ICON announced six winning designs from around the world. With a $500,000 grant from the Wells Fargo Foundation, one or more of those designs will be built at scale within an upcoming Community First! Village expansion.

2020年,這家非營利組織與總部位於奧斯汀市的建築技術公司ICON合作,爲一些居民建造3D打印房屋。現在,這個合作關係正在通過第99號倡議得到發展。這個國際設計競賽的任務是讓建築師爲售價99000美元或更低的建築實現一種只有通過3D打印才有可能的全新價格,並且也具有彈性、尊嚴和環保。第一階段在奧斯汀市的SXSW上達到高潮,ICON宣佈了來自世界各地的六個獲勝設計。通過Wells Fargo基金會的50萬美元撥款,其中一個或多個設計將在即將到來的社區第一村擴建中大規模建造。

Plus, all the winning designs are available for homebuilders and architects across the nation to use to create high-quality affordable housing in their own communities via ICON's digital home catalog, CODEX. Darlene Goins, president of the Wells Fargo Foundation and head of Philanthropy and Community Impact at Wells Fargo, said the competition is a "gamechanger for the housing industry," which will push the envelope for designing lower-cost, quality housing for the people and families who need it most.

此外,所有獲勝的設計都可供全國各地的房屋建築商和建築師使用,以創建他們自己社區中的高質量可負擔住房,這是通過ICON的數字住房目錄CODEX實現的。Wells Fargo基金會主席兼公益與社區影響負責人Darlene Goins表示,這個競賽是住房行業的“變革者”,將推動設計更低成本、高質量的住房,爲最需要它的人和家庭提供幫助。

"These international design competitions don't usually happen for affordable housing," said ICON co-founder and CEO Jason Ballard. "The hope is that dozens and dozens, if not hundreds or thousands, of homes come into the world because of Initiative 99."

ICON聯合創始人兼首席執行官Jason Ballard表示:“國際設計競賽通常不會發生在負擔得起的住房領域。這個倡議的希望是,由於第99號倡議的緣故,幾十甚至數百、數千所住房將湧現出來。”

What are the benefits of a 3D-printed home?


ICON develops large-scale robotics, software, and advanced materials to build homes faster and more affordably. Their Vulcan construction systems, for example, weighing in at roughly one-ton, automate construction of their characteristically layered walls, while roofs, windows, and doors are built using traditional methods.


3D-printed homes can be built faster and for less money


A recently unveiled multi-story robotic construction system called Phoenix introduces the capability of printing an entire building enclosure including foundations and roof structures. By increasing speed and size and decreasing setup time and the number of required operators, this advanced robotic system will reduce ICON printing costs by half.


Ultimately, there could be a "quantum leap" in reducing housing costs, Ballard said.


"We finally have a solution for the global housing crisis to speed things up and produce the housing that we need," said I99 winner Mona Peters.

“我們終於有了解決全球住房危機的方案,加速事情的進展並生產我們需要的房屋,” I99獲勝者Mona Peters表示。

3D-printed homes create new design possibilities


ICON's printers specialize in building curved and bespoke designs quickly and more economically compared to traditional methods because 3D printers streamline a home's design and build materials.


For example, I99 winner Victoria Roznowski added adaptable sleeping areas and a wavy exterior in her winning design, which she envisioned serving refugees in her native Germany.

例如,I99獲勝者Victoria Roznowski在其獲勝設計中增加了適應性睡眠區和波浪形外觀,她設想這些房屋能夠爲其祖國德國的難民服務。

"I truly believe 3D printing can revolutionize the way we're building houses right now," she said.


3D printing promotes resilient and sustainable homebuilding


These homes don't just promote sustainability through efficient automation, but in their building materials, too. For example, ICON's robotic printers dispense the company's own formulation of low-carbon concrete.


The startup says its homes produce far less waste than the four tons left over after building the average home in the U.S. Many of the I99 designs go further to promote water conservation, efficiently scaled communities, and other sustainable features.


How to 3D print your own home


Interested in your own 3D-printed home? Try an open-sourced design.


ICON's CODEX is a home design catalog of ready-to-print architecture plans for developers, architects, and homebuyers. Among the dozens of available designs in the catalog are the six I99 phase 1 winners. Other categories focus on storm- and fire-resilient homes, Texan architecture, and more.


If you like a design, you or your architect can reach out to ICON or take a virtual tour. The company has 3D-printed homes on the market.


Tech startup ICON engineers innovative homebuilding tools, such as the multi-story 3D printing robot Phoenix (pictured), to bring down project costs and make housing more accessible.


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