
Florida Cooling Solutions Brings Cool Comfort and Community Connection to Local Farmers Market

Florida Cooling Solutions Brings Cool Comfort and Community Connection to Local Farmers Market

PR Newswire ·  06/19 20:41

Florida Cooling Solutions announced their continued commitment to the community by participating in the local Farmers Markets.


CAPE CORAL, Fla., June 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Florida Cooling Solutions, Inc., a trusted provider of HVAC services in Cape Coral and surrounding areas, is excited to announce its participation in the renowned Farmers Markets organized by Shop Local Productions. This collaboration marks a significant step in strengthening community ties and promoting local craftsmanship.

佛羅里達州開普科勒爾,2024年6月19日 /PRNewswire/ — 佛羅里達冷卻解決方案公司是開普科勒爾及周邊地區值得信賴的暖通空調服務提供商,很高興地宣佈將參加由Shop Local Productions組織的著名農貿市場。此次合作標誌着在加強社區聯繫和推廣當地手工藝方面邁出了重要一步。

Florida Cooling Solutions, Inc.

Florida Cooling Solutions has proudly served the Cape Coral community for over 15 years, delivering reliable and professional HVAC Cape Coral services to both residential and commercial clients. By participating in these vibrant farmers markets, the company aims to further engage with the community it serves, showcasing not only its technical expertise but also its commitment to local sustainability and community growth.

佛羅里達冷卻解決方案自豪地爲開普科勒爾社區服務了超過15年,提供可靠和專業的服務 暖通空調開普科勒 爲住宅和商業客戶提供服務。通過參與這些充滿活力的農貿市場,該公司旨在進一步與其所服務的社區互動,不僅展示其技術專長,還展示其對當地可持續發展和社區發展的承諾。

"We've always believed in building strong relationships within the neighborhoods we serve," says Eric Thomann, Owner of Florida Cooling Solutions. "Participating in these Farmers Markets allows us to connect with our customers on a more personal level, answer their questions about HVAC maintenance, and become a part of the lively atmosphere that these events create."


Shop Local Productions' Farmers Markets are a celebrated community event, consistently recognized as neighborhood favorites. These markets bring together a diverse array of local vendors, offering a delightful blend of fresh produce, artisanal goods, and culinary treats. The inclusive and welcoming environment of these markets aligns perfectly with Florida Cooling Solutions' values of respect, kindness, and fairness.

Shop Local Productions的農貿市場是一項著名的社區活動,一直被認爲是社區的最愛。這些市場彙集了各種各樣的當地供應商,提供令人愉悅的新鮮農產品、手工產品和美食。這些市場的包容性和溫馨環境與佛羅里達製冷解決方案的尊重、善良和公平價值觀完全一致。

Florida Cooling Solutions is known for its exceptional customer service and commitment to quality. Their team of licensed, drug-tested, and background-checked Cape Coral AC repair technicians is dedicated to providing top-notch HVAC services with the utmost courtesy and professionalism. The company offers same-day and emergency services, ensuring that their clients' needs are met promptly and efficiently.

佛羅里達冷卻解決方案以其卓越的客戶服務和對質量的承諾而聞名。他們的團隊由獲得許可、經過藥物測試和背景調查的人員組成 開普科勒爾空調維修 技術人員致力於以最大的禮貌和專業精神提供一流的暖通空調服務。該公司提供當日和緊急服務,確保客戶的需求得到及時有效的滿足。

"Our participation in the Farmers Markets is a testament to our dedication to the Cape Coral community," added Kelly Hayes, Operations Manager at Florida Cooling Solutions. "We believe in the power of local support and are excited to bring our expertise to these wonderful community gatherings."


Among the top air conditioning companies in Fort Myers, Florida Cooling Solutions stands out for its exceptional service and community involvement. Don't miss Florida Cooling Solutions at the next Farmers Market! Stop by for a friendly chat, ask your HVAC questions, and experience the community spirit firsthand.

名列前茅 邁爾斯堡的空調公司,佛羅里達冷卻解決方案因其卓越的服務和社區參與而脫穎而出。千萬不要錯過下一個農貿市場的佛羅里達冷卻解決方案!停下來進行友好的交談,詢問您的暖通空調問題,親身體驗社區精神。

About Florida Cooling Solutions, Inc.


Florida Cooling Solutions is a leading HVAC service provider based in Cape Coral, FL. Established in 2004, the company has over 50 years of combined experience in the air conditioning business. The company offers a comprehensive range of services, including installation, repair, and maintenance of all HVAC makes and models.


Contact Information:


Organization: Florida Cooling Solutions, Inc.


Contact Person: Kelly Hayes


Phone Number: 239-323-6524


Address: 422 SW 2nd Terrace Unit 210 Cape Coral, FL 33991

地址:422 SW 第二露臺單元 210 開普科勒爾,佛羅里達州 33991



SOURCE Florida Cooling Solutions, Inc.

來源 Florida Cooling Solutions

