
Enghouse Networks and Midwest Video Solutions (MVS) Collaborate to Address the Needs of the IPTV Industry

Enghouse Networks and Midwest Video Solutions (MVS) Collaborate to Address the Needs of the IPTV Industry

Enghouse Networks和midwest video solutions(MVS)合作,以滿足IPTV行業的需求。
PR Newswire ·  06/19 18:45

Collaboration to Streamline TV Operator Services and Elevate TV Subscriber Experiences


MARKHAM, ON, June 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Enghouse Networks, a global leader in telecommunications solutions, and Midwest Video Solutions (MVS), an industry pioneer in live streaming services, have forged a strategic alliance to tackle the evolving challenges faced by TV industry operators. MVS have integrated Enghouse technology to create a single, fully hosted offer for streaming TV services. This collaboration streamlines the transition to modernized IPTV services, providing operators with a single solution that combines efficiency and speed to meet the demands of today's consumers.

加拿大安谷軟件(Enghouse Networks)2024年6月19日 / PRNewswire / -- 全球電信解決方案領導者Enghouse Networks與現場直播服務行業先驅Midwest Video Solutions(MVS)已經達成戰略聯盟,去應對電視行業運營商面臨的不斷髮展的挑戰。MVS已經整合了Enghouse技術,打造了一個用於流媒體電視服務的單一完全託管方案。此次合作流程簡化了現代化IPTV服務的轉變,爲運營商提供了一種結合效率和速度的單一解決方案以滿足當今消費者的需求。今天,電視運營商面臨的不僅僅是日益過時的舊系統,還有對於前所未有的流暢體驗的要求。MVS利用Enghouse IPTV技術提供了一種變革性的解決方案,旨在簡化IPTV部署,提供全面的雲託管方案。這種一攬子部署解決方案使運營商能夠迅速升級其電視服務,輕鬆應對談判,連接障礙和集成挑戰。

TV operators today confront legacy systems nearing obsolescence and subscribers who expect seamless experiences like never before. MVS, leveraging Enghouse IPTV technology, provides a transformative solution designed to simplify IPTV deployment, offering a comprehensive, cloud-hosted "as a service" model. This turnkey deployment solution empowers operators to upgrade their TV services swiftly, effortlessly navigating negotiations, connectivity hurdles, and integration challenges.


This new solution not only addresses immediate operational challenges but also strategically positions operators for future growth and success in an increasingly digital and subscriber-centric market. By investing in fully hosted and managed solutions, operators can enhance their service offerings, stay competitive, and exceed their subscribers' evolving expectations.

Enghouse的產品管理副總裁Mick McCluskey表示:“我們認識到向訂戶提供真正引人入勝的IPTV服務的潛力,但我們也認識到推出新平台的艱鉅性質。MVS打造了一種不僅簡化了流程,還減輕了運營商風險的解決方案。” 銷售副總裁Madhav Malhotra說:“運營商看到了捆綁包中電視的價值,但擔心行業發展的快速變化。MVS 解決方案消除了IPTV部署的技術和商業風險。”

"We recognize the potential for delivering truly compelling IPTV services to subscribers, but we also acknowledge the daunting nature of launching a new platform," remarked Mick McCluskey, Enghouse's VP of Product Management. "MVS has crafted a solution that not only simplifies the process but also mitigates risks for operators." "Operators see the value of TV in the bundle but are concerned about the fast pace of change in the industry," said Madhav Malhotra, VP of Sales, "The MVS solution eliminates technical and commercial risk for an IPTV deployment."

MVS的執行董事Emily Call表示:“當今的視頻流媒體行業需要大膽的方法來應對不斷髮展的挑戰。” 通過此戰略聯盟,“我們正在使運營商以敏捷和精度應對現代化的複雜問題。這種轉變性的解決方案不僅革命了電視部署,而且使運營商在不斷變化的市場環境中獲得可持續增長的位置。”

"Today's video streaming industry demands a bold approach to address evolving challenges head-on," says Emily Call, Executive Director of MVS. "Through this strategic alliance, we're empowering operators to navigate the complexities of modernization with agility and precision. This transformative solution not only revolutionizes TV deployment but also positions operators for sustainable growth in an ever-changing market landscape."

Midwest Video Solutions是一個頭端和傳輸公司,通過標準機頂盒提供線性信號,爲傳統電視體驗提供動力,以及提供自適應比特率信號以提供HLS或流媒體解決方案,讓用戶可以使用自己的設備,如Roku、亞馬遜Fire和/或Apple TV等。MVS的使命是成爲本地寬帶提供商首選的直播服務提供商,並以會員擁有和會員驅動爲傲。欲了解更多信息,請訪問。

About Midwest Video Solutions

Enghouse Networks是一家領先的全球電信技術和解決方案提供商。Enghouse Networks技術組合涵蓋網絡基礎設施、媒體解決方案、業務支持系統(BSS)、運營支持系統(OSS)和數字轉型解決方案。有關更多信息,請訪問。Enghouse Networks是安大略省Markham市Enghouse Systems Ltd.的一個部門。

Midwest Video Solutions (MVS) is a headend and transport company, providing both a linear signal powering a traditional television experience via a standard set top box, as well as an adaptive bit rate signal that powers an HLS or streaming solution, allowing a customer to use their own device, such as Roku, Amazon Fire and/or Apple TV. MVS' mission is to be the preferred provider of live streaming services for local broadband providers, and prides itself on being member-owned and member-driven. Learn more at

聯繫信息:Emily Call,執行董事,+1 (608) 634-7411, [email protected];Balvinder Sandhu,市場經理,+44 (0)1628 641 789,[email protected]

About Enghouse Networks

關於 Enghouse Networks:Enghouse Networks 是一家領先的全球電信技術和解決方案提供商。我們的承諾是成功交付解決方案,可以實現數字化轉型,最終建立一個連接的全球社區。從邊緣到雲端,我們的應用程序可靠地實現了下一代通信和媒體公司、國防、公共安全機構以及公用事業規劃、設計、工程、監控、保護和簡化了網絡複雜性,打造出一個供應商無關的5G、IoT、Cloud、AI、NFV和SDN生態系統。Enghouse Networks 的技術產品組合涵蓋了網絡基礎設施、業務支持系統(BSS)、運維支持系統(OSS)和數字轉型解決方案。欲了解更多信息,請訪問者的網站。Enghouse Networks 是 Enghouse Systems Ltd 的一個部門,總部位於加拿大安大略馬爾坎。

Enghouse Networks is a leading global telecommunications technology and solutions provider. The Enghouse Networks technology portfolio spans Network Infrastructure, Media Solutions, Business Support Systems (BSS), Operations Support Systems (OSS) and Digital Transformation solutions. For further information, visit . Enghouse Networks is a division of Enghouse Systems Ltd. of Markham, Ontario.

加拿大安谷軟件(Enghouse Networks)2024年6月19日 / PRNewswire / -- Enghouse Networks是一家領先的全球電信技術和解決方案提供商。Enghouse Networks技術組合涵蓋網絡基礎設施、媒體解決方案、業務支持系統(BSS)、運營支持系統(OSS)和數字轉型解決方案。有關更多信息,請訪問。Enghouse Networks是安大略省Markham市Enghouse Systems Ltd.的一個部門。

Contact Information: Emily Call, Executive Director, +1 (608) 634-7411, [email protected]; Balvinder Sandhu, Marketing Manager, + 44 (0)1628 641 789, [email protected]

聯繫信息:Emily Call,執行董事,+1 (608) 634-7411, [email protected];Balvinder Sandhu,市場經理,+44 (0)1628 641 789,[email protected]

