
Electrification 101: How Fleets and Utilities Can Work Together To Unlock Electrified Transportation

Electrification 101: How Fleets and Utilities Can Work Together To Unlock Electrified Transportation

Accesswire ·  06/18 22:15

Fleets and utilities can become leaders in the emerging vehicle electrification space by working together to drive proactive grid investments.


By Kriti Singh and Caitlin Odom (both of RMI)

作者:克里蒂·辛格和凱特琳·奧多姆(均爲 RMI)

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / June 18, 2024 / More and more companies are committing to electrify their vehicle fleets to help drive urgently needed decarbonization of the transportation sector. But to deliver on transportation electrification targets, fleet operators must consider bringing on a new partner: utilities.


Until now, many fleets -- primarily made up of internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles -- have had very limited electric service needs, and therefore no reason to interact deeply with their utilities. But as fleets look to electrify, they need adequate charging infrastructure to be available to plug in their vehicles. Moreover, fleets and utilities must ensure that planning for charging infrastructure happens on a timescale that is compatible with electrification targets: electric cars and trucks can be ordered much faster than utilities can typically plan and build new infrastructure. An unintentional disconnect between fleets and utilities created by the huge complexity of both transportation and electricity networks, and a potential lag in new grid investments, threaten to stall vehicle electrification. But fleets and utilities can become leaders in the emerging vehicle electrification space by tackling this challenge together.


With thousands of electric vehicle fleets gearing up to hit the roads, and thousands of utility jurisdictions responsible for planning, coordination, and collaboration, vehicle electrification is no easy feat. It requires not only a deep understanding of each other's operations, but also a forward-looking view on how transportation electrification will play out across the U.S. With RMI's new GridUp tool, robust data and analytics will inform proactive utility-fleet collaboration by forecasting power demands from vehicle electrification, showing how power will need to be distributed over geography and time. Let's look at the critical considerations that fleets and utilities need to make when collaborating and how they can leverage GridUp to help them proactively plan.

成千上萬的電動汽車車隊正準備上路,成千上萬的公用事業司法管轄區負責規劃、協調和協作,汽車電氣化絕非易事。這不僅需要對彼此的運營有深入的了解,還需要對美國各地的交通電氣化將如何發展有前瞻性的看法。藉助RMI的新GridUp工具,強大的數據和分析將通過預測汽車電氣化的電力需求,顯示在地理和時間內需要如何分配電力,爲公用事業與車隊的積極合作提供信息。讓我們來看看車隊和公用事業公司在協作時需要考慮的關鍵因素,以及他們如何利用 GridUp 來幫助他們主動進行規劃。

For fleets and utilities to effectively work together to support electrification at the pace needed, they must bridge gaps in information sharing. Increasing avenues for data sharing through intentional collaborations will enable utilities to gain clearer insight into fleet electrification plans now and, in the future, provide the necessary infrastructure support required for large scale electrification that fleets desire. Further, both fleets and utilities will need to adopt new expertise and planning capabilities.


From a fleet perspective, incorporating utility engagement into their planning process requires developing new expertise within their operations. Fleets must understand how to effectively engage with utilities by creating an understanding of the following:


  • How local utilities work in each of the geographies in which their fleets operate
  • What kinds of data utilities need from fleets and how to gather and share this data
  • What a utility interconnection process looks like and how to navigate it
  • How utilities are regulated and what they can and cannot do
  • 當地公用事業在其車隊運營的每個地區如何運作
  • 艦隊需要哪些類型的數據實用程序以及如何收集和共享這些數據
  • 公用事業互連過程是什麼樣子以及如何駕駛
  • 公用事業如何監管以及它們能做什麼和不能做什麼

From a utility perspective, servicing electric vehicle charging infrastructure requires a new type of planning, which makes information sharing more important. Electric vehicle fleets differ from loads that utilities are used to accommodating in how they operate, what equipment they use, and what functions they carry out. Unlike buildings-related loads, fleets demand electricity in bursts, creating peaks of electricity demand on the grid. However, fleets are also uniquely flexible in shaping what that demand looks like.


For example, an electric truck fleet that is able to charge at night, when power demand is usually lower, will be much easier to accommodate than a fleet that charges at peak hours. Sharing this information with utilities upfront would enable utilities to provide information about cost and timeline implications for building make-ready infrastructure and fee structures for charging. Furthermore, if peak charging loads can coincide with lower overall usage of the grid, fleets may be able to electrify and charge today without having to wait for new grid capacity to be developed. This process - known as flexible interconnections - allow depots to draw more power from the grid when overall demand is low. When fleets proactively assess their charging and energy demands, utilities can better understand how those demands fit into overall grid operations and determine the most efficient, cost-conscious path to connecting them with the needed charging infrastructure.


Incorporating information sharing at multiple points of the planning process can increase efficiency. RMI's GridUp tool can help streamline the process of information sharing from fleets to utilities. The tool can provide utilities with aggregate data showing how the grid will be impacted by charger use. As a result, utilities can also plan for how to prepare the grid for growing efforts to electrify all sectors of transportation. As the EV revolution kicks into the next gear, it's critical that utilities and fleet operators work together to ensure that necessary upgrades and new infrastructure constructure happens in the most time and cost-effective way.

在規劃過程的多個階段納入信息共享可以提高效率。RMI 的 GridUp 工具可以幫助簡化從車隊到公用事業的信息共享流程。該工具可以爲公用事業提供彙總數據,顯示充電器的使用將如何影響電網。因此,公用事業公司還可以規劃如何爲電網做好準備,以應對越來越多的交通部門電氣化工作。隨着電動汽車革命進入下一個階段,公用事業和車隊運營商必須共同努力,確保以最及時和最具成本效益的方式進行必要的升級和新的基礎設施結構。

FedEx Cares reproduced this article with permission from RMI. The GridUp tool and Electrification 101 article series are supported by a generous grant from FedEx.

FedEx Cares 轉載了這篇文章 獲得 RMI 的許可。GridUp 工具和《電氣化 101》系列文章由 聯邦快遞的慷慨資助.

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在 上查看聯邦快遞公司的更多多媒體和更多 ESG 故事。

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Spokesperson: FedEx Corporation


SOURCE: FedEx Corporation


