
Where Fashion, Art and Culture Unite: H&M, Ev Bravado and Téla D'Amore Collaborate for a Collection Featuring Jean-Michel Basquiat's Works

Where Fashion, Art and Culture Unite: H&M, Ev Bravado and Téla D'Amore Collaborate for a Collection Featuring Jean-Michel Basquiat's Works

時尚、藝術和文化的結合:H&M、Ev Bravado和Téla D'Amore共同合作推出一系列Jean-Michel Basquiat的作品
PR Newswire ·  06/20 21:00

NEW YORK, June 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Together with New York-based fashion designers Ev Bravado and Téla D'Amore, the latest H&M collaboration explores Jean-Michel Basquiat's legacy and his impact on young Black creatives. The 30-piece collection merges Basquiat's iconic imagery and rarely seen artworks with Bravado and D'Amore's stained glass motifs and expressive designs. The collection will be available at and in select stores on July, 18th.

2024年6月20日,紐約/美通社──與紐約的時裝設計師Ev Bravado和Téla D'Amore一起,最新的H&M合作探索了Jean-Michel Basquiat的遺產及其對年輕黑人創意人的影響。這個30件的系列將Basquiat標誌性的圖像和很少見到的藝術品與Bravado和D'Amore的彩色玻璃圖案和富有表現力的設計融合在一起。該系列將於7月18日在hm.com和精選商店上架。H&M、Ev Bravado和Téla D'Amore合作推出了一個收錄了Jean-Michel Basquiat作品的系列。th.

H&M, Ev Bravado and Téla D'Amore collaborate for a collection featuring Jean-Michel Basquiat's works
Ev Bravado 和 Téla D'Amore 被命名爲2024 LVMH獎的半決賽選手,2023 CFDA/Vogue時裝基金會的決賽選手。他們以精心製作的衣服、專家級的服裝刻度和再造的牛仔而聞名。通過這次H&M合作,他們繼續模糊了時尚、藝術和文化之間的界限,通過放置印花,刺繡和繡花補丁將Jean-Michel Basquiat的藝術品放在他們標誌性的輪廓上,進一步擴大Jean-Michel Basquiat的遺產。

Named semi-finalists for the 2024 LVMH Prize and finalists for the 2023 CFDA/Vogue Fashion Fund, Ev Bravado and Téla D'Amore are known for their carefully crafted pieces, expert garment distressing and upcycled denim. With this H&M collaboration, they continue to blur the line between fashion, art, and culture, further amplifying the legacy of Jean-Michel Basquiat through placement prints, embroidery and embroidered patches of his artworks on their signature silhouettes.


Basquiat is widely considered one of the most important artists of the 20th-century. Inspired by his journey from street artist to renowned art figure, Bravado and D'Amore believe Basquiat's legacy serves as a daily reminder that there are no limits to what they can achieve.

“對我們來說,Basquiat一直是一個有影響力的並超越生活的人物。能夠瀏覽他的檔案並選擇很少見到的作品是一件福事。Basquiat的家族一直支持我們獨特的願景。通過H&M的全球平台提供這個系列,讓它變得特別了10倍,因爲它將是大衆易得的。”Ev Bravado和Téla D'Amore說道。

"For us, Basquiat has always been an influential and larger than life figure. To be able to comb through his archives and select rarely referenced artworks is a blessing. The Basquiat estate has been super supportive of our unique vision. Providing this collection on a worldwide scale with H&M makes it ten times more special because it will be largely accessible," say Ev Bravado and Téla D'Amore.

“Ev和Téla迅速成爲時尚界最令人興奮的聲音之一,我們知道他們會在Jean-Michel的視野下添加自己獨特的風格。他遺產的核心原則之一是賦予年輕的黑人創意者權力和推廣他們的作品。通過H&M的全球平台,我們希望激勵一個新一代的藝術家來繼承他的創造精神。”Jean-Michel Basquiat的姐妹Lisane Basquiat和Jeanine Heriveaux管理Basquiat家族說道。

"Ev and Téla have quickly become some of the most exciting voices in fashion, and we knew that they would honor Jean-Michel's vision while adding their own distinct style to his work. A central tenet of his legacy is to empower and amplify young black creatives, and through H&M's global platform, we hope to inspire a new generation of artists to carry on his creative spirit," says the Basquiat estate, run by Lisane Basquiat and Jeanine Heriveaux, sisters of Jean-Michel Basquiat.

30件的系列包括裁縫、夾克、短袖襯衫、牛仔褲、連帽衫、T恤、連衣裙、裙子和緊身上衣,以及各種小配件。其中一件夾克上印有充滿活力的藝術品Ass Killer, 1984,並且設計師的拱形窗戶上刺繡。黑色西裝外套上有Basquiat關於爵士巨匠Charlie Parker和Miles Davis的塗鴉(Discography 1,1984),豪華黑皮褲引用了藝術品Untitled (Ideal),1988和Untitled (World Famous) ,1983的元素。其他引人注目的是男女通用的破舊牛仔夾克和匹配的牛仔褲,上面印着Basquiat的藝術品和反覆出現的窗戶設計。

The 30-piece collection includes tailoring, jackets, short-sleeve shirts, jeans, hoodies, t-shirts and a dress, skirt and corset top, plus accessories. There's a bomber jacket adorned with the vibrant artwork Ass Killer, 1984 and embroidery of the designers' arched window, a black blazer with Basquiat's scribbles about jazz greats Charlie Parker and Miles Davis (Discography 1, 1984), and luxe black leather trousers referencing the artworks Untitled (Ideal), 1988 and Untitled (World Famous), 1983. Other standouts are the unisex distressed denim jacket and matching jeans with Basquiat's art enshrined in the recurring window design.

“Ev和Téla通過當代的視角轉譯Basquiat的標誌性藝術品,帶來了一個新的、有意義的、令人興奮的系列。他們也對Basquiat的生活、價值觀和藝術具有深刻的理解和聯繫——以及它們如何與當今的文化氣候產生共鳴。該系列延續了他們“大而全,越多越好”的設計風格,但藝術性的呈現方式真正融入了Basquiat,並使此次合作成爲一大亮點。”H&M男裝設計師Ana Hernandez說道。點擊這裏下載圖片Ass KillerDiscography 1, 1984)和豪華黑皮褲引用了藝術品Untitled (Ideal),1988和Untitled (World Famous),1983的元素。Untitled (Ideal), 1988 and Untitled (World Famous), 1983。其他明星單品包括男女通用的破舊牛仔夾克和匹配的牛仔褲,上面印着Basquiat的藝術品和反覆出現的窗戶設計。

"Ev and Téla have translated Basquiat's iconic art through a contemporary lens, resulting in a collection that feels new, meaningful and exciting. They also have a deep understanding and connection to Basquiat's life, values and art – and how it all resonates with today's cultural climate. This collection follows their maximalist, 'more is more' designs, but the artistic approach really ties into Basquiat and makes the collaboration a standout," says Ana Hernandez, Menswear Designer at H&M.

“Ev和Téla通過當代的視角轉譯Basquiat的標誌性藝術品,帶來了一個新的、有意義的、令人興奮的系列。他們也對Basquiat的生活、價值觀和藝術具有深刻的理解和聯繫——以及它們如何與當今的文化氣候產生共鳴。該系列延續了他們“大而全,越多越好”的設計風格,但藝術性的呈現方式真正融入了Basquiat,並使此次合作成爲一大亮點。”H&M男裝設計師Ana Hernandez說道。

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To shop the collection, click here


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