
Obesity In Children - US Parents Face Tough Time To Access Recommended Treatment, Though Novo Nordisk's Drug Still Sees Strong Demand

Obesity In Children - US Parents Face Tough Time To Access Recommended Treatment, Though Novo Nordisk's Drug Still Sees Strong Demand

Benzinga ·  00:30

Many U.S. parents seeking help for their child with obesity face challenges accessing the recommended treatment. Leading medical groups advocate for intensive behavioral counseling, requiring 26 hours within a year to teach healthier eating and activity habits.


Also Read: Novo Nordisk Sues Additional US Clinics Against Fake Semaglutide Products Used For Weight Loss, Diabetes.


However, as numerous doctors and parents have noted, these programs are often unavailable, have long waitlists, are not covered by insurance, and require significant time commitments.


The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) revealed that fewer than 1% of the nearly 15 million children with obesity receive such structured care, Reuters reported.


Efforts to expand insurance coverage have stalled. "The coverage for these programs was never good, and we're not seeing any movement toward improvement," said Dr. Joseph Skelton, a professor of pediatrics at Wake Forest University School of Medicine.

擴大保險覆蓋範圍的努力已經停滯不前。 維克森林大學醫學院的兒科教授約瑟夫·斯凱爾頓博士說:“這些計劃的保險覆蓋從未很好,我們尚未看到任何改善的跡象。”

Obesity rates among U.S. children have climbed from 5% in 1980 to nearly 20% today, the report noted, citing CDC data.


While Novo Nordisk A/S's (NYSE:NVO) Wegovy offers an effective weight-loss solution for adults and adolescents, there is concern about its long-term effects on children's development.


Despite these concerns, demand for Wegovy remains high, with at least 25,000 first-time prescriptions dispensed weekly to adults.


Changing habits instead of medication is the preferred approach for some families. The report cited Medina's 15-year-old daughter, Jelainie, who enrolled in a healthy weight program at Holyoke Health Center. However, the program has a four-month waitlist, and state Medicaid partially covers participation.

改變飲食習慣而不是藥物治療是一些家庭的首選方法。報告援引Medina的15歲女兒Jelainie的話稱,她加入了Holyoke Health Center的健康體重計劃。但是,該計劃有四個月的等待名單,且州屬醫療補助只部分覆蓋參加費用。

At Stanford Medicine Children's Health, Dr. Thomas Robinson emphasized that reliance solely on drugs could lead to nutritional deficiencies or eating disorders.

在斯坦福醫學兒童健康中心,Thomas Robinson博士強調,僅依賴藥物可能會導致營養不良或進食障礙。

The report further noted that Stanford's program teaches families to categorize foods into "red-light" (to be eaten sparingly), "yellow-light," and "green-light" (to be consumed freely) foods, though it costs $3,500 and is not covered by insurance.


Efforts to improve insurance coverage for obesity counseling face hurdles. The American Medical Association (AMA) recently rejected a request for a dedicated medical code for the 26-hour counseling program, which would help providers bill for services, per the report.

爲肥胖諮詢改善保險覆蓋範圍的努力面臨困難。 美國醫學協會(AMA)最近拒絕了一項請求,該請求是爲26小時輔導計劃創建一個專用的醫療代碼,以幫助提供者計費,根據報告顯示。

The CDC stressed the need for equitable access to both obesity medications and lifestyle treatments to support children's health.


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