
Generative AI Virtually Ubiquitous in Global Business as the Technology Spreads at a Near-unprecedented Rate -- Bain & Company Proprietary Survey

Generative AI Virtually Ubiquitous in Global Business as the Technology Spreads at a Near-unprecedented Rate -- Bain & Company Proprietary Survey

PR Newswire ·  06/20 21:15
  • 9 in 10 companies have already deployed or are piloting generative AI technology
  • Businesses are prioritizing AI deployments with multi-million-dollar budgets and people commitments
  • Generative AI is meeting or exceeding expectations in ~75% or more of cases
  • 10家公司中有9家已經部署或正在試驗生成式AI技術。
  • 企業正在以數百萬美元的預算和人員承諾爲優先事項推廣AI。
  • ~75%或更多情況下,生成式AI能夠達到或超過預期。

BOSTON, June 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Generative AI is now virtually ubiquitous in global businesses, with major companies having strongly prioritized commitments to it and AI deployments having spread at a near unprecedented pace for adoption of a new technology that is still accelerating, new research from Bain & Company reveals.

2024年6月20日波士頓/ PRNewswire/--來自貝恩公司的新研究顯示,生成式AI現在已經在全球企業中基本普及,主要公司強烈優先考慮了它,並且AI部署的速度也遠遠超出了對於一項新技術的採納速度的加速,

Bain's latest proprietary cross-industry Generative AI Survey1 indicates that almost 9 in 10 companies (87%, up from 83% in October last year) have already deployed or are now piloting the technology, with adoption continuing to climb rapidly across all use cases.


Bain's analysis shows very rapid ramping up of businesses' spending and other commitments to generative AI use. More than 60% of businesses surveyed put it among their top three priorities for this year and next, with 87% ranking it among their top five priorities for the next three to four years.


On average, Bain's research shows companies are already budgeting some $5 million per year for generative AI activities and technology infrastructure – with that average number rising to $50 million per year for 20% of the largest companies, indicating businesses' increasingly large-scale commitments to generative AI implementation.


Bain's analysis of the firm's, regular Generative AI Survey1 of senior executives in 200 businesses, across an even split of technology and non-technology companies, also shows companies' fast-scaling commitment to the technology in terms of growing size of teams working on it. Companies have around 100 people spending some time engaging with the new AI technology in some form, with large companies having as many as 240 team members, the data shows.


As companies around the globe race to seize generative AI's potential and capture its competitive advantages, the analysis shows the greatest focus for executives in terms of business goals from AI capabilities is to harness benefits from boosts to revenues alongside enhanced efficiency and productivity. Both goals are cited by 68% of companies surveyed among their top three primary objectives.


However, the survey data also reveals a need for businesses to strengthen their focus on how they can best use generative AI, with only around 36% of executives indicating their organization has a strong, well-defined vision for AI deployments, with a sequenced roadmap and clear value expectations. In addition, a fifth of organizations (21%) have ideas for generative AI deployment but have not yet made coordinated efforts.


Despite this, the data also indicates that generative AI is meeting or exceeding businesses' expectations in 75% of instances overall. Alongside, around four-fifths of respondents (~80%) observe that prototyping for generative AI use is faster than was experienced with earlier, traditional AI technology and machine learning.


For the cases where AI deployments have fallen short of expectations, the most common issues cited are around poor output quality or the technology not meeting performance needs. This tech-market fit issue is common for new technologies. The next most common set of levels of issues is around user adoption and off-the-shelf tooling which did not deliver the expected value. But the survey also shows indications that these issues are being encountered less frequently for some key use cases, with performance for use cases in sales, sales operations, marketing, customer service and customer onboarding cited by respondents as improving in the latest findings. Concerns over risk, data security and privacy, and uncertainty around regulation have also declined. Most firms still see room to improve their generative AI preparedness across the areas of data readiness, data security and talent.

