
IZEA Report Finds 75% of UK 18-to-29-Year-Olds Purchase Products Directly Through Social Media

IZEA Report Finds 75% of UK 18-to-29-Year-Olds Purchase Products Directly Through Social Media

IZEA Worldwide ·  06/11 12:00

Young Adults in the UK Are 2.5 Times More Likely to Search TikTok for Product Recommendations Than Ask Friends and Family

英國的年輕人在 TikTok 上搜索產品推薦的可能性是向朋友和家人提問的2.5倍

ORLANDO, Fla. (June 11, 2024)IZEA Worldwide, Inc. (NASDAQ: IZEA), the premier provider of technology, data, and services for the Creator Economy, released the 2024 United Kingdom edition of its research report, "Trust in Influencer Marketing," today. The report is based on UK consumer sentiment and examines the effectiveness of influencer marketing in terms of consumer trust and engagement. It also measures the sentiment of social media users toward the prospect of becoming influencers themselves and using artificial intelligence for content creation.

佛羅里達州奧蘭多(2024年6月11日)IZEA Wordwide, Inc (納斯達克: IZEA)是創造者經濟的首要技術、數據和服務提供商,發佈了2024年英國版的研究報告,”信任網紅營銷,” 今天。該報告基於英國消費者情緒,從消費者信任和參與度方面考察了網紅營銷的有效性。它還衡量了社交媒體用戶對自己成爲有影響力的人和使用人工智能進行內容創作的前景的情緒。

The survey found that 56% of 18-to-29-year-olds research products on TikTok before purchasing, and 75% of that age group have purchased a product directly through social media features like TikTok Shop and Instagram Shopping. Meanwhile, 54% of respondents say they would quit their job to become a full-time social media influencer, and 69% would accept compensation or free products from a brand to make a social media post on their channels. Additionally, the survey found that 70% of content creators under the age of 45 are using AI tools.


"Our report underscores the dynamic and rapidly evolving nature of influencer marketing in the United Kingdom. Our findings highlight that platforms like YouTube and TikTok are leading the way in terms of usage and engagement, particularly among younger demographics," said Ted Murphy, IZEA CEO and founder. "The move toward short-form visual content and AI-assisted production is a testament to the innovation happening in the industry. The acceptance of social shopping features and the effectiveness of influencer advertising over traditional methods further emphasize the shifting landscape of the Creator Economy. This report reinforces the importance of authentic and relatable content in influencing consumer behavior and the potential for those willing to monetize their influence."

“我們的報告強調了英國網紅營銷的動態和快速演變的性質。我們的研究結果突出表明,YouTube和TikTok等平台在使用和參與度方面處於領先地位,尤其是在年輕人群中。” IZEA首席執行官兼創始人泰德·墨菲說。“向短篇視覺內容和人工智能輔助製作的轉變證明了該行業正在發生的創新。社交購物功能的接受以及網紅廣告相對於傳統方式的有效性進一步凸顯了創作者經濟不斷變化的格局。該報告強調了真實和相關的內容在影響消費者行爲方面的重要性,以及那些願意通過其影響力獲利的人的潛力。”

Key Insights for Influencers and Consumers


  • 54% of respondents are more likely to trust an influencer's sponsored post over one from an A-list celebrity.
  • 51% of all respondents have purchased products promoted by influencers.
  • 79% of 18-to-29-year-olds have purchased a product after seeing it used by an influencer.
  • 54%的受訪者更有可能信任網紅贊助的帖子,而不是來自A級名人的帖子。
  • 所有受訪者中有51%購買了網紅推廣的產品。
  • 在18至29歲的年輕人中,有79%在看到網紅使用產品後購買了該產品。

Key Insights for Marketers


  • 55% of social media users prefer content created by social media influencers over marketing professionals.
  • 56% of respondents ages 18-29 research products on TikTok before purchasing.
  • 75% of respondents ages 18-29 say they have purchased a product directly from a social media app.
  • Only 24% of those over 60 have purchased a product through a social media platform's shopping feature.
  • 與營銷專業人士相比,有55%的社交媒體用戶更喜歡社交媒體影響者創建的內容。
  • 在18-29歲的受訪者中,有56%在購買之前在抖音上研究產品。
  • 在18-29歲的受訪者中,有75%表示他們直接從社交媒體應用程序購買了產品。
  • 在60歲以上的人群中,只有24%的人通過社交媒體平台的購物功能購買了產品。

