
Guardian Capital Group Limited to Acquire Galibier Capital Management Ltd.

Guardian Capital Group Limited to Acquire Galibier Capital Management Ltd.

Guardian Capital Group有限公司將收購Galibier Capital Management有限公司。
GlobeNewswire ·  2024/06/20 19:20

TORONTO, June 20, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Guardian Capital Group Limited (Guardian) (TSX:GCG) (TSX:GCG.A) announced today that it has reached an agreement under which Guardian's wholly-owned subsidiary will acquire Galibier Capital Management Ltd., an independent Toronto-based investment management firm.

加拿大多倫多2024年6月20日(環球社)--Guardian資產管理集團有限公司(Guardian)(TSX:GCG)(TSX:GCG.A)今天宣佈,其全資子公司將收購獨立的多倫多投資管理公司Galibier Capital Management Ltd。 (Galibier)的股權,Galibier團隊將以獨立帳户和集合基金的形式代表一系列機構和個人進行投資。交易完成將受慣例收盤條件和獲取監管批准等條件的約束,預計將在2024年夏季完成。交易完成後,Galibier將繼續由現任管理層和投資團隊領導。這次收購預計將爲Guardian的資產管理資產增加超過10億加元。

The Galibier team invests on behalf of a range of institutions and individuals through separate accounts and pooled funds. Subject to customary closing conditions, including obtaining regulatory approvals, the transaction is expected to close in summer 2024. Following closing, Galibier will continue to be led by its current management and investment team. The acquisition is expected to add more than $1 billion CAD to Guardian's assets under management.


"We are thrilled Galibier is joining the Guardian group of companies," said George Mavroudis, Guardian's President and Chief Executive Officer. "Its distinctive investment approach, philosophy and process will be a welcome addition to Guardian's existing portfolio management expertise. Guardian has also demonstrated a long-term commitment to investing in Canadian and other public equity markets, and as we look to further develop our capabilities in these areas we see our combined future as full of promise."

“我們非常高興Galibier加入Guardian集團,”Guardian的總裁兼首席執行官George Mavroudis說。“它獨特的投資方法、理念和流程將成爲Guardian現有組合管理專業知識的又一項寶貴的補充。Guardian還展示了長期投資加拿大和其他公共股權市場的承諾,因此我們看到我們的合併未來充滿希望。”

"Guardian and Galibier share core values, and we are excited to become part of an organization so culturally aligned," said Joe Sirdevan, Galibier's Chief Executive Officer. "Joining the Guardian organization, with its depth of resources, will let the Galibier team continue to focus on what matters most: delivering investment excellence to our clients."

“Guardian和Galibier分享共同的價值觀,我們很高興成爲與它文化相一致的組織的一部分,”Galibier的首席執行官Joe Sirdevan說。“加入Guardian組織,依靠它充足的資源,讓Galibier團隊繼續專注於最重要的事情,即向客戶提供卓越的投資。”

Guardian was represented by Borden Ladner Gervais LLP, and Galibier was represented by Gardiner Roberts LLP.

Guardian由Borden Ladner Gervais LLP代表,Galibier由Gardiner Roberts LLP代表。

For further information, please contact:

如需更多信息,請聯繫:丹·努恩(Dan Noone)

Angela Shim

Angela Shim

About Guardian Capital Group Limited


Guardian Capital Group Limited ("Guardian") is a global investment management company servicing institutional, retail and private clients through its subsidiaries. As at March 31, 2024, Guardian had C$61.3 billion of total client assets while managing a proprietary investment portfolio with a fair market value of C$1.25 billion. Founded in 1962, Guardian's reputation for steady growth, long-term relationships and its core values of authenticity, integrity, stability and trustworthiness have been key to its success over six decades. Its Common and Class A shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange as GCG and GCG.A, respectively. To learn more about Guardian, visit .


About Galibier Capital Management Ltd.


Galibier Capital Management Ltd., founded in 2012, is an independent, investment process driven investment management firm based in Toronto, Ontario. Galibier provides investment advisory services through separately managed accounts and pooled funds, in accordance with its philosophy of Growth. At a Reasoned Price. Its client base includes corporations, pensions, charitable foundations and endowments. To learn about Galibier, visit

Galibier資產管理有限公司成立於2012年,是一家獨立的、以投資過程爲驅動的投資管理公司,總部位於安大略省多倫多市。 Galibier按照其Growth. At a Reasoned Price. 的理念,通過分別管理的帳户和集合基金提供投資諮詢服務。其客戶基礎包括公司、養老金、慈善基金和捐贈基金等等。欲了解Galibier的更多信息,請訪問

This press release contains forward-looking statements with respect to Guardian Capital Group Limited and its products and services, including its business operations and strategy and financial performance and condition. Although management believes that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are reasonable, such statements involve risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from expectations include, among other things, general economic and market factors, including interest rates, business competition, changes in government regulations or in tax laws, and other factors discussed in materials filed with applicable securities regulatory authorities from time to time.

本新聞稿包含與Guardian Capital Group Limited及其產品和服務相關的前瞻性陳述,包括其業務運營、策略和財務表現和狀況。雖然管理層認爲此類前瞻性陳述所反映的預期是合理的,但這些陳述涉及風險和不確定性。實際結果可能與此類前瞻性陳述所表達的預期有所不同。可能導致實際結果與預期有所不同的因素包括一般經濟和市場因素,包括利率、業務競爭、政府法規或稅法的變化以及其他因素,這些因素已在不時向適用證券監管當局提交的材料中討論。

Any forward-looking statements included in this press release are provided as of the date of this press release and should not be relied upon as representing Guardian's views as of any date subsequent to the date of this press release. Guardian undertakes no obligation, except as required by applicable law, to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.


