
Spectrum Awards $300,000 to Fourth Class of Spectrum Scholars

Spectrum Awards $300,000 to Fourth Class of Spectrum Scholars

特许通讯 ·  06/18 12:00

STAMFORD, Conn. — Charter Communications, Inc., which operates the Spectrum brand of connectivity and entertainment services, today announced that 15 college students will each be awarded $20,000 in scholarships and have the opportunity to participate in a two-year educational and professional development program through its Spectrum Scholars initiative. With this $300,000 commitment, Spectrum has provided $1 million in scholarships to students with financial need since 2020.

Charter Communications,Inc.运营的Spectrum品牌的连接和娱乐服务宣布,15名大学生将各获得20,000美元的奖学金,并有机会参加为期两年的教育和职业发展计划。在这300,000美元的承诺下,自2020年以来,Spectrum已向有财政需要的学生提供了100万美元的奖学金。Spectrum Scholars举措。凭借这一承诺,自2020年以来,Spectrum已向有财政需要的学生提供了100万美元的奖学金。

Each of the rising college juniors selected for the 2024-2025 program will receive a scholarship to be applied towards their junior and senior years, a Spectrum mentor, access to networking events and career readiness education, and the opportunity for a paid Spectrum internship. The program is tailored to the development needs of young professionals, empowering them to expand their skill sets, explore new career paths and grow their networks.

2024-2025学年评选出的每位大三学生将获得一笔奖学金,用于支持其大三和大四的学习,一个 Spectrum导师,接受网络活动和就业准备的教育,以及获得兼职Spectrum实习的机会。该计划根据年轻专业人士的发展需求量身定制,使他们能够扩展自己的技能集、探索新的职业路径并扩大自己的人脉网络。

"Spectrum Scholars creates a supportive and educational environment that arms students with the experiences and skills to prepare them for the corporate world while actively guiding them towards their desired career goals," said Paul Marchand, Executive Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer for Charter. "Now in its fourth year, the program builds a better talent pipeline and nurtures next generation leaders through meaningful financial support, mentorship and career development."

特许通讯公司的高级副总裁和首席人力资源官Paul Marchand表示:"Spectrum Scholars创造了一个支持性和教育性环境,为学生提供了经历和技能,为他们的未来企业生涯做好准备,同时积极指导他们达到他们期望的职业目标。该计划已经进入第四个年头,通过有意义的财务支持、导师和职业发展,建立更好的人才储备和孕育下一代领导者。"

Participation in Spectrum Scholars can also open the door to potential Spectrum career opportunities after graduation. Spectrum Scholars alumni Byron Coulter started a position with Spectrum as an Associate Development Operations Engineer this past May after graduating from Southern Illinois University Edwardsville with a degree in Computer Information Systems.

参加Spectrum Scholars计划还可能打开毕业后潜在的Spectrum职业机会之门。Spectrum Scholars校友Byron Coulter,从Southern Illinois University Edwardsville毕业,获得计算机信息系统学位后,在今年5月份作为联合开发运营工程师开始了与Spectrum的职位。计算机-半导体。

"Spectrum Scholars was instrumental in helping to shape my career path, providing not just financial aid but exposure to new career opportunities," said Mr. Coulter. "Initially, I was interested in cybersecurity, but the broad experiences offered by the program redirected me towards data center infrastructure and ultimately, a full-time job offer with the company before I had graduated."

"Spectrum Scholars计划在帮助我塑造职业道路方面起到了关键作用,不仅提供了经济援助,而且为我提供了接触新职业机会的机会。" 库特勒先生说:"最初,我对网络安全感兴趣,但该计划提供的广泛经历使我重新思考数据中心基础设施,并最终在毕业之前获得了一份全职工作。"

Meet the 2024-2025 Spectrum Scholars Recipients

2024-2025Spectrum Scholars受助人名单

This year, Spectrum received over 930 applications for Spectrum Scholars. The 2024-2025 class is comprised of 15 students representing eight states and a number of schools and academic majors.

