
Jake Paul's Sports Betting Company Betr Partners With Betting Ladies: 'Exciting Opportunity To Expand Our Reach And Impact'

Jake Paul's Sports Betting Company Betr Partners With Betting Ladies: 'Exciting Opportunity To Expand Our Reach And Impact'

Jake Paul的體育博彩公司Betr與Betting Ladies合作:“擴大我們的影響力和影響力的興奮機會”
Benzinga ·  06/19 00:00

Growing sports betting company Betr announced a new strategic partnership to help empower women in the sector.


What Happened: Betr is partnering with Betting Ladies to grow the sports betting sector for women, which comes after the Jake Paul- and Joey Levy-founded sports betting company recently raised funds to continue its rapid growth.

發生了什麼:Betr正在與Betting Ladies合作,爲女性擴大體育博彩板塊,這是自Jake Paul和Joey Levy成立體育博彩公司以來最近一次籌集資金以繼續迅速增長。

Betting Ladies is a community for women who love sports and betting, according to the partnership announcement.

據合作伙伴公告,Betting Ladies是一個專爲熱愛體育和投注的女性社區。

Betr will create custom content specifically aimed at the Betting Ladies community. The partnership kicked off with a Betting Ladies breakdown of Game 5 of the NBA Finals on Monday.

Betr將創作專門針對Betting Ladies社區的定製內容。該合作開始於週一NBA總決賽第5場的Betting Ladies解析。

"We are thrilled to partner with Betting Ladies to empower women in sports betting," Betr Media's Mike Denevi said. "At Betr, we are committed to making sports betting more accessible and enjoyable for everyone, regardless of gender."

“我們很高興與Betting Ladies合作,賦予女性在體育博彩中更多的權力,”Betr Media的Mike Denevi說。“在Betr,我們致力於使體育博彩更加普及化和有趣,無論男女。”

Betting Ladies was founded in early 2023 and is a leading hub for female sports bettors in the U.S.

Betting Ladies成立於2023年初,是美國女性體育博彩者的主要中心。

"Our partnership with Betr represents an exciting opportunity to expand our reach and impact within the sports betting community," Betting Ladies founder Val C. Martinez said. "Together, we can break down barriers and empower women to participate in and enjoy sports betting to the fullest."

“我們與Betr的合作代表了在體育博彩社區內擴大我們的覆蓋範圍和影響力的令人興奮的機會。”Betting Ladies創始人Val C. Martinez說。“在一起,我們可以打破障礙,賦予女性在博彩行業中更多的權力和參與,以最大程度地享受體育博彩的樂趣。”

Related Link: EXCLUSIVE: How Jake Paul, Joey Levy Are Positioning Betr As The Robinhood Of Gambling Industry

相關鏈接:獨家:Jake Paul、Joey Levy如何將Betr定位爲博彩行業的Robinhood

Why It's Important: Betr said the partnership aims to help create a more inclusive environment for women in the sports betting industry.


The sports betting and media brand will utilize its social media accounts to promote the new content. The companies will also create educational materials, support and a community to grow in the sports betting space.


"This partnership allows us to further that mission by reaching out to a diverse audience and providing them with the tools and support they need to succeed," Denevi said.


Betr Media is the fastest-growing sports betting media brand in the U.S. It has more than 2.5 million followers and 2.4 billion impressions across its social channels since launching in August 2022.

Betr Media是美國增長最快的體育博彩媒體品牌。自2022年8月推出以來,在其社交渠道上擁有250萬關注者和24億印象。

Betr also offers online sports betting with its V1 sportsbook product planned for a launch ahead of the 2024 NFL season. The company also offers its real-money daily fantasy sports product Betr Picks.

Betr還提供在線體育博彩,其V1體育博彩產品計劃在2024年NFL賽季前推出。該公司還提供其真錢日常奇幻體育產品Betr Picks。

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