Insights for Social Media Audiences


  • The most used social media platforms in the UK are Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and TikTok.
  • 55% of 18-to-29-year-olds follow more than 21 influencers.
  • Younger consumers have higher and more diverse usage of social media platforms.
  • 18-to-29-year-olds in the UK spend an average of 6.3 hours a day on social media.
  • 英國最常用的社交媒體平台是臉書、YouTube、Instagram和抖音。
  • 在18至29歲的年輕人中,有55%關注超過21位有影響力的人。
  • 年輕消費者對社交媒體平台的使用率更高、更多樣化。
  • 英國18至29歲的年輕人平均每天在社交媒體上花費6.3小時。

Insights on Influencer Aspirations


  • 54% of respondents say they would quit their jobs to become a full-time social media influencer.
  • 69% say they would accept compensation from a brand for a social media post.
  • Half of 18-to-29-year-olds aspire to become influencers.
  • 61% of 18-to-29-year-olds know someone who earns money as an influencer.
  • 54%的受訪者表示,他們將辭職成爲全職的社交媒體影響者。
  • 69%的人表示,他們會接受品牌對社交媒體帖子的補償。
  • 在18至29歲的年輕人中,有一半渴望成爲有影響力的人。
  • 在18至29歲的年輕人中,有61%的人認識一個以網紅身份賺錢的人。

Insights on AI and Content Creation


  • Among content creators, photos and short videos are the preferred content type.
  • Nearly 70% of content creators 44 and younger are using AI tools.
  • Only 20% of those over 60 who create content are using AI tools for content creation.
  • 48% of 18-to-29-year-olds follow an AI or virtual influencer.
  • 在內容創作者中,照片和短視頻是首選的內容類型。
  • 在44歲及以下的內容創作者中,有近70%正在使用人工智能工具。
  • 在60歲以上的內容創作者中,只有20%使用人工智能工具進行內容創作。
  • 在18至29歲的年輕人中,有48%關注人工智能或虛擬網紅。

Results from the study are based on the responses from 1,024 UK social media users over the age of 18. The report is part of an ongoing series of research studies focusing on influencers' key roles in influencing consumer behaviors and trends.


The report is available to download for free here: Trust in Influencer Marketing.

該報告可在此處免費下載: 信任網紅營銷.

To work with IZEA as either an influencer or a marketer, visit For news and resources, follow IZEA at

要以有影響力的人或營銷人員的身份與IZEA合作,請訪問。如需新聞和資源,請關注 IZEA

About IZEA Worldwide, Inc.

關於 IZEA Worldwide, Inc

IZEA Worldwide, Inc. ("IZEA") is a marketing technology company providing software and professional services that enable brands to collaborate and transact with the full spectrum of today's top social influencers and content creators. The company serves as a champion for the growing Creator Economy, enabling individuals to monetize their content, creativity, and influence. IZEA launched the industry's first-ever influencer marketing platform in 2006 and has since facilitated nearly 4 million transactions between online buyers and sellers. Leading brands and agencies partner with IZEA to increase digital engagement, diversify brand voice, scale content production, and drive a measurable return on investment.

IZEA Worldwide, Inc.(“IZEA”)是一家提供軟件和專業服務的營銷技術公司,使品牌能夠與當今所有頂級社交影響者和內容創作者進行合作和交易。該公司是不斷增長的創作者經濟的擁護者,使個人能夠通過其內容、創造力和影響力獲利。IZEA於2006年推出了業界首個網紅營銷平台,此後已促進了在線買家和賣家之間的近400萬筆交易。領先的品牌和機構與IZEA合作,以提高數字參與度,分散品牌聲音,擴大內容製作規模,並推動可衡量的投資回報。

