
What's Going On With Boeing's Shares On Tuesday

What's Going On With Boeing's Shares On Tuesday

Benzinga ·  06/18 23:17

Shares of aircraft giant Boeing Co. (NYSE:BA) are trading lower on Tuesday.


Boeing is facing fresh allegations from a quality inspector, over the alleged mishandling of hundreds of defective parts potentially installed on new 737 Max aircraft, even as the aircraft maker continues to face scrutiny over its manufacturing processes.

波音面臨來自一名質檢員的新指控,指控稱該公司在處理數百件可能安裝在新的737 Max飛機上的有缺陷零部件時處理不當。與此同時,這家飛機制造商仍在承受着對其製造過程的審查。

Sam Mohawk, a Boeing inspector, lodged a complaint with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration on June 11, detailing the loss and mishandling of up to 400 faulty aircraft parts.

波音的一名質檢員Sam Mohawk於6月11日向職業安全與健康管理委員會投訴,詳細說明了多達400件有缺陷的飛機零部件的損失和處理不當。

The allegations were brought to light by a U.S. Senate subcommittee, which released the details to members, Bloomberg reports.


Boeing has acknowledged the receipt of the complaint and is currently reviewing the claims. The allegations have prompted intensified scrutiny from various federal agencies, including the Justice Department, which is considering charges against Boeing for past safety lapses.


Also Read: Boeing And Airbus Under FAA Investigation For Authenticity Of Titanium Parts In Some Jets: Report

另外閱讀: 波音和空客因飛機部件的鈦材料真實性受到美國聯邦航空規章委員會的調查。

These new allegations add another layer of complexity as Boeing works to restore trust in its 737 Max series, previously grounded after two fatal crashes.

這些新指控在波音努力恢復其因兩次致命墜機而被停飛的737 Max系列飛機所受信任之際,給其增加了另一層複雜性。

The Senate's Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, which released Mohawk's complaint, is actively probing Boeing's practices.


This inquiry is part of broader efforts to ensure that manufacturing speeds and cost-cutting measures do not compromise aircraft safety.


The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has reported a significant increase in whistleblower activities since early this year, underscoring a growing culture of safety awareness among Boeing employees.


The CEO, David Calhoun, is set to appear before senators on Tuesday, where he will be questioned about the company's safety measures amid ongoing investigations.


Boeing stock has lost 16% in the last 12 months. Investors can gain exposure to the stock via IShares U.S. Aerospace & Defense ETF (BATS:ITA) and Invesco Aerospace & Defense ETF (NYSE:PPA).

在過去的12個月中,波音股價下跌了16%。投資者可以通過iShares U.S. Aerospace & Defense ETF(BATS:ITA)和景順航空航天ETF(紐交所:PPA)獲得該股票的曝光度。

Price Action: BA shares are trading lower by 2.25% at $174.45 at last check Tuesday.


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