
Indigo Ag's Carbon Program to Deliver Record Carbon Credits to Microsoft

Indigo Ag's Carbon Program to Deliver Record Carbon Credits to Microsoft

Indigo Ag的碳計劃將向微軟提供創紀錄的碳信用額度
PR Newswire ·  06/20 19:00
  • Microsoft purchased 40,000 carbon credits verified and issued in accordance with requirements of the Climate Action Reserve's Soil Enrichment Protocol
  • Largest ever single delivery of credits from Indigo Ag to an individual buyer
  • 微軟購買了40,000個符合氣候行動儲備結構改善土壤協議要求的二氧化碳減排核證和發放的碳積分。
  • Indigo Ag單筆向個人買家交付的信用額度是最大的。

BOSTON, June 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Indigo Ag today announced that Microsoft has agreed to purchase 40,000 agricultural soil-based carbon credits from the company's third carbon crop, issued in February, representing the largest number of credits ever delivered by Indigo Ag to an individual buyer. These credits are verified and issued in accordance with the requirements of the Soil Enrichment Protocol of the Climate Action Reserve, one of the world's most trusted independent carbon registries.

2024年6月20日,波士頓/新華社/--今天,Indigo Ag宣佈,微軟已同意從該公司的第三個碳收穫季度購買40,000個基於農業土壤的碳積分,該季度的碳積分在2月份發佈,代表Indigo Ag向單個買家交付的最多積分。這些積分的核證和發放遵循氣候行動儲備的結構改善土壤協議的要求,這是世界上最值得信賴的獨立碳清單之一。

Microsoft selected Indigo Ag's carbon program to introduce soil carbon removals in its climate action portfolio to help the company to progress toward its 2030 goal to become carbon negative. The agreement underscores demand for robust, science-backed agriculture soil-based credits and the valuable role they can play in climate action, as well as reflects the increasing maturity of the voluntary carbon market.

微軟選擇了Indigo Ag的碳計劃,將其引入其氣候行動組合,以幫助公司朝着2030年的負碳目標發展。該協議強調了對穩健、科學支持的農業基於土壤信用的需求及其在氣候行動中發揮的重要作用,反映了自願性碳市場日益成熟。

Indigo Ag's Carbon program is underpinned by the company's scientifically peer-reviewed measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) capabilities which inform the robustness, integrity and durability of credits, and enables growers to realize the value of adopting and sustaining new practices that generate them.

Indigo Ag的碳計劃以公司的經過同行評審的測量、報告和驗證(MRV)能力爲基礎,該能力可提供支持信用的強度、完整性和持久性的信息,並使種植者能夠實現採用和維持產生信用的新做法的價值。

Indigo Ag continues to deploy its MRV capabilities, beyond its carbon program, to enable companies in the agri-food value chain to reduce their Scope 3 emissions and to produce low carbon intensity crop feedstocks for biofuels. To date, Indigo's Sustainability Solutions have reduced and removed over 340 thousand tons of GHG emissions and saved over 19 billion gallons of water used in agriculturei.

Indigo Ag繼續運用其超越碳計劃的MRV能力,幫助農業食品價值鏈中的公司減少其第三範圍的排放,爲生產用於生物燃料的低碳強度作物提供支持。到目前爲止,Indigo的可持續性解決方案已經減少和除去了超過34萬噸的溫室氣體排放並節約了超過190億加侖的農業用水。i.

Commenting on today's announcement, Dean Banks, CEO at Indigo Ag, said: "Today's announcement is a major milestone for Indigo's Carbon program and our increasing range of ag-based sustainability solutions. Microsoft is a leader in corporate climate action, a highly influential player in carbon removals and shares our commitment to support the transition to a more resilient and sustainable agriculture system."

關於今天的公告,Indigo Ag的CEO Dean Banks表示:“今天的公告對Indigo的碳計劃及其日益多樣化的基於農業的可持續性解決方案而言是一個重大的里程碑。微軟是企業氣候行動領域的領袖,是碳減排的高度影響力人物,並與我們共同致力於支持過渡到更具韌性和可持續的農業系統。”

"Our program's selection by Microsoft is a significant win for science-based, high-integrity agricultural soil carbon credits. We have uniquely and substantively invested in the scientific rigor of our program since 2018 to meet the strict standards of premier crediting programs like the Climate Action Reserve. We are working with our partners to enable growers to benefit from valuable, durable new revenue streams that reward them for their efforts in changing practices."


Brian Marrs, Senior Director of Energy and Carbon Removal at Microsoft said: "Soil organic carbon restoration is vital to the future of food systems, economies and climate change mitigation. We are pleased to collaborate with Indigo Ag to advance both the adoption of regenerative agriculture practices and the soil organic carbon scientific evidence base."

微軟能源和碳減排高級總監Brian Marrs表示:“有機土壤碳恢復對於未來的糧食系統、經濟和氣候變化緩解至關重要。我們很高興與Indigo Ag合作,推動再生農業的實踐採用和土壤有機碳科學證據基礎。”

For more information, visit Indigo Ag's Buying Ag Carbon Credits page.

欲了解更多信息,請訪問Indigo Ag的購買農業碳信用頁面。

About Indigo Ag

關於Indigo Ag

Indigo Ag is the innovative leader and trusted partner in sustainable agriculture and biological solutions. Powered by science and technology, Indigo helps farmers and agribusinesses optimize today's yields and profitability, while nourishing the soil for better tomorrows.

Indigo Ag是可持續農業和生物技術方案的創新領導者和信賴夥伴。憑藉科學和技術的力量,Indigo幫助農民和農企優化當今的產量和盈利能力,同時爲更美好的明天滋養土壤。

The company's biotrinsic natural microbial solutions help farmers maximize crop performance by empowering plants to combat environmental and biological stresses and improve nutrient access. Indigo's Sustainability solutions include its carbon and sustainable crop programs that enable farmers to choose how to best profit from their sustainable practices while promoting practices that help land keep its value for future generations. Indigo is the largest and fastest growing issuer of nature-based, registry issued agricultural soil carbon credits in the world, offering both high quality agricultural carbon credits and scope 3 emissions reductions at scale to help corporations reach their sustainability goals. The company's state-of-the-art digital software facilitates greater efficiency, accuracy and profitability for crop transactions.


Established in 2013 and operating in 14 countries around the world, Indigo Ag turns on-the-farm sustainable practice into value for farmers, agribusinesses, and corporations, creating a world with thriving farmers and environmentally prosperous companies.

Indigo Ag成立於2013年,在全球14個國家開展業務,將在農業可持續實踐中產生的價值變爲農民、農業企業和公司的收益,創造一個農民繁榮和環保公司的世界。


i Gross carbon credits (tonnes of CO2e) generated by Carbon by Indigo over three monitoring report periods under the Climate Action Reserve's Soil Enrichment Protocol CAR1459 and prior to buffer pool holdbacks required by the CAR. Also includes emission reductions quantified and reported through Indigo's sustainable sourcing programs. Water savings are quantified through Indigo's sustainable sourcing programs where applicable.



SOURCE Indigo Ag


