
OPEC Fund Development Forum 2024 'Collaborate for Impact' Promotes Equitable Development and Increased Cooperation

OPEC Fund Development Forum 2024 'Collaborate for Impact' Promotes Equitable Development and Increased Cooperation

PR Newswire ·  06/20 16:08

VIENNA, June 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The OPEC Fund for International Development (the OPEC Fund) is hosting its third Development Forum on Tuesday June 25, 2024 in Vienna, Austria with a focus on delivering solutions to achieve sustainable development.

2024年6月25日星期二,奧地利維也納,石油輸出國際開發基金(OPEC Fund)將舉行第三屆發展論壇,重點討論實現可持續發展的解決方案。

The Development Forum will feature the Minister of Finance of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Mohammed Al-Jadaan, OPEC Fund President Abdulhamid Alkhalifa, the President of Sierra Leone, Julius Maada Wonie Bio, the Chairman of the Sierra Leone Presidential Initiative on Climate Change, Renewable Energy and Food Security Kandeh Yumkella, China's Vice Minister of Finance Liao Min and Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of National Economy of Kazakhstan, Nurlan Baibazarov as opening speakers.

發展論壇的開場發言人包括沙特阿拉伯王國財政部長Mohammed Al-Jadaan、OPEC基金主席Abdulhamid Alkhalifa、塞拉利昂總統Julius Maada Wonie Bio、塞拉利昂總統關於氣候變化、可再生能源和糧食安全的總統倡議主席Kandeh Yumkella、中國財政部副部長廖敏和哈薩克斯坦副總理兼國民經濟部長Nurlan Baibazarov。

OPEC Fund President Abdulhamid Alkhalifa said: "We are proud to convene our development partners from around the world and provide a South-South platform for the international development community. Our aim is to bridge the gap between promise and practice. I am confident that the OPEC Fund Development Forum 2024, in its third year, will again deliver solid outcomes with direct support for economies and communities and drive progress towards a sustainable future."

OPEC Fund主席Abdulhamid Alkhalifa表示:“我們很自豪地召集來自世界各地的發展夥伴,併爲國際發展共同體提供南南平台。我們的目標是彌合承諾和實踐之間的鴻溝。我有信心,OPEC Fund Development Forum 2024,作爲第三年,將再次通過對經濟和社區的直接支持,提供可靠的成果,並推動向可持續未來的進步。”

Following the opening session the OPEC Fund Development Forum 2024 will focus on three key themes: enhancing institutional capacity, accelerating investment in smart infrastructure, and developing human capital. The discussions and outcomes of the Forum aim to speed up progress towards achieving the global sustainable development agenda and tackling pressing global issues such as climate change and food security.

在開幕會議後,OPEC Fund Development Forum 2024將聚焦於三個關鍵主題:增強制度能力、加速智能基礎設施投資和發展人力資本。論壇的討論和成果旨在加快在全球可持續發展議程方面的進展,並解決緊迫的全球問題,如氣候變化和糧食安全。

Confirmed speakers for the Development Forum include State Minister of Finance of Sri Lanka, Shehan Semasinghe; Minister of Planning and International Cooperation of Jordan, Zeina Zeid Toukan; Minister of Finance of Tajikistan, Faiziddin Qahhorzoda; Deputy Minister of Finance of Armenia, Eduard Hakobyan; Chairman, Islamic Development Bank (IsDB), Muhammad Sulaiman Al Jasser; President, International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), Alvario Lario; Executive Director, World Food Programme (WFP), Cindy McCain; CEO, Global Partnership for Education (GPE) Laura Frigenti; and Director General, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Rafael Grossi.

發展論壇的已確認講話者包括斯里蘭卡國務部長Shehan Semasinghe、約旦規劃與國際合作部長Zeina Zeid Toukan、塔吉克斯坦財政部長Faiziddin Qahhorzoda、亞美尼亞財政部副部長Eduard Hakobyan、伊斯蘭開發銀行(IsDB)主席Muhammad Sulaiman Al Jasser、國際農業發展基金(IFAD)主席Alvario Lario、世界糧食計劃署(WFP)執行主任Cindy McCain、全球教育夥伴關係(GPE)首席執行官Laura Frigenti和國際原子能機構(IAEA)總幹事Rafael Grossi。

One day prior to the Development Forum, on June 24, the OPEC Fund is also hosting an event to celebrate the 25th anniversary of OPEC Fund private sector operations. With over 600 projects amounting to a total commitment of more than US$10.5 billion to date, its private sector operations have directly contributed to the OPEC Fund's development impact in more than 70 countries globally. OPEC Fund President Alkhalifa said: "The private sector drives economic growth, job creation and wealth generation. Expanding into private sector operations a quarter century ago proved a watershed moment for the OPEC Fund that has significantly enhanced our development impact ever since."

