
Golden Goose, Beloved Sneaker Brand Of Taylor Swift And Reese Witherspoon, Postpones IPO Amid Europe Turmoil

Golden Goose, Beloved Sneaker Brand Of Taylor Swift And Reese Witherspoon, Postpones IPO Amid Europe Turmoil

黃金鵝(Golden Goose)——泰勒·斯威夫特和瑞茜·威瑟斯彭喜愛的運動鞋品牌——在歐洲動盪中推遲了IPO
Benzinga ·  06/20 10:37

Golden Goose, an Italian luxury sneaker brand, has decided to postpone its initial public offering on the Milan stock exchange due to the prevailing political uncertainty in Europe.

由於歐洲政治局勢不確定,意大利奢侈品牌Golden Goose決定推遲在米蘭證券交易所的首次公開發行。

What Happened: The company, known for its high-end sneakers, has delayed its IPO, which was scheduled for June 21, citing the recent political turmoil in Europe as the primary cause of the market volatility, reported Reuters.

據路透社報道,因歐洲近期政治動盪是市場波動的主要原因,以高端運動鞋而聞名的Golden Goose推遲定於6月21日的首次公開發行。

Golden Goose, owned by private equity firm Permira, was aiming for a market capitalization of up to 1.86 billion euros ($2 billion), which was below the initial expectations. The company, which sells shoes for approximately 500 euros a pair, stated that it would consider reviving the IPO at a more opportune time.

Golden Goose由私募股權公司Permira擁有,旨在實現高達18.6億歐元(20億美元)的市值,這低於最初的預期。售價每雙約500歐元的公司表示將在更適當的時間考慮恢復首次公開發行。

The recent announcement of snap general elections in France has had a significant impact on the luxury sector, including companies like Moncler, against which Golden Goose was being priced. Moncler's shares have dropped by 2.7% on Tuesday and nearly 6% since the announcement of Golden Goose's IPO plans.

最近法國提前大選的宣佈對奢侈品牌產生了重大影響,包括像Moncler這樣的公司,而Golden Goose正在與其定價。Moncler股價週二下跌2.7%,自Golden Goose公開發行計劃公佈以來已下跌近6%。

Why It Matters: Golden Goose's decision to postpone its IPO comes just a month after the brand announced its plans to go public, boasting a $3.3 billion valuation. The company's unique approach to sneaker design, often featuring a worn-in look, has earned it a celebrity following, with stars like Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez, and Reese Witherspoon regularly sporting its products.

爲何重要:Golden Goose推遲IPO的決定距該品牌宣佈計劃上市僅一個月時間,時市值達到33億美元。該公司獨特的運動鞋設計,通常具有磨損的外觀,贏得了名人的追捧,如泰勒·斯威夫特,賽琳娜·戈麥斯和瑞茜·威瑟斯彭經常穿着它的產品。

Despite the IPO postponement, Golden Goose's business continues to perform well, with asset manager Invesco acting as a cornerstone and investors showing strong interest. The company's IPO was oversubscribed multiple times, with bookrunners estimating a share price between 9.50 euros ($10.21) and 10.50 ($11.28) euros.

儘管推遲了IPO,Golden Goose的業務仍持續保持良好,資產管理公司Invesco擔任了基石投資者並表現出強烈興趣。公司的IPO已經超額認購多次,承銷商估計股票價格在9.50歐元(10.21美元)和10.50歐元(11.28美元)之間。

It remains to be seen how the political situation in Europe will evolve and whether it will impact other companies planning to go public shortly.


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This story was generated using Benzinga Neuro and edited by Shivdeep Dhaliwal

本報道使用Benzinga Neuro生成,並由Shivdeep Dhaliwal

