
Ericsson Wins Red Dot Design Award 2024 for Two Innovative Radios

Ericsson Wins Red Dot Design Award 2024 for Two Innovative Radios

愛立信 ·  06/19 12:00

Ericsson has been recognized anew for its excellence in industrial and user experience implementation with two Red Dot Awards 2024, one of the most renowned design competitions globally.

愛立信憑藉其在工業和用戶體驗實施方面的卓越表現再次獲得認可,榮獲了兩項 2024 年紅點大獎,這是全球最著名的設計競賽之一。

The award-winning products, Radio 4471 and Streetmacro 6705, showcase an innovative approach to industrial design and user experience, emphasizing their exceptional design features that prioritize functionality and user satisfaction.

屢獲殊榮的產品Radio 4471和Streetmacro 6705展示了創新的工業設計和用戶體驗方法,強調了其優先考慮功能和用戶滿意度的卓越設計特徵。

Representing the latest generation remote radio in the Ericsson Radio System portfolio, Radio 4471 is a symbol of innovation, meeting the growing demand for efficient and resilient telecom solutions. Leveraging extensive customer feedback, Ericsson has reengineered the product, resulting in a state-of-the-art, future-proof 5G radio that redefines industry standards.

代表最新一代的遠程無線電 愛立信無線電系統 產品組合,Radio 4471是創新的象徵,可滿足對高效和彈性的電信解決方案不斷增長的需求。利用廣泛的客戶反饋,愛立信對產品進行了重新設計,推出了一款最先進、面向未來的5G無線電,重新定義了行業標準。

Radio 4471 has an ultra-lightweight design with seamless integration of components, achieving an unprecedented 40 percent reduction in weight – from 17 kg to a mere 10 kg – potentially rendering it as the world's lightest macro radio. The significance of this weight reduction extends far beyond mere numbers. In a landscape where each unit must be deployed and installed, the weight of the radio plays a pivotal role. Heavier radios not only incur higher production and deployment emissions but also demand increased man-hours and specialized installation equipment. Beyond its unparalleled lightweight design, Radio 4471 further represents superior performance reliability and adaptability.

Radio 4471 採用超輕設計,組件無縫集成,實現了前所未有的40%的重量減輕——從17千克減至僅10千克——有可能使其成爲世界上最輕的微距無線電臺。這種減肥的意義遠不止是數字。在必須部署和安裝每個單元的環境中,無線電的重量起着至關重要的作用。較重的無線電不僅會產生更高的生產和部署排放,而且還需要更多的工時和專門的安裝設備。除了無與倫比的輕質設計外,Radio 4471 還代表了卓越的性能、可靠性和適應性。

As the second-generation base station for millimeter wave technology, the Streetmacro 6705 represents innovation and is now deployed at several 5G sites. It epitomizes speed and capacity in the growing market of mobile broadband and Fixed Wireless Access. Unlike traditional base stations, the Streetmacro 6705 integrates antenna, radio, and baseband into a single unit, streamlining deployment and enhancing operational efficiency. Its unique narrow form factor and compact design enable seamless integration onto street and utility poles, minimizing visual impact while maximizing performance.

作爲毫米波技術的第二代基站,Streetmacro 6705代表着創新,現已部署在多個5G站點。它體現了不斷增長的移動寬帶和固定無線接入市場的速度和容量。與傳統基站不同,Streetmacro 6705將天線、無線電和基帶集成到一個單元中,從而簡化了部署並提高了運營效率。其獨特的窄尺寸和緊湊的設計可以無縫集成到街道和電線杆上,最大限度地減少視覺衝擊,同時最大限度地提高性能。

The product's clean and simple design facilitates the straightforward application of camouflage foil, allowing for enhanced integration into visual environments.


Johan Hultell, Head of Product Line Radio, Business Area Networks at Ericsson, says: "Ericsson continues to showcase our focus for innovation and human-centered design. With Radio 4471 and Streetmacro 6705, Ericsson pioneers innovation and advances 5G industry standards. Together with our customers we are crafting future-proof solutions that surpass industry expectations."

愛立信業務區域網絡產品線廣播主管 Johan Hultell 表示:“愛立信繼續展示我們對創新和以人爲本的設計的關注。愛立信憑藉4471和Streetmacro 6705開創了創新並推進了5G行業標準。我們正在與客戶一起精心打造超出行業預期的面向未來的解決方案。”