在發展論壇的前一天,也就是6月24日,OPEC Fund還將舉辦一次活動,以慶祝OPEC Fund私營部門運營25週年。自迄今爲止,600多個項目的總承諾金額超過105億美元,其私營部門運營已直接爲全球70多個國家的OPEC Fund發展影響做出了貢獻。OPEC Fund主席Alkhalifa表示:“私營部門推動經濟增長、創造就業和財富。25年前,進軍私營部門運營是OPEC Fund的一個轉折點,自那以後,我們的發展影響得到了極大的增強。”th此次私營部門活動將彙集來自世界各地的發展夥伴,並圍繞“私營部門:塑造發展金融的未來”主題進行圓桌討論。埃及國際合作部長蕾妮亞·阿爾馬沙特將發表主旨演講。已確定講話嘉賓包括OPEC Fund私營部門副主席Tareq Alnassar、國際金融公司(IFC)中東、中亞、土耳其、阿富汗和巴基斯坦區域副總裁Hela Cheikhrouhou、ACWA Power首席執行官Marco Arcelli、渣打銀行英國和客戶覆蓋英國及土耳其的區域負責人Saif Malik、貿易和發展銀行集團總裁和董事長Admassu Tadesse、亞洲開發銀行私營部門運營總幹事Suzanne Gaboury和IDB Invest首席戰略官Luiz Gabriel Todt de Azevedo。圓桌將由Africa Finance Corporation董事會成員兼金融服務執行董事Sanjeev Gupta主持。

The private sector event will bring together development partners from across the world and feature a roundtable discussion on "Private Sector: Shaping the Future of Development Finance." Egypt's Minister of International Cooperation Rania Al-Mashat will deliver the keynote address. Confirmed speakers are: OPEC Fund Vice President Private Sector, Tareq Alnassar, Regional Vice President, Middle East, Central Asia, Turkey, Afghanistan, and Pakistan, International Finance Corporation (IFC), Hela Cheikhrouhou, ACWA Power CEO Marco Arcelli, Standard Chartered Bank CEO for UK and Regional Head of Client Coverage for the UK & Türkiye, Saif Malik, Group President and Managing Director, Trade & Development Bank, Admassu Tadesse, Director General for Private Sector Operations, Asian Development Bank, Suzanne Gaboury and Chief Strategy Officer, IDB Invest Luiz Gabriel Todt de Azevedo. The roundtable will be moderated by Board Member & Executive Director Financial Services of Africa Finance Corporation Sanjeev Gupta.

有關OPEC Fund Development Forum 2024和其他活動的講話者名單和詳細計劃,請訪問官方網站。

For a full list of speakers and a detailed program of the OPEC Fund Development Forum 2024 and other events please visit the official website.

關於OPEC Fund 石油輸出國際開發基金(OPEC Fund)是唯一從成員國向非成員國提供融資的全球性發展機構。該組織與發展中國家合作,與國際發展社區合作,通過在全球低收入和中等收入國家,刺激經濟增長和社會進步。1976年,OPEC基金成立以促進發展、加強社區和賦權人民。我們的工作以人爲本,重點關注融資能夠滿足食品、能源、基礎設施、就業(特別是與中小企業相關的就業)、清潔水和衛生、醫療和教育等基本需求的項目。迄今爲止,OPEC基金已爲超過125個國家的發展項目承諾了約270億美元的資金,總項目成本估計超過2000億美元。OPEC Fund的評級爲Fitch AA+ / Outlook Stable,S&P評級爲AA+ / Outlook Stable。我們的願景是實現可持續發展的全球性目標。

About the OPEC Fund

關於OPEC Fund 石油輸出國際開發基金(OPEC Fund)是唯一從成員國向非成員國提供融資的全球性發展機構。該組織與發展中國家合作,與國際發展社區合作,通過在全球低收入和中等收入國家,刺激經濟增長和社會進步。1976年,OPEC基金成立以促進發展、加強社區和賦權人民。我們的工作以人爲本,重點關注融資能夠滿足食品、能源、基礎設施、就業(特別是與中小企業相關的就業)、清潔水和衛生、醫療和教育等基本需求的項目。迄今爲止,OPEC基金已爲超過125個國家的發展項目承諾了約270億美元的資金,總項目成本估計超過2000億美元。OPEC Fund的評級爲Fitch AA+ / Outlook Stable,S&P評級爲AA+ / Outlook Stable。我們的願景是實現可持續發展的全球性目標。

The OPEC Fund for International Development (the OPEC Fund) is the only globally mandated development institution that provides financing from member countries to non-member countries exclusively. The organization works in cooperation with developing country partners and the international development community to stimulate economic growth and social progress in low- and middle-income countries around the world. The OPEC Fund was established in 1976 with a distinct purpose: to drive development, strengthen communities and empower people. Our work is people-centered, focusing on financing projects that meet essential needs, such as food, energy, infrastructure, employment (particularly relating to MSMEs), clean water and sanitation, healthcare and education. To date, the OPEC Fund has committed about US$27 billion to development projects in over 125 countries with an estimated total project cost of more than US$200 billion. The OPEC Fund is rated AA+/Outlook Stable by Fitch and AA+, Outlook Stable by S&P. Our vision is a world where sustainable development is a reality for all.

石油輸出國際開發基金(OPEC Fund for International Development,OPEC Fund)是唯一從成員國向非成員國專門提供融資的全球性發展機構。OPEC Fund與發展中國家合作,與國際社區合作,通過在世界各地的低收入和中等收入國家提供融資,刺激經濟增長和社會進步。OPEC Fund於1976年成立,旨在推動發展、加強社區和賦權人民。我們的工作以人爲本,着重於爲滿足基本需求而融資的項目,如食品、能源、基礎設施、就業(特別是與中小企業相關的就業)、清潔水和衛生、醫療保健和教育。迄今爲止,OPEC Fund已經爲超過125個國家的發展項目承諾了約270億美元的資金,總項目成本估計超過2000億美元。OPEC Fund的Fitch評級爲AA+,展望穩定,S&P評級爲AA+,展望穩定。我們的願景是實現全球可持續發展。



Media contact:
Basak Pamir
[email protected]

Basak Pamir +43151564174
[email protected]

SOURCE OPEC Fund for International Development

OPEC 國際發展基金會 (OPEC Fund for International Development) 來源