“生成式AI在企業界的大規模和快速的採納速度是引人注目的。這表明這項技術在發展過程中將對行業產生深遠的變革,因爲部署繼續加速,”貝恩公司合夥人、貝恩私募股權實踐AI倡議領導人吉恩·拉波波特(Gene Rapoport)表示。他說:“同樣令人印象深刻的是,與大多數主要企業已經在生成式AI實施方面投入資金和力量相比,大多數企業都看到了實現真正商業價值的道路。但是,也很明顯,CEO和執行委員會需要明確擁有激活AI在他們組織中的所有權,並確保對其使用有一個明確、清晰的願景。那些做到這一點的企業將迅速崛起,成爲領先AI並獲得最好的結果和最大的競爭優勢的企業。”

"The scale and pace of generative AI adoption across the business landscape is remarkable. It speaks to this technology having a truly far-reaching and transformative impact for companies across sectors as it continues to develop – and as deployments continue to accelerate," Gene Rapoport, Bain & Company partner and leader of AI initiatives for Bain's Private Equity practice, said. "It's equally impressive that, with most major business already putting money and muscle behind generative AI implementations, the majority are seeing a path towards realizing real business value. But what is also clear is that CEOs and executive committees need to take clear ownership of activating AI in their organizations and ensuring a clear, well-defined vision for its use. The businesses that do are going to emerge quickly as those that lead with AI and secure the best results and the greatest competitive advantage."

“許多軟件公司正在以驚人的速度向其產品添加AI功能,但我們的研究表明,這些解決方案尚未完全具備創造企業價值的功能。這種感知價值缺陷結合上述所述的邊界模型的可用性是無數公司選擇構建以快速捕捉價值的兩個主要原因。隨着解決方案變得更好,我們預計會看到更多的購買,但是,領域的格局正在迅速轉變,尚不清楚構建長期解決方案可能是正確的答案。”貝恩公司高級分析組合作夥伴桑金·比卡尼奇(Sanjin Bicanic)補充說。

Sanjin Bicanic, Bain & Company partner and member of Bain's Advanced Analytics Group, added: "Many software companies are adding AI features to their products at a breakneck pace, but our research shows those solutions are not yet fully featured enough to create value for the Enterprise. This gap in perceived value combined with the availability of frontier models as APIs are the two main reasons why we're seeing so many companies choosing to build to capture value quickly. As solutions get better, we expect to see more buying, but the landscape is shifting rapidly and it's not yet clear where building might be a correct long-term solution."


Four evolving themes


As adoption of generative AI increases across all use cases, concerns around organizational readiness have grown, Bain also finds. Four themes emerge from the analysis that show how companies are thinking about the technology:


  • Are we delivering value yet? Across industries, conversations about generative AI are more earnest, moving from excitement and hype to more realistic assessments.
  • Five promise areas: As companies get their hands dirty with generative AI, they are reporting some use cases show the best signs of success, including sales, software development, marketing, knowledge worker assistants and customer service.
  • Tech companies are finding out first: Compared to Bain's 2023 Q4 survey, companies in the tech industry were more likely to say their data and security protocols were ready for generative AI as well as being further ahead in adoption. This contrasts to companies across other (non-tech) industries, which reported about the same levels of readiness in both surveys, indicating they have not yet hit this bottleneck.
  • Buy or build? Both approaches are being tested across use cases. Companies are buying third-party solutions when available but are investing in tailoring them for their needs.
  • 各行業的人工智能生成對話更加認真,從興奮和炒作轉向更現實的評估。
  • 五個承諾領域:隨着公司使用人工智能生成技術的深入,他們報告了一些使用案例顯示了最佳成功跡象,包括銷售、軟件開發、市場營銷、知識工人助手和客戶服務。
  • 技術公司首先發現:與貝恩公司2023年第四季度的調查相比,科技行業的公司更有可能表示他們的數據和安全協議已經準備好應對人工智能生成技術,並且在採用方面走在了前面。這與其他行業(非科技行業)的公司形成對比,在這兩次調查中報告的準備就緒水平大致相同,表明他們尚未達到這個瓶頸。
  • 買還是自己開發?兩種方法在使用案例中都有被測試。當第三方解決方案可用時,公司會購買它們,但會投資於爲它們的需求量身定製的解決方案。

Notes to Editors


  1. For a media pack showing the results of Bain & Company's latest quarterly Generative AI Survey, please get in touch.
  1. 欲了解貝恩公司最新季度人工智能生成調查結果的媒體彩頁,請聯繫。人工智能生成調查。請聯繫凱蒂·韋爾(紐約)- 電子郵件:[email protected]。

Media Contacts:
Gary Duncan (London) — Email: [email protected]
Katie Ware (New York) — Email: [email protected]
Ann Lee (Singapore) — Email: [email protected]

加里·鄧肯(倫敦)— 電子郵件:[email protected]
Katie Ware(紐約)-電子郵件:[email protected]
安·李(新加坡)— 電子郵件:[email protected]

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