今年,Spectrum收到了超过930份Spectrum Scholars计划的申请。2024-2025年班级由15名学生组成,代表8个州和许多学校和专业。



  • Ashley Kim of Los Alamedos; University of California, Berkeley, Data Science
  • Mark Nour of Placentia; University of California, Berkeley, Computer Science
  • Devon Woodfine of Los Angeles; Los Angeles City College, Computer Information Systems
  • Ashley Kim来自洛斯阿拉米多斯;加州大学伯克利分校,数据科学
  • Mark Nour来自普莱森蒂亚;加州大学伯克利分校,计算机科学
  • Devon Woodfine来自洛杉矶;洛杉矶市立学院,计算机信息系统



  • Jonathan Bateman of Denver; Rochester Institute of Technology, Cyber Security
  • Jonathan Bateman来自丹佛;罗彻斯特理工学院,网络安全



  • Ranyah Bullock of Kent; Delaware State University, Communications
  • Danielle Ewang of Ann Arbor; University of Michigan, Business Administration
  • Ranyah Bullock来自肯特;特拉华州立大学,传媒
  • Danielle Ewang来自安阿伯;密歇根大学,工商管理



  • Sarpreet Singh of Parlin; Rutgers University, New Brunswick, Finance and Computer Science
  • Sarpreet Singh来自帕林;罗格斯大学新不伦瑞克分校,金融和计算机科学



  • Jimmy Chen of Manhattan; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Computer Science
  • Brian Lin of Queens; Cornell University, Business Administration
  • Zhenbin Lin of Queens; Stony Brook University, Computer Science
  • Chidera Okonkwo of Queens; University of California, Los Angeles, Finance
  • Jimmy Chen来自曼哈顿;伦斯勒理工学院,计算机科学
  • Brian Lin来自皇后区;康奈尔大学,工商管理
  • Zhenbin Lin来自皇后区;纽约州立大学石溪分校,计算机科学
  • Chidera Okonkwo来自皇后区;加州大学洛杉矶分校,金融



  • Nasrin Ali of Abbington Township; George Mason University, Computer Science
  • Nasrin Ali来自阿宾顿镇;乔治·梅森大学,计算机科学



  • Jimena Casas of El Paso; University of Texas at Austin, Electrical Engineering
  • Journei Ferguson of Houston; Spelman College, Computer Science and Economics
  • 爱德华多·帕尔默高中毕业生吉梅纳·卡萨斯,毕业于德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校,主修电子工程。
  • 休斯顿居民朱尔内·弗格森,毕业于斯佩尔曼学院,主修计算机科学和经济学。



  • Imani Cage of Seattle; Seattle University, Computer Science
  • 西雅图居民伊曼尼·卡奇,毕业于西雅图大学,主修计算机科学。

About Charter


Charter Communications, Inc. (NASDAQ:CHTR) is a leading broadband connectivity company and cable operator serving more than 32 million customers in 41 states through its Spectrum brand. Over an advanced communications network, the Company offers a full range of state-of-the-art residential and business services including Spectrum Internet, TV, Mobile and Voice.


For small and medium-sized companies, Spectrum Business delivers the same suite of broadband products and services coupled with special features and applications to enhance productivity, while for larger businesses and government entities, Spectrum Enterprise provides highly customized, fiber-based solutions. Spectrum Reach delivers tailored advertising and production for the modern media landscape. The Company also distributes award-winning news coverage and sports programming to its customers through Spectrum Networks. More information about Charter can be found at

对于中小型企业,Spectrum Business提供同样的宽带产品和服务套件,结合特殊功能和应用程序,增强生产力,而对于大型企业和政府实体,Spectrum Enterprise提供高度定制的基于光纤的解决方案。 Spectrum Reach为现代媒体大环境提供定制的广告和制作。该公司还通过Spectrum Networks向其客户提供屡获殊荣的新闻报道和体育节目。有关Charter的更多信息,请访问

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Sara Fox

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